Chapter 2 | Anticipation

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My eyes scanned the lunchroom. I was always cautious of every inmate, even though I could kill a man with a straw if need be. You never know who will be the next one to try something. Normally inmates know you don't fuck with my friends and I, but there's always one dumbass that tries something. That's how we end up with more time on our eternal sentence, even though it's usually self defense. Sometimes it's boredom.

"What's up with him?" Chris asked, referring to Josh who was pretty much asleep on the table.

"They upped his dose of meds. They make him tired as fuck." Ryan explained.

He wasn't kidding. They tried to put me on psyche drugs when I first came here and I felt like a walking zombie. I swear they gave me a fucking elephant tranquilizer or something. Luckily good behavior and a switch in doctors took me off of meds. Josh is still stuck on them, probably for the rest of his life.

"It's like a really long hangover." Josh groaned. "I'd rather be seeing things than feel like I just went on a three day party binge."

"I'm sure your cellmate doesn't mind it." I teased him.

He looked up from where he was resting his head against the table. "What cellmate?" Josh joked, fighting a smirk.

"Did you kill another one?" Ryan gawked.

"No, and the last one was an accident. This one was too. I had a bad night terror and scared the shit out of him to the point he fell out of his bed. He's in the hospital having a skull fracture treated."

I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not. Honestly who gives a shit if he killed the guy? If he gets locked in solitary confinement, it means I won't have to hear him yelling in the middle of the night. At least when Chris sings, it's during the day. Ryan never makes much noise. He likes it quiet like I do.

"You still roommate-less?" Ryan asked me.

"Funny you should ask," I grinned. "I get a new roommate once I get back from lunch."

Josh looked at me like I was a freak. "Why are you happy about that?"

"Because he wants a hole to fuck." Chris snickered under his breath.

I shrugged. He was right. I had my last roommate for the first year and a half I was here. Him and I never fucked. My cell has been empty for six months now. That's two years I haven't had sex with anyone. It's driving me crazy! In my book, sex is the best medicine. The guards could care less what we do. As long as we don't bother them, they don't care.

Ryan raised his lip in disgust. "Gross."

"Look who's talking! You dissect everything!" Josh snapped at him.

"What? I just have no need for sex." He replied. "Now dissection, that's just exploring the human body."

"So is sex." I said in a smartass tone, earning a glare from him.

Then his sights fell beyond me. Ryan stood up and yelled halfway across the lunchroom, "HEY! FUCKS! LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

Chris and I turned around to see what he was referring to. A group of punks were picking on this young kid that didn't belong here. Vinny was the son of a mobster and got busted handling dirty cash. He's only got a few years here, but we all thought he was a pretty decent guy.

The assholes picking on him, not so much. They were more of pussies than assholes. The second Ryan yelled at them, they scattered. Wimps. If I wasn't trying to get favor with guards for good behavior, I'd show them what the fist of a real man feels like.

Thinking about it all will just get me worked up. I only ever killed people who deserved it. A fight breaking out was just enough for guards to bring lunch time to an end. They ushered us back to our cell block. I anxiously awaited getting back to my cell. Didn't think I'd ever say that! However, I was finally going to meet my new victim.

I was shoved back into my cell by a guard. He slammed the iron door shut behind me. A smile curled on my lips to see he had already been thrown in the cell.

Hands restrained to his bed, but no fight to break them, I stood in awe as I examined my new roommate. Beautiful dark black hair, that looked so silky and feathery to the touch, hung over his porcelain face. I wish I could see the color of his bleeding eyes. Without a voice or sound, he had stolen my heart. Suddenly, these padded walls no longer felt so cold. And my heart, began to beat again.

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