Chapter 22 | Route 90 Diner

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Finally, we got done with that slimy guy and he took off. It was just Ricky and I now. Just the way I like it. Him and I got out of the car. Ricky let himself another cigarette while he watched me. I opened the trunk, seeing how sad and empty it was. Not really, but it was a sad site. There was actually a fake bottom to the trunk. We actually did have a few handy man tools on top of the fake bottom.

I handed the tools to Ricky. He'd be needing them to switch out the plates with another car's. Then I popped the false bottom, revealing murder weapons stacked on top of each other. They were all different kinds. It must've looked like the pieces to a Clue board game. So many wonderful choices too.

"We should get out of here soon. We need to get over state lines, so don't have too much fun." Ricky said.

I picked up a handgun and slipped it into the waistband behind my back. "You're no fun." I teased him.

"Fine, you can set the place on fire if you want. Just make sure you set it up so we can be far down the road before the diner is up in flames. Is that a good compromise?" He asked.

"I guess." I replied with a fake sigh.

I giggled at the smirk he made. Then I stole a kiss from him and started walking towards the front door while Ricky closed up the trunk.

"And hey! Make sure you salvage whatever food you can!" Ricky yelled to me.

"It's a truck stop diner! They're going to have greasy gross food." I responded.

He looked up from the car at me. "Devin, it's food."

I know he's right. I just don't want to eat that crap. I'm sure there's some fresh fruit or canned goods I could find. There's got to be something. If nothing else, we'll get food somewhere else. It's not a big deal because neither of us eat that much.

As I walked inside, I took a look around. There was an old truck driver having coffee at the counter while talking to the equally as old waitress. Two girls with little to no clothes on were sitting at one of the tables. I think they were prostitutes. Good. I like getting rid of filth. A small redneck family was sitting at a booth, and I assume there was a chef in the back. This will be fun.

There was a small TV hanging on the wall behind the counter. The news was talking about us breaking out. My picture was right up there. When I walked in, everyone turned to look at me. Their jaws dropped. That is the true definition of dear in headlights.

"Well," I said as I turned towards the door again. "This is going to be interesting."

I turned the OPEN sign to read CLOSED to the outside. You could've heard a pin drop in that room. No one made a move. They were terrified of me and I fucking loved it. I saw the waitress reaching for the emergency button under the counter. With a sigh, I quickly drew the pistol and shot her in the head. Her blood splattered across the back wall as her body slid to the ground. The chef looked through the kitchen window and I decided it'd be best to get rid of him too. I shot him through the little window and took him down in with one bullet.

"Anybody else feel like being a hero?" I asked aloud as I scanned the room with my eyes.

Not a sound. Hopefully I get some more fun kills than that, damn. If this all turned to a simple shooting, it would be fucking boring. Though the gun was still hot, I had no problem putting it back in my waistband. It was cold outside so the heat was actually kind of nice. I was about to head towards the petrified prostitutes, but I stopped myself when doughy eyes caught my stare.

The damn rednecks had to have a little girl, didn't they? I do have some morals, believe it or not. Though these two parents looked like brother and sister. Inbred disgusting bullshit. That kid needs to be put out of her misery. I began to walk closer to the table they sat at.

"Please, we'll do whatever you want, just please don't shoot us." The blond mother begged.

I gave her an 'are you serious?' face. "Really? You just watched the news caster talk about my whole rep. Do I kill for money? Fuck no. Get up. All of you."

The family stood up. Mom, dad, son, and daughter. The son must've been in his late teens. Complete jock, but there was something not right about him. Just call it a hunch. The father tried to punch me. I caught his fist and just got pissed off that he was going to try to stop me. I twisted his arm under and yelled in pain.

"Hm, some man you are." I muttered. "That's going to cost you."

I'm going to save him for last. I was running through all the shit I was going to do to this fuck in my head. First, though, I have to take care of that little part of me that still has morals. Kind of. I grabbed the little girl by her arm and the mother yelped.

"NO! PLEASE!" She pleaded. "Take me instead! Please don't hurt her!"

"I'm not going to hurt her. I'm taking her somewhere where she won't see me hurt you." I replied.

She may have been kicking and screaming but I dragged the toddler outside the diner. Her mother was still sobbing. Fuck, I need to kill that bitch.

"Ricky!" I yelled as I stepped outside.

He was knelt in front of our car, unscrewing the license plates. He glanced back at me, "Done already? What's with the kid?"

"I'm far from done, Baby. Can you please just take her? I don't want her to see this." I grumbled to myself for being such a softy about it.

Of course Ricky had to point it out too. "Ooh, mister murderer has a soft spot. Sure, I'll watch her."

He grabbed the young girl and pulled her away from me. I was glad to not have to deal with her for now. Oh, I'm not going to let her live, but I'll give her a much more humane death than her family. I can't wait to deal with those hicks. I walked back into the diner to see everyone in the same scared positions.

Funny that the whores weren't pissing me off nearly as much as the family. I don't know what it is about families. I just hate them. First off, I need to get rid of that mom so she'll stop crying and praying. She backed up against the table as I approached her. Once she hit it, she had nowhere to run.

I grabbed her belt buckle and undid it. Then I pulled her belt from the loops and tied it around her goddamn mouth. Finally. Silence. For the most part that is, but her whimpers did give me a little happiness. I love to torture people.

"Stay. Still." I hissed at her as I pushed her against the table. "For fucks sake."

