Chapter 26 | We Made You

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I've lead a destructive and guilty life; There's no arguing that. Underneath my many layers, behind my walls, there is regret. There are thoughts I'd like to forget. I'll admit I think about what my life could have been, if I never took a life. If I was raised in a normal home, by loving parents, in a safe neighborhood, would I have ended up different? Would I be able to have happy life like that of those I take? Would I actually enjoy it? I suppose if I was programmed to think it was right, I would.

The doctors, nurses, lawyers, cops, and the whole bunch all used to spit slurs along with my name. They say I'm sick, that there's something wrong with me. They'll talk with their friends about me like I'm some animal. I am. I know I'm not human. Any normal human doesn't survive what I have, but why does a lack of blood thirst define someone as sane? I shoot for thrills, true, but I always make sure the bullet goes through someone who deserves it. There can't be that much wrong with killing the scum of the earth. Their kind is what's killing humanity.

There is something different about me. I wouldn't say wrong though. Most people are born into a world of lies. They're taught lies, taught to believe them. As they get older, they either are too ignorant to see those lies, or they ignore the fact they were fed blasphemy. Then there's the few who not only see the truth, but they get pissed they were ever lied to. They see the viruses taking hold of our world and they set themselves on a track to be the vaccine. I'd like to hope I'm one of those people.

Life is a precious gift. I bet you'd never think I'd say that? Well, it is. Pure life. Good lives. They're valuable. I can't control who decides to take their gift for granted. However, I sure as Hell can eradicate those who threaten good people. Even if those good people think I'm a monster.

I sit here, surrounded by dirt and grime. A small TV with a fuzzy signal is my only light. My mugshot from a few years ago was repetitively shown every commercial break in between re-runs of Full House. We only had about seven channels in this dump. It was all I could find but it worked for now. I sat here, watching how simple times used to be. What happened in the last thirty years that everything got so fucked up?

Maybe I could have the life of a 80s sitcom family, if things were still the way they were in the 80s. People have become so selfish and lost all their values. True American love is like a green coke bottle; they stopped making it. I can't say I'm a rarity. I may have found love, but look at how I did! We met if fucking prison because we're both crazed murders! Yet, we have a stronger love than most people today.

I glanced back at Ricky from where I sat at the edge of the bed. He had fallen asleep and I just let him. He deserved to sleep on an actual bed. That is, if you could consider this dirty mattress a bed. It's better than nothing. While he slept, I sat thinking my life over and absentmindedly watching the TV quietly. I had on a loose Misfits shirt that at some point fit. I've lost a lot of weight in the past few years. My shirt was falling off my shoulder, I didn't have any pants on, and my hair was messy from having sex. I honestly couldn't care less.

The door very slowly opened. Chris walked in quietly and surveyed the situation. He got the smallest soft smile. I raised my finger to my lips to signal to him to be quiet. He looked back at Ricky sleeping and nodded. There was a second mattress that had been thrown on the floor. Chris slumped down to it and began to watch the fuzzy TV with me.

A half an hour later, my angel began to wake up. He stirred a bit and groaned. I glanced back at him and felt an indescribable amount of joy, just seeing his face. I really meant it earlier when I said I love him. I really think I do. What we have, is so different than anything I've ever felt with anyone else. His hair was just as mess as mine from when we were naughty earlier. Ricky sat himself up. I crawled back on the bed and cuddled up next to him. With a sleepy grin, he put his arm over my shoulder.

"Are you guys watching Alf?" He mumbled.

"It's a good show." I responded optimistically.

Chris chuckled, "It's all that's on. It's almost five. Switch to the news channel."

I didn't want to move because I was comfy with Ricky. With a small whine, I wiggled my way out of his grasp and reached over to the TV to change the channel. We had to do it manually because we had no remote. As I was leaned over, Ricky used the prime opportunity to smack my ass.

"Hey!" I jokingly snapped.

Ricky began to light a cigarette as he teased me, "Well, it was there. What else did you expect me to do?"

I sat back next to him and gave him a testy look. He smirked and let out a snicker. Despite my ass stinging a bit, he was too damn cute to stay mad at. It was hot anyways so I'll let him get away with it... This time. Ricky found the time to kiss me in between drags of smoke. There was a knock at the door. Since I was the last to get up, Ricky opted to. He put his cigarette in between my lips and moved to get up. I couldn't help but laugh at his eccentric ways.

He barely cracked the door at first. Then, when he knew who it was, he opened it more. I could see some blond hair under the cheap fly-trap lights. Danny said he'd have his girl bring us down some food at five. She was surprisingly on time. Ricky thanked her as he closed the door. He put a brown paper bag down on the small table in the room.

I put out the smoke in the ash tray. Ricky darted me a questioning look, "Did you burn the last of that?" He asked.

"Sorry." I replied in an unapologetic tone.

"That was my last in the pack." He sighed, "I have more in the car but I don't want to go get it."

