Chapter 13 | Harlequin

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A million thoughts were racing through my mind. I had no idea who Ricky was anymore. Honestly, I had come to believe the story he told me. I accepted that as who he was, and now I find out he's probably so much more. Fuck, this is what I get for not trusting my instincts. I always knew there was something off about him.

"You don't look good." Angelo said as he sat down. "Have you been eating?"

"It's just depression. I get it bad when I have to be alone." I replied truthfully. "Please, just tell me the truth about Ricky."

"You're eager to know." He speculated.

"I need to know, Ange. Something isn't right about this whole thing." I spoke somewhat desperately.

Angelo took a deep breath and placed his hands in Chris'. The guards just let it happen. They obviously are letting him get away with a lot. Chris picked up his hand and kissed his knuckles, whispering an "I missed you." Ange mouthed it back before turing his attention to me.

"I was thinking I'd find one or two articles about it and that'd be it, but it wasn't. I found story after story, case after case. There was hours worth to read. The only thing true about his story was that he did kill the man he was with and that's how he got caught, but everything else was bullshit. Garth wasn't his boyfriend, he was his husband. He wasn't the abusive one in the relationship either, Ricky was. He definitely wan't a librarian. More like, the real life Dexter."

"You mean Garth wasn't the only person he killed?" Chris asked.

"Far from it. Ricky was an FBI agent, probably why he can act as well as he does. When criminals slipped through the system, he'd make sure justice was still served. He'd kidnap them and kill them, brutally. I mean sick shit that would give you a run for your money." He said to me. "The detectives on the case said in one of the articles I read that they had no idea how many people he had killed, but they estimated over a hundred. Killing criminals eventually wasn't enough. One night he snapped and murdered his partner, then went home and killed Garth. That's when he got caught."

"Why lie to us?" I wondered aloud. "Why put up a front? What's the point? We're doing life together! I'd find our eventually."

"It gets better. Or worse, depending on how you look at it." Angelo replied. "20/20 did an interview with his sister. She said he went into the police force to redeem himself because he did a lot of illegal shit when he was a teenager."

I growled under my breath, already furious about being lied to. How could this possibly get worse? "What?" I asked.

Hesitantly, he responded, "He did underage prostitution and sex tapes to make some money when he was sixteen."

"So he's an ex-professional whore turned FBI agent by day, murderer by night?" I clarified just to make sure I understood this in full. Angelo nodded and I tried my best not to lose it. "That's just fucking fabulous. Great. I'm going to let you two have some alone time, while I go have a little talk with my killer harlot fed."

I stood up from the table. One of the guards got prepared to walk me back to a cell I haven't been to in months.

"Don't kill him." Chris joked.

I'm not going to kill him. He's too hot to kill, but I'm going to have a nice long conversation with him. Depending on how it goes, it might end with my dick down his throat. Whether that be because he gives me a good reason for all this or I decide some hatefuck is appropriate. Ricky may have lied to me, but I still wanted to fuck him. He's a hot piece of ass.

What's the point in lying? Even if I'm angry he lied, I'm happy to know he's just as crazy as me. It kind of makes him even sexier. Damn, I should be pissed that he lied, but I just want to fuck him. I bet he knows how to fuck good if he used to do it for a living. On second thought, I'm even more excited to see him now.

The guard brought me back to my old cell. Ah, it was nice to be home. Ricky was sitting on the lower bed, reading through a book. He looked up at me and instantly smiled. He has to have such a beautiful smile, doesn't he? Ricky closed his book and sat up while the guard opened the cell. He undid the cuffs on my hands and closed the door once again.

"You're back." Ricky said in a small voice. He kept his arms crossed over his chest in a timid fashion.

"Drop the act." I sneered.

"Wh-what?" He asked innocently.

I narrowed my eyes. Then I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him to his feet. "I know the truth about who you are. You're not a cute little librarian with an abusive boyfriend that you just shot. I'm going to give you one chance to be honest, and remember I know now what the truth is."

Ricky sighed. The softness in his eyes disappeared. He relaxed his shoulders and stopped acting so fucking tense. "Fine, you caught me." He scoffed. "I grew up trailer park trash but always got good grades. My teachers told me I was smart enough to get a scholarship someday and I held onto that. I kept working hard, but my home life caught up to me. We were out of money so in high school I sold the one thing I had left; myself. Obviously it left me with guilt and when I did get a scholarship for the police academy, I decided it was the best for me. That's where I met Garth. We got married right after he graduated. I continued my training until I was a federal agent. My partner, Crystal, and I were on a bust when I had to use lethal force. Killed the guy and I realized, I got a sick rush from murder. It just went from there. I only took out people who deserved it though."

"Did Garth and Crystal deserve it?" I questioned.

He thought for a moment. Then he looked me dead in the eyes with a cunning smile as he replied, "You're a murderer. You know you eventually become numb to who it is, and just want to kill."

"Yeah." I snit, fighting a smile. "So why'd you lie?"

"I killed criminals. The people here probably wouldn't be too happy to hear that. It's like if I was a Nazi and I got locked up with Jews. They wouldn't be welcoming with open arms." Ricky explained. "You don't seem too mad about it."

"I don't care who you killed. I just like knowing you're as blood thirsty as I am." I grinned. I placed my hand around his waist.

He looked up into my eyes and copied my evil smile. "You're turned on by this, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah, babe." I replied. I softly kissed him and let my arms wrap around him some more. Ricky tangled his hands in my hair. He giggled as we parted, sounding just as crazy as me. "Let me ask you something?"


"There's one thing I know you didn't fake, and that was your passion for me. I can feel it in the way you kiss me. There's something so different about you that I like. Now that I know you're evil like me, I like you even more, Baby."

"So what are you saying?" He asked.

I took a deep look into those ocean eyes. "Be my partner in crime?"

Ricky still smiled, but looked at me suspiciously. "Your boyfriend?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Sweetheart. I mean, you are my idea of perfect. You've got this sexy body, beautiful smile, sparkling eyes, and no sense of sanity. Every Harley Quinn needs their Joker."

"I'd love to. Just so we're clear though, you're the Harley in this relationship."

I snickered. "I'm not arguing. Even though I'm pan, I prefer to be a girl when I'm with a guy. I'm a power bottom anyways."

Ricky brought his lips closer to me and whispered, "Why don't you show me, then?"

I laughed evilly and closed the small space between us. Our lips fit perfectly together. I know this is right, even if other people wouldn't think so. We might be crazy but that doesn't mean we can't love each other. Love is a strong word to use... I know I have strong feelings for Ricky. Strong enough that they drove me to kill three people and I needed a few months in solitary to sort them out. The second I found out that he wasn't delicate, but in fact a villain like me, it made this all a lot easier.

Now to show him what he's been missing... Hehe...

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