Promise? {Platonic Logically}

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Based on something that happened yesterday/last night.

If the person who I experienced this with is reading this, this is, in some ways, a thank you I guess. Love ya' platonically. ❤️

Trigger Warnings: mention of self harm, thoughts of self harm, implied self harm

This will be mainly told through "texts," while some parts may not be. Since this was a comment chain. Some parts of this are changed or worded differently, though.

Dad 🐶 added Logan🧠, Prince Roman👑 and Anxious Son❤️ to "Fam ILY"

Pat 🐶: Guys! Look what happened to me!

Prince Roman👑: WHAT HAPPENED CHAILD?!?!!?

Logan 🧠: *What happened, child?
Your grammar is horrendous, Roman. Anyways, what happened, Patton?

Anxious Son❤️: please change my username back I absolutely hate it

Anxious Son❤️: but seriously what happened? you didn't send a picture or anything and I can already hear Princey screaming from his room.

Prince Roman 👑: ?!EXCOUSE MOI?!

Anxious Son❤️: I swear I just heard Logan sigh from my room. and his room is far away from mine how are you doing this Logan

Logan 🧠: You two have horrendous grammar.

Pat 🐶: oh! Right! Sorry! I forgot to send it!

*insert image of an arm with scratches that kind of looks like cuts on it here*

Anxious Son ❤️: oh my....


Pat 🐶: I was playing with puppies in the imagination. Then a couple bit and scratched me. No big deal!!


Anxious Son❤️: y did u send us that

Pat 🐶: I wanted to try and prank you guys. And you guys fell for it! Ha! I pranked you all! 😜

Prince Roman👑: OOOOF

Anxious Son❤️: hey guys, doesn't something

Pat 🐶: Hm? What is it, kiddo?

Anxious Son❤️: I mean, that nobody is correcting us when we forget a period


Prince Roman👑: ....

Prince Roman👑: OH MY- YOUR RIGHT!¡!¡!!

Pat 🐶: I'm gonna go check on him now, kiddos. Be right back! Love ya'! ❤️

Patton set down his phone, a bit worried for Logan. He usually responded, mainly to correct their grammar, if he was in any chats with them.

He walked towards Logan's door, and gave it a slight knock.

No response.

Patton knocked on the door again, this time a bit louder.

Still, no response.

Patton sighed, thinking Logan must be busy. He went back to his room, before getting an idea.

Pat 🐶: Hiya, Logan!

Logan 🧠: *Hey, Logan!
Greetings and salutations, Patton.

Pat 🐶: So, was knocking on your door, just to check on you and I got no answer. Why?

Logan looked at the text and sighed, taking a glance at his wrist. The small scars that were on Logan's wrist were slowly fading away.

He took a quick look at his leg, sighing once more. Even though it couldn't be seen since Logan was more pants, he self harmed on his thighs/legs.

That was the only logical reasoning to him. It would cover up the scars. But for some odd reason, he just...couldn't tell Patton...he'd think he's weird and hate him. Or, even go all "dad mode" on Logan.

Logan 🧠: I was just getting some work done, that's all.

Pat 🐶: that why you haven't been responding to our group chat?! About the dogs making my arm like...that? Did you not see it?

Logan 🧠: No, Patton. I saw it. I just thought that you...harmed yourself. I would know, since I have....personal experiences.

Pat 🐶: Oh! Sorry about that! I was just pranking you sorry to get you worried!

Pat 🐶: Oh, and I have a question. Logam, what do you mean by "personal experiences"?

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crappity. Crap. Crap.

He let it slip. Logan messed up.

Logan didn't mean to put it in there. He didn't really want Patton to know...but he also kind of did. So he put it in there.

"Maybe I should just" He muttered, quickly replying back.

Logan 🧠: Shoot. It appears that the metaphorical beans have been spilled.

Pat 🐶: Logan, I don't give a crap about the metaphorical beans.


Logan 🧠: Crap.

Pat 🐶: Please....just answer the question, Logan.

Logan 🧠: Let's just say...I've had certain thoughts and not being able to handle certain feelings...that had let me to the past...

Logan 🧠: I'd...rather not share more...

Pat 🐶: Logan...promise me that you won't do that anymore. Please, I know that it may sound like I'm being "basic," but in some ways I know where your coming from.

Logan 🧠: Pardon?

Pat 🐶: I've never done anything, but  I've thought about it.

Logan 🧠: Oh.

Logan 🧠: I promise. And recently, I haven't been doing it.

Pat 🐶: That's good!

Logan 🧠: I guess.

The two sides just sat in their own rooms, silent.

Logan, being grateful that he had finally opened up to someone about it and that Patton was helpful and still loved him platonically. And that he actually cared.

And Patton, happy to know that his friend made a promise to him not to harm himself. And happy that Logan didn't somehow get mad at him.

Logan didn't know it, but to Patton he's his closest friend. He's always really cared about Logan. In a platonic way, though. Patton didn't know what he would do if Logan just....left one day.

Logan felt the same way Patton felt about him, but Patton wasn't really aware of that. Logan never truly expresses any feelings. Sometimes when he does, the others are usually really shocked. So Logan hides them away, still not really understanding all those...awful, icky, complicated feelings.

Ten minutes passed, and the two sides soon heard a 'buzz' from both of their phones.

AnxiousVirge: Hey, Logan? Patton? would you guys like to watch a movie?

AnxiousVirge: it was Roman's idea and I also finally changed my username back so hA

Pat 🐶: Sure!!!! What about you, Logan????

Logan 🧠: *Sure. What about you, Logan?
I would indeed like to join you.

Logan 🧠: Oh, and Patton? Thanks know. What you said to me and all that.

Pat 🐶: Aw, your welcome!!

AnxiousVirge: I don't know what you guys are talking about but be prepared. romano chose a Disney movie and you know how he likes to yell-sing those songs

Prince Roman 👑: INDEED I DID!!!!!!!!!!

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