"Consider it payback for hitting my ass." I laughed.

Ricky pulled out all that was in the bag. It was a few Chinese take-out containers. He peaked in all of them. I think it was all either white rice or fried rice. Ricky handed on down to Chris first. Then he came over and sat down next to me, handing me one, along with a fork.

"How long have you been here?" I asked Chris.

"Since last night." He said, "Markie, Danny's girlfriend, she's really nice about bringing us meals but all they have here is a shady Asian place. So I've had Chinese food for four meals straight now."

I shrugged, "Better than nothing."

"Have you heard anything on the others?" Chris asked.

I knew the answer he was fishing for and I comforted him by giving it to him. First I politely swallowed what was left in my mouth, then responded, "I heard an interview with one of the case detectives on the radio earlier. They brought Angelo in for questioning but they've let him go. He's okay."

He relaxed his shoulders with a sigh of relief. I knew that wasn't going to ease his mind fully. Nothing would help him stop worrying except having Angelo here with him. He will have his angel again. It's just going to take time.

"What about everyone else?" Chris pondered.

"They've got a hunch it was you that was with Mike at that rest stop. There was a bunch of headless dead bodies found in a motel in Utah. They think that one was Balz and Ryan-Ashley. Nothing on the others though." I explained.

"I knew Ryan would be able to keep himself out of trouble. Vinny doesn't want trouble either." He stated.

Ricky looked at my curiously, "Did Ash and the guys not leave the cabin?"

"They stayed there." I said. "They figured they were safe enough because people think that cabin doesn't exist anymore. Plus that's where all their money is."

"What exactly were they in jail for?" He asked.

"Robberies." Chris answered. "They stoled shit throughout the year, smaller jobs, but what they were infamous for was the New Years Day heists. They'd always rob a huge bank or something on New Years and no one ever knew how they did it."

Ricky was about to ask another question, but something on the TV caught all our attention. I set down my food and reached forward to turn it up. Thankfully Ricky didn't feel a need to smack my ass again. I settled back against the wall as we listened.

"A breakthrough in the case of the missing murderers. Police were able to finally locate the ex-girlfriend of Devin Sola. Over two years ago, she aided police in the investigation that led to Sola's capture. She has informed police of the locations he most likely will flea to. Currently, she is under protection of law enforcement." The male reporter explained.

"To add to the public's desperateness to find these highly dangerous criminal's" The female added on, "The families of many of their victims have started a putting together rewards for whomever turns in these criminals. Shockingly, one of the contributing families was that of one of the murderers. The parents of Christopher Cerulli are offering 50,000 to whomever turns in their son successfully. Mrs. Cerulli says, "My son is very sick and he needs help. Please, someone find him so he can get the help he needs." If you have any information on these men, please call the number on the screen now."

"My mother wouldn't even pay for my school lunch but she's willing to put up 50K to lock me up." Chris muttered.

"I thought you killed your mother?" I asked.

"I killed my dad's girlfriend, not my mom. I hate her though. She refused to accept I liked men just as much, if not more, than women. I knew when I was younger I had control issues but she denied there was ever anything wrong with her child. Any child of her's was perfect. She was delusional."

"So was your dad's girlfriend the first person you ever killed?" Ricky asked him.

"No, the second." Chris replied while he picked at the remains of his food. "I was in my senior year of high school, at the prom. I wanted to take Angelo but I couldn't because of my parents. So I settled for this annoying cheerleader that was going through her bad boy phase. She was crowned prom queen and the quarterback of the football team was prom king. I caught her making out with him behind the school. The guy ran off and once he was gone I couldn't help myself. I started to strangle her, and I didn't let go until she stopped making noise. I threw her body in the lake that was down the road. Then I went home, found that gold digging bitch at our house, and I tied her up. I fucked her, beat her, then buried her alive all before my parents got back home."

"Huh." Ricky mumbled.

"Huh, what?" I asked.

"Just, if you think about it, if Chris' parents would have just let him date who he wanted instead of being homophonic assholes, he would have never become a psycho murderer." He said. "But, that's kind of the thing I figured out over the years. People like us, that kill, we didn't make ourselves this way. The rest of the world did."

"I was just thinking about that today. The funny part is, they fear the monsters they created." I spoke with disappointment lacing my words.

"Yeah-" Ricky began to say, but something catching his attention cut him off.

Well, it caught all of our attention. We were really hoping this wouldn't happen. That little red service light turned on... Fuck. The pigs are here.


Heyo, so the contest ended a few days ago! First off let's congratulate our four winners; BandGirl007 motionlessinwhorror hamster-o-matic kye_monster

Secondly, here are the answers for you guys.

1 - My first language: Dutch.
2 - My fav MIW song: City Lights.
3 - My birthday month: October.
4 - My fav season: Fall.
Bonus Question - My fav ice cream: Blue Moon.

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