Chapter 20 | Deals

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"Okay, so you get the mob money, but what the Hell are the rest of us going to live on?" Mike snapped at me.

He's been nothing but snappy this entire time. Well, snappy towards me. He's still pissed and all kinds of upset with me. I really don't care how he treats me. After today, I won't have to see him for a few months. What has been bothering me is the way he's been treating Ricky. Look, Ricky can't help it that I fell in love with him. It's not his fault. Mike needs to learn to get over it.

"Nikki." I simply stated as I gestured towards him.

"Nikki?" Ashley questioned as she looked to him. "What did you do?"

He sighed. "It was the only way I could get him to agree to bust you out too. I promised him we'd give them a few thousand."

"That's our money, not theirs! They didn't do time for that cash! We did." She snapped at him.

I can't really blame her. She was the mastermind behind several high profile bank robberies and still got caught. Then she had to sit in a cell for three years while her cash rested far away from her. At least the cops could never find it. Her and Nikki kept arguing back and forth. After the deal Ricky made, I wasn't worried about getting our cut of the money. The others needed something to live on though.

It's a damn good thing Angelo isn't here right now because I don't think he'd be happy with what Chris decided to do. Hell, if it get's us the money, he can do whatever he damn well pleases. He grabbed Ashley while she was in the middle of yelling at Nikki, then engulfed her in a movie style kiss. I mean really swept her off her feet and left her speechless.

She had been staring at him every second she got. It was clear Ash had a thing for Chris but I wonder if she would if she still knew the way he treats women. I already saw his hand tightening around her waist. Old habits die hard. Chris caught himself and pulled back.

"So, about that money..." He smirked.

"Well," She responded while trying to catch her breath. "I suppose we could spare a little."

Chris stood her back up as he said, "Good to hear."

Ashley excused herself. I presume, to go get the money. Nikki said she was the only one that knew where it actually was. Otherwise, he wouldn't have even told her about that part of the plan.

"Nice going, Cerulli." Mike snit.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it? What's your problem lately? You've been like hating love and affection. That's not like you." Chris replied.

Mike didn't say anything. He looked right at me and gave me a dirty look. I guess I'm his problem with love. Oh, for fuck's sake, let it go.

Ashley walked back in the room. She had no money or anything of that sort. No, nothing but an axe. Why did she have an axe? After I've seen what Balz can do with one, I am wearing of anyone wielding one. Especially a female. Women are scary creatures. She was coming closer to me, so I moved away. It's best to keep your distance from crazy bitches.

Chris quickly jumped out of the way when he saw her raising the axe. She struck into one of the support columns of the house. Of course it fractured the wood. Ashley pulled away chunks of wood with her hand until there was a decent hole in the column. I dared to step closer, seeing the money was inside. Clever girl, she hid all the money in the house's structure. She pulled out several stacks, throwing them over to Chris.

"How much is here?" He asked her.

Ashley pulled out a few more stacks of cash. "That's three grand, and here's another two. It sounds like a lot but it'll go quicker than you think."

"Thank you, for everything." Chris replied.

She smiled at him and was probably thinking about that kiss earlier. I knew Chris only did it to get the money, but I wonder if he will tell Angelo. Will Ange even care? He understands what we have to do to survive.

Ricky walked into the room as he closed a burner phone. He threw the phone into the fireplace, letting the flames eat it up. I believe that was Romeo's cell. Ricky ripped a piece of paper off the notepad in his hand, then handed it to Chris.

"That's the directions to get you out of the state. The address of the safe house is on the back." Ricky explained.

"All the cars we stole are still here. You can take whichever one you want. Just make sure you stop somewhere and switch out the plates." Nikki added.

"Again, thank you. All of you." Chris said, with an actually genuineness to his tone.

"Let's go." Mike insisted.

"Hang on." He replied. "Incase I don't see you guys again, I promise I won't forget you all. And, keep watching the news whenever you can. Just to make sure none of us got caught. If I do get caught or killed, let Angelo know I love him."

"Yeah, yeah. You better not forget me." I teased him. I went to hug Chris goodbye. "And don't forget what you promised me, about Ange."

"I won't ever. That's my end goal. Promise me you'll do the same for Ricky?"

We pulled apart from our hug and I glanced over at Ricky. He was so damn beautiful. Chris gave me an idea that had only been a far away thought before. Maybe I should make it a reality. I know I don't want to let go of that beautiful creature.

I nodded. "I promise. Be safe."

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