Chapter 29 | Quiet Riot Bar

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It's actually kind of amazing how you can walk into a town and barely anyone gives you another glance. People just don't watch the news or read the paper like they used to. I'm not complaining. If they were staring, it was more because our group consisted of a 6'5" goth, a raccoon, a tranny, and a girl that barely looked like she belonged. People at this point must think she's Chris' abused girlfriend.

We parked by a motel, then walked into town to find some food. Ricky and I had run out the food we took from the diner we burned down. It was about midday, yet there wasn't any small diners like that open here. It was a hick town. Looks like we're stuck with a bar that probably wouldn't pass a health inspection.

Ricky kept his arm on my lower back as we walked. It felt nice, to be treated so loved and wanted. On the other hand, Chris was dragging Julia along. He kept his fingers wrapped around her arm tightly. People gave him dirty looks, but because we were still somewhat in the south they kept to themselves. Gotta love southern values.

A waitress found us a table. Chris threw Julia into the corner of the booth. He was getting angrier. I'd like him kill her right there if I weren't so hungry. I need food first though. Then we can dispose of the dead weight.

I leaned forward on the table and turned my head towards Ricky. He giggled while I leaned in and kissed him.

"I'm going to go to the restroom." I told him.

"Okay," Ricky stepped out of the booth to let me out. "Don't be long. I hate being without you."

"I won't." I smiled. "Chris, you want to come with me so you can find a phone?"

"Don't worry, I'll watch the girl." Ricky reassured.

He sighed and stood from the table. I began walking towards the back where I saw a neon sign for a bathroom. Chris followed close behind. He stopped at the bar top to ask where their house phone was, and was directed where I was heading anyways. He stopped in the doorway to the bathrooms, where a phone was mounted on the wall.

I fished out some change from my pocket and offered it to him, saying, "Don't talk long and no details about where we are. I don't want to take any chances that they're tapping his phone."

"Fuckers better not be." He muttered.

"They shouldn't either. They don't have a warrant for it as far as I know, but they'd find a reason. Cops always find a reason to justify their bullshit." I scoffed.

He turned towards the phone on the wall as I walked into the bathroom. I earned some looks from cowboys because they weren't sure what a lady was doing in the mens bathroom. If only they knew! The only unfortunate part is they assume I'm a whore in here to meet a man. Whatever. I'm only a whore for one man these days. I found the second to last stall to be open and took it, though I would have preferred if I could get the end. Oh well.

Being without the guys actually did make me uneasy. I hurried myself up in taking care of business. As I washed my hands at the sink afterwards, I took a quick moment to wash my face. I've had the same makeup caked on for a while now. It felt good to clean some part of my body. I didn't get a chance at the motel to take a shower, even though I need one badly.

I dried my hands, throwing the towel in the trash. I was then that something caught my eye. I glanced towards the red I was seeing in my peripheral vision. There was some kind of crimson substance running along the tile, and the like started from that last stall. Voices were arguing at a hushed tone from inside it. I took a look around and saw I was the only one in there, other than whomever was in that other stall. It's not that I cared about someone being hurt or anything, I was just curious.

It was the handicapped stall that was in question. I pressed my hand on the door, seeing that it was actually unlocked. So, I pushed it open and leaned against the wall, waiting to see what horror could await. Inside, I wasn't all too shocked to see a presumably dead guy propped up in the corner. However, what I was surprised by was to see my two old friends. Not only shocked they were here, but also shocked they were arguing.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked with a bit of humor to my voice.

Ryan and Vinny both shut up and turned their heads towards me, staring like dear in headlights. How'd they end up in the same shit town with a population lower than Paris Hilton's IQ? I guess we're just drawn to each other.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked.

"How'd you find us?" was Vinny's follow-up question.

"We stopped to get food, but we weren't looking for you guys. We just kind of found you on accident." I chuckled. "Who's the guy?"

"Fuck if I know." Ryan laughed, "Some guy that recognized us and threatened to call the police. So I pierced his jugular."

"I see that. C'mon, let's get out of here. I'll tell the waitress to get our food to go." I said.

"Nah, you can sit down to eat. We'll clean this up." He replied.

I flashed a smile, "Come join us when you're done. We'll catch up."

I'm not really sure how they plan to clean it up, but Ryan is an expert in that field. I'm sure Vinny knows how to hide a body pretty well too, considering who he was raised by. I took a moment to fix my hair, then walked outside the bathroom. As I turned down the hallway that lead back to the bar, I bumped shoulders with someone. I turned to apologize, though she ran into me.

My mouth froze from speaking when she gave me a dirty look. She was an attractive gothic girl, but nothing I'd go for. The look she gave me, it was like she knew who I was. Fuck, I hope she doesn't recognize me from the news.

"Sorry, Miss." I muttered once I collected my thoughts.

She didn't say anything in return. The chick kept walking towards the bathroom. What was that all about? Whatever, people can continue to judge all they want. I'd kill her if she wasn't goth, but I don't like to kill the only people in this world willing to speak out. Even if they have an attitude like her.

Chris was just hanging up the phone as I was walking up. "What was that all about?" He asked, referring to the rude girl.

I shrugged, "I don't know. How'd the call go?"

"Not good. Angelo wants to stay in Scranton longer than planned." He frowned, "His mother is sick with cancer. He wants to stay with her through her treatment, but I mean I've seen people go through cancer treatment for years. I feel like I'm never going to get to see him again-"

"Chris," I interrupted as I set my hand on his arm, "You will. I promise, you will."

He slumped against the wall with a sigh, "At least when we were in prison, I knew, the last Friday of every month he would be there. Now, there's no telling when I'm going to see him."

"Hey, look at me." I tilted his head up gently with my hand, "I promise you will see him again. Faith is really the only thing we have anymore. Keep the faith."

"Are you just saying that because that song is on right now?" Chris grumbled.

I paused, realizing the bar's radio was faintly playing "Keep the Faith" by Bon Jovi. "No," I laughed with him, "But it's a fucking sign that you need to stop being so negative."

He laughed, probably out of tiredness, and replied, "I guess. I just miss my angel."

"I know, but time will fly by. I promise. Also, guess who I ran into in the bathroom?" I spoke as we began to walk back to our table.

He looked at me strangely. "Who?"

Ricky stood up to let me slip back into the booth. As we sat back down, he attacked me with a kiss. I laughed and pushed him back.

"You weirdo." I giggled, then looked up at Chris, "And I found Ryan and Vinny."

"What?" Ricky questioned me. They both thought I had lost my mind.

"They're here. They had to... clean up a mess they made. Then they're going to meet us out here." I replied.

Ricky still seemed freaked out, but not by me. Just that they managed to be in the same small town as us. "How the Hell-"

I raised my hands defensively, "I don't fucking know. Weirder shit has happened."

"That's true. About that..." He trailed off and gave me that sweet smile that prepared me for something bad, "I've been meaning to tell you something... And if there's a bunch of people around you can't kill me..."

"Baby, it's alright. You know you can tell me anything. I wouldn't kill you." I reassured him, though I was worried what he had to say.

His eyes diverted towards the front of the table. I glanced over to see Ryan and Vinny had walked up. Ryan slid in next to Ricky, while Vinny sat across from him. They stared, realizing there was an awkward silence.

Ricky bit down on his lip ring, "Well..."

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