Chapter 17 | Fallen Angel

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It was so surreal to touch anything other than a stone wall. I could see more than the cloudy skies outside a small window. No, I could see everything. The spring flowers were budding along every inch of the mountain terrain. Trees were flourishing, animals returning and waking now that winter was ending. I could finally see life and vibrant colors.

Yes, I do appreciate life, just not the human variety. That is, with the exception of the devils I've run away with. It was a ten minute drive to the cabin. That gave us twenty minutes before we'd have to be on watch for the feds. If only I had more time. I've been locked up for over two years now without any beauty supplies. I need hours to clean up and return to my former glory.

"Barely anyone knows this cabin is still here." Nikki said as we drove up to it. "It was set to be demolished and as far as the government is concerned, it was. They think it doesn't exist anymore."

"They'd expect us to run out of state anyways. You guys would be better off to lay low here for a few days." Ashley suggested.

"She's right, but I can't stay." Angelo replied. "The first place they'll look is my house."

"They'll take you in for questioning if they find you." Chris spoke, obviously upset by the idea of any boy in blue touching what was his.

"That's apart of the plan, Babe. I'm going to lead them off your trail, then once they stop caring about me, I'll meet you out in Washington." He explained as we got out of the van. Angelo stole a peck from him before adding, "I need to get going."

"I just got you back. I don't want you to leave." Chris sulked.

Angelo sighed. "I have to. I love you."

They shared a passionate kiss. Chris returned the "I love you" as they parted ways. They're so cute, just makes me want to vomit. At least it's better than them having a relationship like all of Chris' old ones. He found someone he could love without wanting to strangle.

I didn't stick around to watch Angelo leave. I was anxious to get inside and clean up. This was Nikki and Ash's old place, so I'll let them get us in. This place is too nice looking for being abandon for a few years. Someone has to have been keeping it up. When I asked Nikki for his help securing a safe house, he said he "knew a guy" and I assume that's who's been keeping it nice.

"Stay here." He muttered.

Him and Ash went around the side of the house. I heard a little rustling. Someone slammed on a door, it sounded like. There was some talking, but I didn't care enough to listen. Moments passed and suddenly the front door opened. I saw some young looking kid with Ash and Nikki.

"Come on in." Ash smiled. "Oh, this is Jeremy. He was involved in the job we got busted for but somehow didn't get caught, so he's been keeping the place nice for our return."

"A criminal all alone in a cabin in the woods? Sounds more like Balz's M.O." Ryan scoffed.

"Your friend, Angelo, he dropped off some clothes and things here for you guys. They're all in the bedrooms." Jeremy quietly spoke up.

"Oh my Satan, I'm not going to know what it's like to wear a color that isn't orange." Balz joked.

"I can't wait to go back to drawing on my brows, and having black hair. Natural isn't my thing." Chris added.

I wrapped my arm around Ricky's waist. He had been standing right next to me. Leaning into him, I whispered, "I can't wait to show you what I really look like when I'm dolled up."

A Cheshire smirk grew on his pale face. He pecked my cheek, telling me he's going to go catch a shower and he'll be waiting for me once I'm done. There was only small bathroom attached to that room, which he was nice enough to let me use while he went to another bathroom in this large house.

There was an old radio in the bathroom. I turned it on, hearing some old 80s love ballad. It was Cher I think, but I was just happy to hear music. I looked in the mirror and saw I was a fucking mess. What would I have done without Angelo? He got me a few sets of clothes, fresh makeup, and hair products. That included black hair dye. Like Balz said, thank Satan.

Once I let the dye process in my hair for a while, I took a quick much needed shower. It was nice to take a shower and not have someone yelling at me to hurry up. Just like Chris had talked about, I got rid of my natural brows because fuck that annoying shit. It's so much easier to draw them on. I also finally got a clean shave for the first time in forever. I almost forgot what it felt like to wear foundation and eye shadow. It felt so much better though.

I'd say real clothes are definitely the best of all of this though. With that said, I don't wear much for clothes when I get the choice of how to dress. I'm going to keep it girly and feminine for Ricky. So I threw on a black sweater and booty shorts. Lastly, once my hair was dry, I trimmed it a bit because it had gotten a little too long for my liking. Finally, I was back to looking like me. I hope Ricky likes this side of me. He fell for that messy Charles Manson looking version of me, but this is who I truly am.

Fuck I hope he doesn't freak out and this I'm disgusting this way. I think he'll like it. I turned off the radio only to hear he had the TV on in the bedroom. C'mon Devin, you've killed men with your bare hands. You should at least have the courage to go face your own boyfriend. Cautiously, I opened the bathroom door.

Ricky muted the TV when he heard me coming out. He sat up in bed and I just stared at how beautiful he was. His hair was back to fully black, and he had dark makeup around his eyes like a raccoon. He was wearing skinny jeans, the necklace I gave him, and nothing else. All his tattoos were exposed and I must've been drooling at this point. Fuck, how'd I get so lucky? He hadn't said anything to me and I was starting to worry.

"Wow." He gasped, continuously looking me up and down.

I blushed somewhat. "Good wow or bad wow?"

"Good." He was quick to reassure me. "Good, really good. Damn."

I pushed myself away from the bathroom doorway and giggled at his comment. "Well you're not too bad yourself." I teased him, crawling onto the bed with him. He studied me carefully as I climbed in his lap. "Not bad at all." I lustfully spoke, inches away from his lips.

Ricky snickered. "When you said you were the Harley of the relationship, I never pictured this."

"Do you like it?" I asked seductively.

He smiled, getting a sexual gleam to his eyes. "I love it." He whispered just before closing the gap between us.

Ricky's lips felt like Heaven. He could make me melt and I always was hungry for him. I was really looking forward to our first fuck of freedom. Ricky ran his hands along my sides and down to my ass. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, only because he let me. He still didn't like me taking liberty so he spanked me. Little did he know, I enjoyed it.

"You are so naughty." He told me upon breaking our kiss.

"I'm only what you make it. And right now, you're making me horny." I pouted.

Ricky brought one of his hands towards the front of my shorts. He grabbed me threw the thin fabric, causing me to bite my lip. Then I heard him seep a moan. Did that turn him on? And I'm the naughty one?!

"Tell me what you want, Kitten." He murmured.

I leaned forward and kissed his temple. Then I nuzzled my face against his neck, placing a few kisses at I did. "I want you. I want you to fuck me, make me scream. I want to be sick and crazy with you."

"You're so fuckin' hot." He gawked as he explored my body with his hands.

"Please." I whined. "I'll even call you daddy if you want me to."

"Oh, Baby, please do. I love this side of you. I lo... Nevermind." He sighed. "Fuck, um, just go down on me already damn it."

Whatever he wants, but that was a little weird. I guess I shouldn't question him. He does have as many mental issues as I do. Right now, I could care less about any stupid mental issues. I just wanted him. And that is exactly what I got.

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