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"Winchester! Novak!" The teacher yells from inside the class, saving Cas.
Dean smiles and pokes his head into the room.
"Mhm?" Dean asks.
"You are both free to come back in. I talked with the principal. Neither of you are in trouble for this, incident." The teacher rolls her eyes as if she thinks they should be.
Dean turns back to Cas quickly,
"Meet me after school. Black 67' Impala." he nods and smiles before heading back in.
Cas follows quickly.
The smaller boy can't help but wonder what's going to happen after school. He's probably just going to beat him up. But at least Dean seems better than that.
For that reason alone the day seems endless.
Once final bell rings Cas hurries out of his class to his locker. He had made up his mind. No matter how many merit badges this guy gets for helping him against Josh he can't trust him.
Cas doesn't have a car, and sense his dads death, he won't for a while.
The Novak family income is pretty low.
So he starts off on his usual route home, a small 25 minute walk.
Cas gets outside the school, his collared blue button up shirt crinkled under the books pressed to his chest.
"Watch out nerd!" One boy yells in a squeaky voice.
The boy then attempts to slap down the books but Cas doesn't allow that.
Instead he holds them firmly, making sure this guy won't overpower him.
"Watch where you're going douche-pants." Cas replies, a small crowd forms.
Great, with his smart mouth he managed to get into another fight.
The Novak boy quietly drops his books onto the grass and puts up his arms in defense.
Cas doesn't take the first punch, he uses his opponents punch to gage his strength and plan.
Sure enough, right handed, probably plays to many video games.
Cas low blocks the right punch and then swings a left. Right to the jaw, hard.
The guy stumbles back into his friends holding his face.
"What? It's not like you even have a jawline for me to hit." Cas laughs with a sudden boost of confidence.
Cue gasps from the ever growing crowd. A few more students start walking over to Cas.
Crap. He couldn't take all four seniors at once. What was he thinking.
Cas attempts to fight back but punch after punch lands on it's target and Cas misses most times.
Before things get any worse a few teachers and police officers come in with handcuffs.
Cas feels a yank on his shirt before he is pulled back forcefully. He sways as he comes to realize, it's Dean.
"Nice job." Dean smirks, "Now let's go clean you up at my place."
Dean leads Cas over to the car, ignoring the whole mess behind them.

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