Chapter 24 | Motel

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It felt like we had been driving forever. Ricky and I would switch off between who was the one driving and who was the one sleeping. Right now I was the one behind the wheel, while he laid down in the back seat. We both tended to keep the radio on while we drove because it kept us awake. Plus, we occasionally would hear a news report on ourselves or our friends. Just as I think this, now becomes one of those times.

I turn up the radio only a little bit, as not to wake Ricky, and hear a male reporting speaking. "We're here with one of the detectives on the case of the missing Graham inmates. Tell me, detective Grey, how many detectives are working on this case?"

"We initially only had one of PA's units on the case, but we've become aware that many of them have made it out of the state. There is a unit to two units investigating this in every state." She responded. "Many people think this is too much, or a waste of manpower, but understand that these are highly dangerous criminal masterminds. Not to mention, serial killers. So far we've had upwards of twenty five recent deaths throughout the US that we believe are linked to this case."

"Could you go into more detail on these incidences?" He asked.

"Um, as much as I can with still respecting the families of the victims, yes." She said. "The first incident occurred in West Virginia. A female rest stop attendant was found with multiple bites in her shoulder. By the time the police found her, she had lost a significant amount of blood and the bites got infected quickly. She was rushed to the hospital and able to give us a description of her two attachers. Unfortunately she died of infection hours later. Three other victims were found shot dead on the scene; two young girls and a middle aged man. We were able to recover cell phone footage off of one of the girl's IPhones of Michael Kuza, one of the escaped, attacking the attendant. This footage confirmed the attendant's story and her identification of Kuza at the scene."

"Do you know who the other attacker was?" The interviewer asked.

"The attendant told us the attackers looked similar. This leads us to believe it was Christopher Cerulli, but we don't have any evidence to support this." She answered.

"I see," He said. "and the other incidences?"

"A diner here in PA was set on fire recently. Nine bodies were collected in totals from the fire. Some of the victims were found bound, and others with bullet wounds, which leads us to believe they were tortured before the diner was lit on fire. We have multiple suspects for this one, all of which are some of the escaped killers. And just this morning, we found several beheaded bodies piled in the lobby of a Utah motel. We don't have very many details on this case, but we do know it fits the M.O. of Joshua Balz and his partner, Ryan-Ashley Malarkey."

"With this many criminals, at least one of them had to have had family or friends on the outside." The reporter commented.

"Many criminals like these, they have become estranged to their families. We did interview Cerulli's previous girlfriend, whom he had beaten and almost killed, but she didn't have any information that was of use to us. The woman who had helped police catch Devin Sola, we've been having trouble finding but we do plan to try to find her and see if she can help us yet again. A man named Nick Rossi, who was involved in many of the infamous New Years Day bank robberies, was asked to assist us but refused to get involved. Vinny Mauro's father, whom is currently serving time in Graham, was brought into questioning. He didn't have much information useful to us. The only lead we've gotten was, we brought Cerulli's ex-accomplice in for questioning. He gave us a few leads that we're looking into."

Yeah, a few leads that will send you on a wild goose chase. I hope they've let Angelo go and stopped watching him. He and I both were worried they'd keep eyes on him for a while. Because of that, I told him to wait a long while before he came out to join us. Well, at least Vinny and Ryan have managed to keep themselves out of trouble for the time being. I can't believe Mike was that sloppy though! Fucking idiot better not get the rest of us in trouble.

I'm actually more worried about them finding my ex. That little bitch is the reason I got thrown in prison in the first place. I thought she was going to be my partner in crime. Hell, she thought so too. It got to a point that she didn't find it fun anymore and actually was bothered by what I was doing. I guess she just couldn't hack it. Her cunt ass turned me in. I guess I should be thanking her, because I would have never met Ricky if it weren't for her.

Speaking of my sexy criminal, I heard him start to stir in the backseat. He sat up with tired eyes and bedhead. It was kind of sexy, actually. I was watching him in the rearview mirror more than I was watching the road. No one was on it anyways because we were in the middle of nowhere. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a moan as he stretched. I tightened my hand on the wheel because he was so fucking hot.

Ricky reached over the seat and kissed my cheek. I beamed a smile, "Morning, Sunshine."

He glanced at the truck's clock, "Afternoon." He sleepily giggled. "Have you eaten at all?"

"No." I sighed, ashamed to admit it.

He sat back and leaned over to the floor of the backseat. "You can make time to murder nine people but you can't take two minutes to pull over the car and get yourself a sandwich." He muttered.

"I heard that." I teased him.

Ricky sat up and gave me a sassy snappy look, "Is there anything you don't hear?"

"Nope." I smirked. "You were talking in your sleep again, by the way."

"Oh yeah? You didn't find out about my sex slave days, did ya'?" He joked while he crawled into the front seat. I took it a little seriously and he laughed at my concerned expression. "I'm kidding. I may have been a pornstar and a prostitute, but I would never submit my will to any man. Here, eat."

Ricky handed me half a PB&J. He crossed his legs like a little kid while he started to eat the other half. I kept on hand on the wheel while I nibbled on the sandwich with the other. "Am I ever going to get to see those tapes?" I asked.

