Chapter 12 | Ninety Days

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So it's back here again, is it? Sitting in a courtroom, wasting everyone's time while I'm bound and drugged. If you did this to a free man or woman, it'd be a crime and inhumane. But because I'm a murderer, it's socially acceptable to put me in a straitjacket and force medication upon me. I have no will. Even for a criminal, shouldn't "no" always be a basic human right? Suppose it depends on who you ask.

I had been doing so damn well. The guards trusted me, I wasn't on any watch lists, and my medication was down to the minimum. Then Ricky had to come into my life and fuck it up. This is his fucking fault! He's the one that made me feel like such trash. He set me off, and now I'm the one paying the price for exploding.

"Mr. Sola, I don't know what compelled you to act out after I had thought therapy had liberated you." The judge said. "Nonetheless, there is no arguing that you killed those three security guards. We have countless eye-witnesses, security footage of you committing the crime, and your fingerprints all over the victims. I'm adding 270 years onto your sentence, and ordering ninety days in solitary confinement and an additional three hours therapy a week on top of your usual two. Your nurse can continue your medication as she sees fit, but I will be encouraging her to higher your dosages."

The old man pounded his gavel against his post. He then stood up and walked back to his chambers. That's just fucking fabulous. It's not like the 270 years will matter. I'm already sentenced to about thirty or forty lifetimes, but three months in the hotbox is going to kill me. I don't like to be alone. Even when I was free, I'd always keep a victim or two tied up in the basement just because I didn't want the silence to eat me alive.

This is all Ricky's fault. I would have never blown up like that if it weren't for him. And now, I can't watch him. Hopefully Chris will because if something happens to Ricky, Mike gets thrown back in solitary, probably for good. Everyone else will blame me for it too.

Before I knew it, I had been escorted back to the prison from the courthouse. Nurse Jackie came up to me while one of the guards held me at bay. She didn't say anything. Just gave me a dirty look before tightening the straps on the straitjacket even tighter, until I could barely breathe. Bitch. I'd kill her next but she is pretty liberal about my medication and treatments.

"Do I have to wear this? You know I'm not crazy." I growled to her.

"I'd leave you in cuffs but I've seen you murder even with your hands restrained. And, honey, if you think you're not crazy, you got another thing comin'." She snit.

I fucking hate that cunt. Nurse Jackie waved her hand to signal them to take me away. I was thrown into a room without any windows. There wasn't even bars on the front. It was just a door, with one small opening in the front. White walls and silence. This is going to be my Hell for the next three months. Three fucking months. Even worse, it's currently the middle of fall. By the time I get put back into general population, it'll be the dead of winter and I won't get to go outside. Let's hope I don't lose it even more than I already have.

3 Months Later

"You ready to go back to a normal schedule?" The warden teased me as he fiddled with his key.

"I'm ready to see anyone that's not a you, a nurse, or a guard. I'm ready to actually get to do something productive too." I replied, impatiently waiting on him.

"Good, because you don't get a break. You're going straight down to the kitchen to help prep breakfast." He said as he opened the door.

Eventually they had taken the straitjacket off, but my hands had still been cuffed for the duration of my punishment. No one even tells me anything. I don't know if Ricky is alive, or any of the others for that matter. I'll just be happy to see someone I trust. I know everyone else will most likely be fine, but I do worry about Ricky.

I had a lot of time to think while I was in there. What else can I do? I thought about everything that had to do with Ricky and I think I sorted out my feelings. Key word: think. I don't want to jump the gun before I know who he truly is. If we're both going to be doing life here, we could use someone to lean on... someone to love. That's a four letter word, I know, but it keeps coming up in my debates with myself.

Maybe it'd be best to get a second opinion. I was going to tell Chris anyways. You know, before three months of being ex-communicated got in the way. Lucky me, I was going right back to my usual routine and I'd be seeing him this morning. The warden had a guard walk me down to the prison kitchen. Everyone stared when I was walked through the door. Guess they need something to get them off when they have such boring lives.

The guard took off my handcuffs, finally. He went to leave and as soon as he did, Chris tackled me with a hug. "We've missed you." He muttered to me.

"I missed you guys too. I missed just being able to do anything other than sit in a room by myself." I told him honestly.

"Well we can definitely put you to work. Morning crew has been a little short staffed." Chris replied while I followed him back to the walk-in fridge. "You're not the only one that's been acting up. It seems like most the prison has an attitude. The only bonus of everyone else acting out is I'm getting major favor with the guards."

"Oh yeah? How's that working out for you?" I teased him as I lifted a crate of fruit.

However I failed and almost dropped it. Chris quickly caught it, sighing. "You lost a lot of weight while you were away. You're becoming more of a bottom than ever." He said, to which I gave him a dirty look and he laughed. "Speaking of bottoms, to answer your question, it's working out very well for me." Chris winked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered, "Guards kinda... turned their backs for a while and let me have a conjugal visit with Angelo."

My jaw dropped to hear him say that. I was more shocked he told me than I was it happened. Chris was rather proud of it and I could understand that. Conjugal visits aren't aloud in this prison, but if you're on your best behavior they might make an unofficial exception. He didn't really have anyone else he could brag to about it since they have a secret relationship. I understand why he told me.

"I'm sure it was long overdue." I smirked. "But what do you mean everyone else has been acting out? Is Ricky okay?"

"Um, funny you bring up Ricky. Angelo did find some info on him and I told him to wait to tell us until you're out of solitary. He's coming to visit today to let us know what he found." Chris responded.

"That's great, but it doesn't answer my question. Is Ricky okay?" I forcefully asked.

He sighed, but it wasn't playful like before. This was the kind of sigh when you don't want to tell the truth. "Something happened with Ricky, but I'll get to that. First you should know what happened with everyone else. The jury found Ryan-Ashley guilty. Josh lost in when he found out. They moved him over to the mental ward for a while. I don't know when he's coming back. The feds caught Vinny's father and put him in this prison. He tries to strangle Vinny any chance he gets and Ryan has got in some trouble defending him a few times. Got a concussion once, broke his collarbone another time. This most recent time he got his arm put out of socket."

"I'm gone three months and everything falls apart." I mumbled.

"You don't know the half of it. That all, we expected, but something happened with Ricky that we didn't expect. At least I know I didn't. A few days after you were missing, the guards had told us you were going to be gone for a while, so of course Mike took advantage of the situation. We were all in the showers when Mike grabbed Ricky and pressed him up against the wall."

"He raped Ricky?" I interrupted with gritted teeth.

"Hold on, let me finish." He said. "He was going to, but Ricky somehow pushed Mike back. He threw Mike over his shoulder and into the ground. He was in the hospital for days because it fractured a few vertebrae in his back, and even now he still can't walk straight. Devin, what Ricky did... That is way beyond the ability of a supposed librarian."

"You don't think I know that?" I snapped.

"Sola! Cerulli!" A guard called before I could say anymore. "You have a visitor here to see you."

"Angelo seemed pretty... weary, of whatever he had found out about Ricky. After being around him for three months, I have a pretty heavy feeling that he's not who he says he is." Chris stated.

I groaned. "Yeah, I kind of figured that out. C'mon, let's go. I want some fucking answers, now."

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