Chapter 25 | Setting Free

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I knocked heavily on the door to the maid's quarters. It took a moment for Chris to eventually open the door. He came off concerned towards me, but obviously was harboring a little hate after dealing with dumbass the past few days.

"How'd you find us?" Chris asked lowly.

"By accident." I responded, "Ricky and I came here to camp out for a few days. We knew Danny would help us. I guess you guys had the same idea."

"Great minds think alike." He said. Chris glanced down the hall, returning his eyes to me, "Where is Ricky?"

I jabbed my thumb towards the direction of the door, "Grabbing our things from the car. Could you go help him? I need to talk with Mike for a moment."

He nodded, "Yeah, sure." Chris began to step out of the room. He patted my shoulder as he passed me, "Kick his ass for me."

I smirked, chuckling under my breath, "Planned on it."

Chris let out a small snicker. He headed down the hall and left me to straighten out mister messy. I slowly opened the door to see Mike kicked back on a dingy bed. A shitbox of a TV was sitting in the at the foot of the bed, which his attention had been focused on until I walked in. Mike looked up at me with wide eyes. He was so busted.

He sat up quickly and shut off the TV. Mike stood up and barely could face me, "D-Devin, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to put you back in your fucking place." I scoffed. I walked closer to him, and he stumbled backwards. Mike fell into the bed again and I loomed over him, "What the fuck were you thinking? What you did was fucking selfish! If you were out on your own, that'd be one thing, but if they find you, they find Chris. They're also going to be put right on our tales and the rest of us will get busted."

"I'm sorry! I'm not used to having to clean up my messes." He responded. "And you know you're one to talk about affecting other people! You didn't give a shit what you did to me or my feelings."

"Oh, go cry about it in your diary! Stop being such a fucking baby about it, Mike. Amazing how you have no problem killing someone and chopping them up into little bits and cooking them, but you can't handle that you were my second choice. Grow up." I scoffed and turned my back to him.

I began to the door to check on the others, but his words stopped me, "What is it that he's got that I don't?" He asked.

I sighed as I turned back towards him, "I love him." I admitted and even surprised myself that I let those three words slip. "I... I love him. I never feel like I'm forced to be with him or that I have to babysit our relationship. It's just so natural that we exist together. There's nothing about his appearance or his personality that's better than yours. It's the connection we have. No matter what you could do, you could never force a connection."

"You could've let me know you felt nothing for me before I fell for you." He muttered.

"I tried to give you the hint!" I replied, getting annoyed. "I mean, for fuck's sake, you couldn't take a hint when I constantly only treated you like a vice?"

Mike stood back up with his fists clenched, "No, I didn't take a fucking hint, because people see what they want to when they're infatuated with someone! You should know all about that!"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I sneered.

"It means you're too 'in love' with Ricky to realize you're fucking a guy that kills criminals! You're no worse than a Jew sleeping with a Nazi!" He yelled.

I didn't give it a second thought before I decked him. Mike grabbed his face and fell down on the bed again. He looked up at me with teary eyes. I knew it didn't hurt him that bad physically. He was upset I actually had the nerve to punch him.

"Don't you ever question Ricky and I's relationship." I seethed. "You're a timebomb and I don't want to know what will happen the next time you go off. Chris is coming with Ricky and I the rest of the trip. You're on your own. Go find your own place to hide and don't you dare try to show up at the safehouse. We'll drop you off to the feds ourselves if you do."

I turned towards the door and started to walk out. Ricky and Chris were just now coming down the hall with our things. Mike rushed out of the room to follow me.

"That's it? You're just going to abandon me like this? After all we've been through?" He questioned me with a shaking voice.

"There is no we or us. There never was." I said, "Please, just do yourself a favor and leave. You've caused us all enough issues already."

He opened his mouth to say something, but gave up. Mike stepped back inside the room, to collect his things I'm guessing. The guys looked at me for an explanation. They already knew though. It was time we cut loose some dead weight. I do genuinely care about Mike but he's caused us nothing but issues.

"Everything okay?" Ricky softly asked me. He put his hand on my chest when I didn't pay attention, "Babe?"

I sighed and intertwined my hand with his, "Yeah, yeah. Some people just don't know how to let go of the past. Um, Chris, Mike and I agreed it'd be for the best if you came with Ricky and I for the rest of the trip."

"He's going solo?" Chris asked. He seemed concerned, even if he was frustrated with him.

"Yeah, it's for the best." I replied. "C'mon, let's go get some rest."

Ricky giggled, "Unfortunately won't get to show you what I wanted to if Chris will be with us."

I glanced back at Chris and saw a knowing look on his face. Joking, I said, "Well I mean he could always join us but I don't think Ange would be happy with it."

"He'd only be upset he didn't get to join." Chris winked at me, "I'll... go find something to do and give you two some privacy for a few hours."

"Thank youuu." I smiled.

He laughed at my oddness. I was looking forward to spending some time with my sweet raccoon. We won't have to worry about driving for a few days and we can spend some quality time cuddling and all. Some R-Rated things too.

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