I put my hand over her face and bent her backwards, slamming her head into the table. Putting the barrel of the gun right over her belly button, I shot her at short range. She was still alive but it shut her up and made her sit still. Plus her husband had to watch. Win win.

Now for that bastard. He seemed scared now. Awe, what happened to mister tough guy earlier? I suppose snapping his arm out of place made him learn a lesson. Unfortunate for him, he needed to learn more. He tried to back up when I approached him. Why? Like it's going to make much of a difference! I'm still going to kill him whether he's three feet away from me or ten.

It actually worked to my advantage that he was closer to the window. Let's see, if I smash his big head into it, what do you think will break first? The window or his skull? Why don't we find out? I first shot him in his one good arm so he couldn't fight back. Then I put my hand over his whole face and bashed his head into the window. He screamed, which annoyed me.

"Shut up." I muttered. "I said, shut the fuck up."

He didn't. Bastard. He seems like the kind that's never been given orders, only told others what to do. He'll pay. It just pisses me off more when victims won't listen. So I kept slamming his head into the glass. It was thicker glass and I wasn't damaging it but I was surely hurting him. I actually heard his bones crack inside his head and I fucking loved that sound. He was still alive but he'll bleed out like his wife.

"Alright, pretty boy. You're next." I mused as I turned back towards the teen.

"Get away from me, you freak! You're fucking disgusting!" He dared to insult me. It was more of a compliment though.

"Thank you." I smiled. "But I don't think that testing me is the best move, don't you? You'd be so much better if you listened. Your parents wouldn't listen to me and look what happened to them."

He realized I was right and replied, "What do you want?"

"Walk to the kitchen with me." I spoke almost in an inviting tone.

Just because I'm going to kill him, doesn't mean I can't be pleasant about it. I was terrified of me and scattered towards the kitchen doors. I calmly walked towards it. The grill top was still on because the chef never really got a chance to shut it off. I stepped over his body, then grabbed the jock by the front of his letterman jacket.

I turned him around and pushed him over the stove. He screamed as I pressed his face into the grill. I could smell the layers of his skin burning. It was fantastic. And his screams, they were so rhythmic. Ahh, I've missed this. I dropped him down to the ground with his face now half burnt off. I was so close to continuing his torture, when something on the TV caught my attention. I really hope I just heard them wrong. Just incase, I had to go check.

First I knocked out pretty boy with my fist. When I walked back to the main area of the diner, the whores were trying to get away. Ricky stopped them at the door and pushed them both back into the room. I glanced back at the TV and it had gone on commercial break. Just enough time for me to deal with these two.

"Someone's gotten sloppy." Ricky teased me as he shoved one of the whores towards me.

I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her down into the chain next to me. "I haven't had much practice lately. Where's the little girl."

"Sitting in the car, eating a cookie." He replied. Then he looked at the blond he was trying to keep at bay. "Can you please stay still? I don't want to have to iron this shirt again and you're getting wrinkles in it."

I pulled up another chain and set it behind the one the black haired chick was in. "Sit her down."

Ricky yanked her over, pulling her by her hair. He forced her down into the chain. I took one of the girl's scarves and tied their hands to each other, tightly. They were now sitting back to back with their hands bound. I ripped their panty hose off and stuffed their mouths with them to shut them up.

"Here's the deal. I'm only going to kill one of you, but since blondie here had to be a bitch to my boyfriend, that means you're going to be the one to pick which one of you dies." I told the one with black hair. "You've got a few minutes to think about it."

"Why are you even giving them that?" Ricky asked me.

I pointed to the TV as the news came back on. "That's why."

He looked over to the news story on, and we both shared looks of disappointment when we saw Mike's picture up on the newscast. I walked over to the TV and turned it up. Ricky leaned on the counter, as did I, so we could watch.

"A new development has come in the case of the missing murderers. One of the missing, Michael Kuza, was spotted in West Virginia attacking a rest stop attendant. Police found the scene after Kuza had long ago left, but this cellphone footage was captured by one of the girls attacked. At this time, we cannot disclose any names. There were four victims of the attack. Only one had been bitten, leading authorities to believe Kuza has an accomplice. If you have any details on the whereabouts of the missing criminals, please contact authorities as fast as possible."

"Damn it, Mike." I scoffed.

"They're going to have pigs swarming the state now, just like they did here." Ricky said. "How are we going to get out?"

"As soon as you get out of the state, take the first exit. That route will lead you into Maryland and you can drive through the south to get around West Virginia." The old man told us.

Ricky and I both looked at each other with shock. He hadn't said a word this whole time, let alone flinched when I was killing the others.

"Why are you helping us?" Ricky asked him.

"I spent thirty years in Graham. Some of my best friends were murderers, and the one thing I learned was they had bigger hearts than the boys in blue." He replied.

"Thanks, but you know we're still going to have to kill you. You're a witness." I stated.

"I know. If a bullet doesn't kill me, these things will." He spoke as he held up a smoke. "Feel free to take my truck."

Ricky picked up his keys from the counter. He pulled out his gun, saying, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just promise me you'll keep killing the people who deserve it." He said.

That was the last thing he'd ever say. Ricky shot him in the back of the head. At least he killed the guy fast. He was around ninety, so he was close to death anyways. I wish we didn't have to kill him because he was a criminal like us, but we couldn't risk it. I just hope, for Chris' sake, that Mike stops being so sloppy. If nothing else, I want Chris to be able to finally spend good time with Angelo. They deserve it.

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