Chapter 23 | Sparks Lead to Flames

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For anyone that's entered the character contest, here's an important update. I did the bonus ice cream question for fun but when I realized how hard it really was, I decided to make an actual prize for anyone who gets it. The winner will get to make a boyfriend or girlfriend character for either Ryan, Kuza, or Vinny. All the contest rules for the other questions apply to this one.

As I've said before, you can guess as many times as you'd like. If you want to know how many you've gotten right so far, tweet me (nonahysteria) your Wattpad username and a fish emoji 🐠 Don't ask why. Just do it.


I knew it was about time we got out of here. Ricky headed back to the kitchen to salvage whatever food he could for us, while I went to deal with the remaining pulses. They both were crying. You'd think they'd be used to horror when they're whores. I pulled the gag out of the black haired one's mouth.

"Time's up. I've got one bullet. Who's head is it going in?" I asked her.

"Hers, kill her. I've got a family to take care of. She doesn't." She said.

Ricky came back out of the kitchen, addressing me, "What do you want me to do with the little girl?"

"There's probably some rat poison around here somewhere. This place is pretty dirty. Mix that in with some lemonade and give it to here." I told him. "Can I borrow your lighter? And bring me a knife from the kitchen."

He pulled it out of his pocket and tossed it over to me. I set it on the table behind me and planned to come back to it later. Ricky went back into the kitchen for a moment and I waited. I took the time to finish off the blond and shot her clean dead. Then my sexy boyfriend came back to me, handing me a sharp steak knife. He had a glass of lemonade in his other hand.

"It's going to take me a good ten minutes to move all our things from the car to the old man's truck. Take your time with this one." He told me.

"Alright sexy." I responded, stealing a kiss from him.

He smiled upon our parting. It feels so amazing to be evil with him. Ricky headed back out front while I watched him leave. He's got a nice ass. I hate to see him go but I love to watch him leave. Once we get out of here, I'm thinking we need to stop at a motel and reconnect.

"I thought you said you weren't going to kill me?" The remaining whore sobbed.

"I lied." I replied. "If you would have chose to have me shoot you, you both would have got a merciful death. You had to be a selfish bitch though, so I'm going to kill you slowly. Let's see how flammable that shirt is."

I set down the gun and the knife on the table. Then I picked up the lighter and flicked it on. She tried to kick me back but only managed to piss me off. I threw the lighter down and grabbed her tan leg, powerfully bending it in a direction it wasn't meant to go. She yelled out and I smiled. That's such a beautiful sound. I'll admit she wasn't a bad looking girl but I've got something much better.

Once she had learned her lesson about fighting, I picked the lighter back up. I held it to the fabric of her shirt in a few different places to spread the flame. It died out pretty fast but did some damage on her. Then I leaned over and lit her dead friend's hair on fire. It'll eventually spread to her.

"I bet you have a beautiful smile. You just need to show it more." I mused as I turned back to the table.

I love doing Chelsea's smiles. I don't do them too much because I don't want the police to consider them my "trademark" or anything. I don't have a trademark for my kills and I don't need one. She shook as I came closer to her with the knife. I'm sure she knew what I was doing. Her skin was pretty thin because she was a little older and rough looking for her age. It still took a little force for me to get a good cut. I started at the corner of her mouth and pulled the knife back and forth to rip up her skin.

Her blood dripped down her caky makeup. Even with her cheap look, she looked so much better. I cut open the other side of her mouth to even out the smile. She was still somehow crying. We should take care of that next. I took the tip of the knife and stuck it inside her tear duct. Then I dragged the knife down her face a little, and pulled it over to the side so the cut followed the bags under her eyes.

Ah, so much better. I was tempted to slit her throat but I wanted her alive a little longer. I went lower on her neck and sliced the knife deep into her shoulder. Then I just pulled the blade wherever I felt it should go. By the time Ricky came back, this bitch was a cut up mess. She looked so much better than she did before.

The fire had spread to her as well, but I had to put it out so we could rig the entire place to blow. Ricky turned off all the lights. Then he broke open a gas pipe in the kitchen and went the extra mile of pouring gasoline along the inside of the building. It was sad to see my creations get turned to ash like that. I understood we can't leave a trail though. He and I collected the last of our things before heading out front.

Ricky pulled the car away from the diner and out onto the street so the flames didn't catch it. He waited for me on the side of the road. I took a match and stuck it against the sandpaper on the side of the carton. Then I just set the whole pack on fire and threw it into a broken window in the diner. I ran away from the place as it caught ablaze. The flames spread quickly and we knew it was our time to get away from this place.

Even being the middle of the night and in the middle of nowhere, it wouldn't take long for someone to see an entire building and the surrounding cars on fire. I jumped into the passenger side of the truck and before I even had the door shut, Ricky started driving. I settled into my seat with a relieved sigh.

"Feel better now that you've got some killing out of your system?" He asked.

"For now." I joked. "And the little girl-?"

"She fell asleep shortly after I gave her the poison. I'm sure if that didn't kill her, the fire did. I never thought you had a soft spot for, well, anyone." He said.

I let out a trapped breath as I glanced out the window. "I can kill kids just fine. I just don't want them to see violence. I grew up surrounded by it and look what happened to me?"

"So that's it, huh?" He snit.

I sat up as I looked at him playfully. "What's it?"

"That's your big backstory? You were raised by an abuser so you abuse others?"

"No, no. He never abused me. Let's just say... Vinny isn't the only one with a mob father that abandoned him. I learned from my dad but he never was my motivation." I explained.

"Then, what is it then?" Ricky asked. He sighed, "You're not going to tell me, are you?"

"Look, you really want to know? The truth is, I just enjoy it. There is no deeper meaning or anything like that. I just get a thrill from killing. Sorry if that's a boring reason but it's my reason." I shrugged.

Ricky glanced over at me with a smile playing at his lips. He reached down and set his hand on my leg. "Babe, it's not boring. Nothing about you is boring. In fact, that's one of the amazing things about you is you have so many layers to you. You constantly surprise me with what you can do and who you are. That's why I'm... nothing."

"No, tell me." I insisted.

The truck we were in had a bench seat in the front, so I scooted closer to him. Ricky took another glance over at me. Then he looked back at the road as he murmured, "That's why I'm falling for you so hard."

I blushed and looked down. "I, um, I've been falling for you pretty hard too. Everything we do together, it just feels so different than anyone I've ever been with. I get these sparks when you touch me. I've never felt anything like it before."

"Then it's a damn good thing you're mine and no one else's." He spoke in a bragging tone. Ricky broke away from paying attention to road for a moment so he could kiss me briefly. As we pulled apart, I let a yawn slip. "Baby, go lay down in the back and get yourself some rest."

"I don't want to leave you though." I sleepily replied.

"Then lay down here. Rest your head in my lap." He said.

I grinned as I readjusted. "I like that plan better."

He snickered at my tired state. There wasn't a ton of room, even with the bench seat, but I liked being close to him. I rested my head somewhat against his legs and some on my arms. Ricky turned on the radio but kept it low so I could sleep. As we came to a red light, he reached in the back seat. Ricky grabbed his jacket and laid in over me. It smelled just like him, which was so comforting.

Ricky kept one hand on the wheel. With the other, he was continuously running it down my face, chest, and shoulders. It was so soothing and putting me to sleep. My eyes closed gently and peacefully. Right before I fell asleep I heard him whisper something, but I wasn't sure what it was. All I know is I heard the word "love."

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