He looked over at me and as dead serious as he could said, "Fuck no. I looked like shit in them." He then cracked a smile and a little giggle, "I'll be happy to reenact them for you though."

"Really? Did any of them happen to take place in the backseat of a car?" I asked with a laugh.

"No, but one of them was in a motel." He said. "We should stop anyways. They'll expect us to go fast. We need to slow down."

I glanced over at him and smiled at how beautiful he was. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I'm going to take us to a place run by an old inmate of Graham. He was just getting out when I was booked but we were decent friends for that short time."

"What was he in for?" Ricky asked.

"Dealing." I replied. "I never did figure out if he was an addict himself though. He's a... character. He's not afraid to go back though, so he'll help us out. Then you can show me some of those pornstar moves."

He leaned over to me with a devilish grin on his sweet face. Ricky put his hand on my leg, "I plan on it." He whispered in my ear, then planted a kiss along my jawline. Like the tease he is, he then pulled away from me and changed the subject. "So what was I saying in my sleep?"

"Same shit as before. Just reliving your old cases." I replied. "Do you ever miss it?"

"Being a Fed? No. But I do miss the thrill of the chase." He said, adding, "And getting to kill people in creative ways. Putting a bullet through someone's head just isn't that satisfying."

I couldn't help but smile at my demon. "I know what you mean. What was your favorite kill?"

"One time I filled a guy with wet cement while he was alive. That was interesting to watch. I don't know though, I like when I get to chase them through the woods. Chain them up in an old barn and see how long they can live without certain body parts."

"Sounds like a dream to me." I mused as I pulled into the motel parking lot. "We've here."

Ricky's eyes dimmed as he looked at the building in front of us. "This place looks like shit."

"We're criminals on the run. We don't exactly get to stay at the Four Seasons." I bluntly stated. I turned to him and ran my hand along his chin as I said, "I promise it'll feel like paradise when I'm on all fours screaming your name."

He seeped a moan as he thought about it. Ricky closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss me. As we parted, he murmured, "You assume you'll be able to scream through the gag."

I had to fight a smirk. "You're so evil. I love it."

He laughed smugly. Ricky opened his mouth to say something, but his smile faded as he abandoned the thought. He turned away from me and began to open his door, "C'mon, let's head in side." He said.

I sighed to myself. That's like the third or forth time he's attempted to say something but stopped himself. I know he's got to be keeping something from me! Damn it. This is perfect, what he and I have. He can't ruin it like this. He better now. My hopes are he's just scared to admit whatever it is, and it's actually not as big of a deal as he thinks. I don't know though. His first few months in Graham proved he's a damn good actor.

After I locked up the truck, we headed inside. There wasn't much here. It was a pretty run down town in the middle of nowhere. We were right outside of Nashville. However all that surrounded us now were trees. There was no one at the front desk when we walked in, so we rang the little bell.

From the back, out walked a girl that was too beautiful to be here of all places. She was a mess though, obviously out on whatever her boyfriend was selling. The blond came to the counter and waited on us to say something.

"Can we see Danny, please?" I asked her nicely.

She stared for a moment. Then she backed up from the counter, muttering a distant, "Yeah."

I couldn't remember her name. I just remembered Danny talking about her before. When he told me he had a bombshell model girlfriend, I always thought he was bullshitting me. He actually had some decent tail but she won't keep her looks if she keeps taking what he's giving her.

A moment passed before we heard the booming voice of the infamous, Danny Worsnop. "OH NO! I am not harboring more of you!" He insisted the moment he saw us.

"I thought you said he'd help us." Ricky mumbled to me.

"Just give me a second." I whispered. Then I turned to the man dressed like a 70s rocker, "What do you mean more of us?"

"Chris and Mike are here. They told me they were the only ones that would be staying here and that's all I agreed on." He spoke in his typical overly expressive manor.

I glanced over at Ricky with concern when we heard our friends had made their way here. Then I looked back at Danny, "They didn't know we were coming. We didn't know they would be here either. Can you please help us out? You're the only place we have to go right now."

He groaned in a very animated way. "I guess, but you have to stay with them in the maid's quarters."

"We can't get an actual room?" Ricky asked.

Danny sighed. "I'm making you stay in there, because if the cops show up, I'll turn on the service light. Then a little red light will go on in your room to let you know you have to get the fuck out."

He raised an eyebrow, "And where's the maid going to stay if we're in there?"

"We don't have one. Anymore questions?" Danny questioned, obviously annoyed. We both stayed silent so he continued. "Good. Maids quarters are down the hall, the door to the right of the basement entrance. I'll have the Mrs bring you some food at five."

I said thank you to Danny. He may be a little wild and crazy, but he's willing to help us. Once we get closer to the west coast, I'll know plenty of people who can help us there. For now, Danny is all we have. Ricky headed to the car to grab our bags. While he did, I went to go finally kick Mike's ass, because he fucking needs it after being so sloppy.


Hey babes, I finally made a MIW BXB one shots book. Requests are now open so go put in your requests.

I'll only accept ones commented on that book. Don't comment them here.

I also want to add my readers one-shots to it, so if you want to contribute, DM me!

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