Chapter 45 - The truth

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So guys here is the next update, I hope you guys will like it😊

Abhi's goons informed him about seeing Ranbir, and he said there is one way to bring him in front of me, to which all smirked at that.

Abhi: "So, you've finally spotted Ranbir? Good. We need to bring him to me, no matter what it takes."

Goons: [smirking] "Don't worry, Abhi. We have a plan. He won't be able to escape this time."

To which Abhi smirked at that.

At the pre-wedding party of Ranbir and Tanya, the atmosphere was filled with joy and celebration.
Ranbir, feeling happy for his family, entered the house.

Pallavi: "This party is amazing! I'm so excited for your wedding, Tanya."

Tanya: "I'm glad you're happy, aunty. It's going to be a memorable celebration."

Ranbir then came inside feeling content seeing his family happy came inside the house.

As Ranbir stepped inside, his phone started ringing.
He picked it up, curious about the caller.

Ranbir: "Hello? Who's calling?"
Voice on the phone: *sobs*

Ranbir: "Please, tell me who is this? Why are you crying?"
Voice on the phone: "Hello..."

Ranbir felt that voice very familiar.

Ranbir: "Please! Tell me who is this?"
Voice on the phone: "Hello... it's me, Prachi."

Ranbir's eyes widened in disbelief and shock.

Ranbir: "Prachi? Is it really you?"
Prachi: "Yes Ranbir..! It's me, your Prachi"

To which Ranbir happy hearing that but then his face went gloomy getting reminded of her marriage.

Prachi: "Do you remember me? Did you forget me?"
Ranbir, sadly: "It's not me who forgot you no, you were the one who forgot me"

Prachi: "What? What are you saying Ranbir"
Ranbir: "You got married and went abroad no"
To which Prachi got shocked hearing that.

Prachi: "My marriage? No, Ranbir. Do you think I can even think of doing that when I love you"

To which Ranbir looked on confused.

Ranbir: "But... I thought you got married and went abroad"

Prachi: "Ranbir, I can't believe you thought I got married and went abroad. I've been waiting for you all these years. I never stopped loving you."

Ranbir's voice trembled with a combination of surprise and guilt.

Ranbir: "Prachi, I had no idea. I thought I had lost you forever. I can't believe I let my dad's lies come between us."

Prachi: "Ranbir, our love is stronger than any lie or misunderstanding.
I've held onto the hope of being with you, even when the circumstances seemed against us."

Ranbir's heart ached as he realized the depth of Prachi's love and the pain she had endured in their separation.

Ranbir: "Prachi, I'm so sorry. I should have trusted my own feelings and fought for us.
I can't imagine the pain you've gone through all this time."

Prachi: "It's in the past now, Ranbir. What matters is that we have the chance to be together again. Let's not waste it."

Ranbir's determination grew stronger as he made a promise to himself and to Prachi.

Ranbir: "You're right, Prachi. I won't let anything or anyone come between us again. I'll fight for our love and make things right."

Prachi: "I believe in us, Ranbir. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. We've waited long enough, and now it's time for our happiness."

Ranbir's heart swelled with hope and renewed commitment.

Ranbir: "Prachi, I'll find you. We'll confront your dad, and we'll face whatever challenges come our way. Our love deserves a chance."

Prachi: "I'll be waiting, Ranbir. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you."

As Prachi's call was abruptly ended by her father, Abhi, she felt a surge of anger rising within her. Determined to confront him, she marched towards his study.

On the other side:
Ranbir was calling her again and again but she didn't pick up the call.

Prachi: "Dad, I need to talk to him! You can't just dismiss me like that."

Abhi, wearing a smirk on his face, turned to face Prachi.

Abhi: "Oh, Prachi, what is there left to talk about? I've made my decision, and you will marry Nikhil."

Prachi's eyes blazed with defiance, her voice filled with determination.

Prachi: "No, Dad! I won't marry Nikhil, and I won't let you dictate my life. I love Ranbir, and I will marry him."

Abhi's face contorted with anger as he grabbed Prachi's arm forcefully.

Abhi: "You will do as I say! How dare you defy me? I won't let you ruin our family's reputation."

Prachi winced in pain but refused to back down, her voice steady with resolute defiance.

Prachi: "You can't control my happiness, Dad. I won't sacrifice my love for your reputation. I will marry Ranbir, and nothing you do can change that."

