Chapter 16 | Princess

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Angelo was really the only one not confused by the "other convoy" comment. He knew the most of everyone because he had to set up most of this. Half the guys didn't even know I had a plan to break us out, but they were happy as Hell when they figured out I did.

"Whoa, whoa. Other convoy? I only signed up for shooting two people today!" TJ bitched. Ugh, now I know why Balz never talked fondly of his girlfriend's cousin.

"Don't worry." I replied as I picked up a hatchet from the back of the van. I handed it to Balz, adding, "Balz and I will take care of it."

"You won't have to get any blood on your pretty heels, princess." Balz teased him.

Everyone else laughed it off but TJ wasn't too happy with the comment. He can suck it up. You'd think a stone cold killer would have thicker skin. Whatever, I'll just be happy to get rid of him. TJ is kind of infamous for getting away with shit. He'll find his way out of this just like he always does.

The others got in the back of the van, as not to raise suspicion. Having a bunch of murderers in orange standing on the side of the road might tip off the drivers. Balz and I waited on the backside of the van, keeping our ears perked for what would eventually come. I looked down at the butcher knife in my hand, so happy to run my fingers along my other love. Ricky being the first, of course. It just felt so nice to have something I can really do some damage with.

I could hear in the distance, a heavy vehicle tearing up the loose gravel on the cracked paved road. It came to a sudden holt when they reached the abandon convoy in the middle of the road. We stuffed the bodies inside it and closed the back. All that they could see was the stopped truck. I glanced around the side of the van to see there was only one guard. Ugh, I wanted to kill, but I'll let Balz have this one.

"There's only one guard. Go head." I muttered to him.

He smiled like the madman he was. I walked around to the back of the van, opening it up and setting down the knife. I'll get to use it eventually. I saw Ryan trying his best to patch up Vinny after all that Mike did to him. I know the others weren't happy I used such extreme measures, but Vinny will be fine in the long run. He'll just be left with scars in the shape of a bite mark.

I heard a little screaming from the guard. It was shortly replaced by Balz whistling as he came sauntering around the corner of the convoy. The hatchet was over his shoulder casually. I laughed to myself about how he treated murder so pleasantly.

"So are you going to tell us what's in here?" Balz pondered as myself and the others approached.

"Find out for yourself." I smiled.

I can't wait to see the look on his face. Though I knew very well he took the guard's keys, he decided to undo the lock with his hatchet. He likes to hit things with it, a lot.

"Was that necessary?" TJ asked.

"No, but it was more fun." He responded, then opened the convoy's door. "Ryan!" He practically squealed.

Ryan quickly looked up, confused. "What?!"

"Not you, dumbass." Balz snit. "Ryan-Ashley."

"Oh. Wait, what?" He asked again.

The black haired beauty hopped out the back of the truck, her hands still bound. Balz kissed her as fast as he could. He relaxed into their kiss. He was obviously on cloud nine to have her back. As he unlocked her handcuffs, we heard another female voiced.

"Hey? What am I? Chopped liver?" The second woman joked as she got out.

Her hair was at some point black and red, but it was faded and grown out. The only way I could get Nikki to agree to help us is if I busted this girl out for him. Apparently it was his partner in crime. Or, the main one at least.

"Hey dork." Nikki teased her. He took the keys from Balz and started to undo her cuffs.

"Hey weirdo." She smirked. "Thanks for busting me out."

"Don't thank me. This was all on Ghost." He spoke, pointing back to me.

I shrugged. "It took all of us. These convoys are expected at Bellrev in twenty minutes. That means we have thirty until they get suspicious."

"Where do you plan on going?" Ricky asked me as we began walking towards the van.

"Safehouse in the mountains. Then we're all going to split up, and try to make our way to a safehouse in Washington." I responded.

"That's on the other side of the country!" Mike whined.

I looked up at him with a tired, evil eye. "Exactly."

He looked surprised I snapped at him like that. The truth was, I was a little sick of living and breathing around these guys for as long as I have. I want to run away with Ricky and see some new places, new faces. Plus I just can't wait to get out of these clothes, into my own, and get some makeup on. And fuck, I can't wait to dye my hair for the first time in forever.

Most importantly, I want to have time alone with Ricky. We've always had other people around, even when we're fucking. I can't wait to see him in a sexy outfit and rip it off. It's going to be a dream come true to make love to this angel and have him all to myself. Mine. He's mine.

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