Chapter 14 | Skeleton Key

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I've never felt so calm in my life. Me, calm. Yeah, never thought I'd hear that one either. My head laid on Ricky's chest as he repeatedly ran his hand over my messy hair. This was so different from anything I've ever felt before. For once, the anger was gone. I just wanted to lay here with him forever.

The sex is different too. There was no aggression or hatred, just passion. He touched me so gently. Now I understood the difference between sex and making love. And all I wanted was to spend forever with him because of it. I never thought I'd say these kind of things. That's how much he's changed me. He's broken down my walls, destroyed every part of me that thought I didn't need anyone else. I just wish we could run away together and get away from these stone walls.

"I forgot, sex is a lot better when you don't hate the person you're fucking." Ricky somberly joked.

I glanced up at him and gave him a playful dirty look. "I'm glad to know I'm at least above hatred on your list of people you screw." I sarcastically remarked.

He laughed. "What? Would you rather I counted you on the same level as my husband that I murdered or my straight boss that I screwed to get away with shit?"

"Straight boss? You haven't told me this part of the story." I mused.

"Well she obviously didn't let me get away with everything or else I wouldn't be here. I had a habit over using lethal force on the field when it wasn't called for, and she'd turn her back when it happened as long as I had an affair with her." He said.

"So you're bi?" I asked.

"Nope." Ricky chirped. "I have no interest in women whatsoever, but she didn't know it. Her name is April, and she's a little... nuts. She was and still is obsessed with me. She came to visit me twice while you were in the hotbox. I still acted like I liked her incase I need her in the future."

"It's not like she can bust us out of here." I muttered.

"No, she can have us transferred to another prison if we decide we don't like it here, though. I'm surprised by now you haven't come up with a way to escape." He replied.

"Oh, trust me, I think of it constantly. I haven't been able to come up with a good plan. It is a high security prison, after all." I spoke as I slowly sat up. Then I sat there for a moment in silence as I thought about what he had just said. "Wait, what do you mean she could get us transferred prisons?"

"I just have to ask her, and she'll have us moved to whatever prison we want as long as it's still in the state. Why? -Oh no, you just got an idea didn't you?" Ricky cautiously asked.

I let the thought simmer with me for a few moments before replying, "Possibly, but I really need to think this one out. Just give me a little time."

2 Months Later

And you can bet your ass it's all I did think about. Well, when I wasn't thinking about Ricky. The guys did catch on to what was going on between us and Chris told everyone else the truth about Ricky. Luckily everyone was accepting of it and we kept that truth just between us. Ricky doesn't know just how much he's come to mean to me.

He not only managed to make me fall in love with him, but he's also brought me the key to our freedom. What Ricky said, about April, stayed on my mind constantly. I finally got all the puzzle pieces together. It's just taken time. I've made him be extra nice to her and even push it to act like he loves her. She's been falling for it easily. I wrote a letter to Angelo, asking for him to provide a few outside items for me. Of course because I had to send it through snail mail, it took a while. It was just more time for Ricky to "bond" with April.

The warden approached our cell with a box in his hands. Ricky wasn't here right now, because his work goes a little later than mine. I hated the time I had to spend away from him. It is health that we aren't around each other constantly, but I do miss him while he's gone. Just incase something were to go wrong in the next few weeks and we got separated, I asked Angelo to send me a little something I could give Ricky. Amongst, a few other things.

"Your normal shipment from Mr. Parente." The warden said as he handed me a few books through the bars. I hopped up on my top bunk, where he couldn't see me very well, and set them down. "Looks like there's a package for Olson too."

I quickly skimmed through one of the books to find exactly what I was looking for, embedded in the pages. There was a note and a nail file. "He's working at the printing press right now, but I'll make sure I'll get it to him." I replied. While I spoke, I reached back and grabbed another one of my books. I very slyly stuck the file inside, then jumped down from my bed.

The warden handed a small black box to me, giving me the evil eye. "I trust you will make sure he gets to him."

"Yes, Sir." I replied politely. "I know we're not supposed to share personal belongings, but would it be okay if I let Mike borrow a book or two? Please?"

He sighed. "I don't see why not. You both have been on good behavior lately."

"Thank you." I smiled warmly.

Mike doesn't read, ever. He's more of a drawer, like Balz, but he didn't question it when I decided to randomly give him one of my books. The warden didn't bother to inspect the book either because he figured it couldn't possibly have contraband in it if it's already inside the prison. Once the warden had left, Mike flipped through the pages of novel he was handed. He realized exactly why I had given it to him.

"Thanks for the book, Ghosty." Mike teased me from across the hall.

"No problem." I teased, just as another guard was leading a group of inmates down the line of cells.

After going down the line, he reached our cell. Ricky got shoved back inside once the door was open. Well, that guard must've missed his coffee this morning. We both waited until the crowd was gone. Then we naturally fell into a kiss with each other. Fuck, he felt perfect on my lips. I wrapped my arm around his thin waist. I really hope I get to see him outside of the color orange eventually. Maybe, that could be someday soon.

"I missed you." He mumbled to me.

I rested my forehead against his. "I missed you too. How was your day, Baby Doll?"

"Fine." He sighed, then shrugged. "Just the same as yesterday. Nothing changes."

"Things will, I promise." I replied as I lifted my head up. "Whether it be for better or worst. I got a little something for you."

He seemed shocked. "You did?"

"Yeah, well Angelo did technically but I asked him to get it for you." I nervously laughed. Yeah, even psychotic murderers get nervous around the person they like. "Here. I thought it was appropriate, since you found the key to my heart. A heart, I used to think didn't exist."

Ricky smirked at my comment. Then he opened the box, growing a genuine smile to see an old skeleton key laced on a necklace. It wasn't a shiny diamond, but neither were we. We're rough, rustic, and dare I say creepy. I wanted something that represented that.

"It's beautiful, Devin. I love it." He hugged me around my neck. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. You're the one that made such an evil man like me grow a heart." I replied.

Ricky left one arm over my shoulder. He took the opposite hand and rested it on my cheek. With the most devilish look, he replied, "Oh, Baby, don't you understand? You did the same for me. Who knew it took too non-existent hearts to make two whole ones?"

Yeah, who knew. Who knew that when that timid little raccoon was dropped in my cell, that I would fall for him. And fuck, I fell hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Now it's about time we see the light of day.

A/N: Alright it's been a while since we did a comment question. So, based on the hints I've given you so far, what do you think Ghost's plan to escape is?

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