Infuriated by Prachi's unwavering determination, Abhi's anger got the best of him.
He raised his hand and slapped Prachi, leaving a red mark on her cheek.

Prachi, shocked and hurt, held her cheek but remained defiant.

Prachi: "You can try to break me, Dad, but you won't succeed. I will fight for my love, and I'll never give up on Ranbir."

Abhi's face twisted with rage as he forcefully grabbed Prachi's arm and dragged her towards her room.

Abhi: "You will stay locked in this room until you come to your senses. I won't let you ruin everything I've worked for."

Prachi, though locked in her room, refused to let despair consume her. She knew that her love for Ranbir was stronger than any obstacle thrown her way.
With unwavering determination, she vowed to find a way to break free and reunite with Ranbir, for their love was a force that couldn't be contained by anyone, not even her own father.

On Ranbir's side:

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ranbir ended the call, ready to face the truth and fight for the love he had thought was lost.
He knew that he and Prachi had endured enough pain and separation, and now it was time to reclaim their happiness together.

Ranbir's heart sank as he realized the depth of the lie his father had told him. His anger started to rise.

Ranbir, his voice filled with determination and frustration, confronted Vikram about his decision to lie.

Ranbir: "Dad! How could you do this?"
Vikram: "What did I do Ranbir?"

Ranbir: "Oh really dad? You forgot? Why did you lie to me that Prachi got married to someone else and went abroad?"
To which Vikram, Pallavi and Dida got shocked.

Ranbir: "Dad, how could you expect me to get married to Tanya and leave Prachi behind? She's waited for me for five years, Dad. I can't just abandon her like that."

Vikram: "Ranbir, I understand your feelings, but we were left with no other choice. Abhi's threats put all of us in a difficult position."

Ranbir: "I don't care, Dad! You should have trusted me and let me handle the situation. Prachi means everything to me, and I won't let her go."

Vikram: "Ranbir, I know you love Prachi, but we need to consider everyone's safety. Abhi's threats were real, and I couldn't risk losing you."

Ranbir's eyes filled with tears, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and sadness.

Ranbir: "I can't believe you would prioritize my safety over my happiness, over our love, Dad. How could you make such a decision for me?"

Vikram: "I made a difficult choice, Ranbir. I thought it was the best way to protect our family. I never wanted to see you hurt."

Ranbir: "Well, Dad, you've hurt me more than you can imagine. I can't go through with this wedding. I won't let Prachi suffer because of your lies."

Vikram: "Ranbir, please understand. I did what I thought was right in that moment. I never wanted to hurt you or Prachi."

Ranbir: "It's too late for apologies, Dad. You've shattered my trust. I need to find Prachi and make things right. I won't let anyone come between us."

Vikram: "Ranbir, I hope you'll eventually understand my intentions. Just remember that I love you, and all I wanted was to protect our family."

Upon learning the truth from Dida, Ranbir's grandmother, about Abhi's actions and Prachi's confinement, a fire ignited within Ranbir's heart.
He knew he had to bring Prachi back, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

Dida: "Ranbir, you must go and bring Prachi back. Don't let anything or anyone come between your love."

Ranbir's determination grew stronger, fueled by Dida's support.

Ranbir: "You're right, Dida. I won't let Prachi suffer because of my father's actions. I'll bring her back, and we'll face this together."

Vikram and Pallavi, Ranbir's parents, stood beside him, their unwavering support evident in their words.

Vikram: "Son, we believe in you. We know the depth of your love for Prachi. We'll be waiting for both of you in this house."

Pallavi: "Yes, Ranbir. Our doors will always be open for you and Prachi. We'll stand by your side, no matter what."

Ranbir's gratitude and determination intensified as he embraced his parents' words.

Ranbir: "Thank you, Mom and Dad. Your support means everything to me. I won't let anything or anyone separate our family."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ranbir set forth on his mission to bring Prachi back. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but his love for her was unyielding.

As he embarked on his journey, he held onto the promise of reuniting with Prachi and returning to the loving embrace of his family. No matter what challenges awaited them, Ranbir was determined to overcome them and pave the way for a future filled with love, understanding, and togetherness.

So guys here is the next chapter, I hope you guys will like it😊
Please vote and comment😊

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