Chapter 30 | Tune of Regret

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I glared at Ricky. His tone of voice made it obvious this wasn't good, and he was fucking stalling. What was he waiting on? A miracle? Sorry, Walmart was sold out of them. He sighed and sexily ran a hand through his hair. It's hard to stay mad at him when he does things like that!

"I just want you to know before I say this, I'm sorry, but I'm not apologizing for doing it. I'm apologizing for taking so long to tell you. I... I was just doing my job, but I should have told you before this." He said. Oh, just get it over with already and tell me! "When your murders reached a federal level, my partner and I were the ones assigned to your case. We were the ones that caught you. I... I was the one that got you put away."

His words, I heard them, but I couldn't accept them. Ricky looked over at me with those gorgeous blue eyes, and it was in that moment... In that moment I remembered now. My mind brought me back to that court room two years ago and I remember it all now. He was there that day. I was so drugged I hadn't realized it, but fuck he was there. I remember seeing him in the back of the courtroom, seeming emotionless that he had done this to me.

"You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me?" I firmly stated. I wasn't yelling, but my voice was powerful.

"I'm sorry! I was just doing my job! Be grateful you got put in prison. I would've killed you if you hadn't." He attempted to ease the pain. It. Wasn't. Working.

I shook my head, "At least if I was free, I had a chance of fighting you off. Do you have any idea how much it killed me to be in that prison? They would lock me up for months on end by myself. I was cry until my body was so dehydrated they had to put me on an IV. I'd scream until my voice box stopped working, and I'd claw away at my own skin until they put my in a straight jacket to stop. They drugged me to get me to obey, and I watched them do the same to my friends."

"Well you wouldn't have ever met them if you weren't in there!" Ricky scoffed, "And you wouldn't have met me! That's got to count for something."

I gave him a dirty look, not providing him with the satisfaction of my words. I began to stand up from the table, but my knees went out under me the second I heard a huge BOOM. My first instinct was just to get down and ask questions later. The others ducked under the table and I looked out to realize there were police swarming the place. That was just a warning shot.

This is just fucking fabulous. Ricky had a pistol on his waistband. I grabbed it from him angrily and stood up, striking down every cop with headshots. There wasn't enough bullets for all of them and I missed some shots, but fuck it. It was enough to distract them so the others could get out. Chris grabbed me by my arm and started to pull me through the back door. We followed Ryan into the van he and Vinny had been driving.

"Where's Ricky?" I asked as Chris closed he sliding door of the van.

"Him and Vinny went out the other door." He replied, "I'm sure he's fine. We just need to worry about ourselves."

I attempted to go towards the door, "I'm not leaving without him."

Chris pushed me back, "Ricky's a big boy. He can take care of himself. Besides, you were just really pissed at him, if I recall."

I gave up and slumped into a corner of the van. Ryan was driving as fast as the vehicle could manage. Chris was partly right, I was pissed. That doesn't mean I still don't love him more than anything. How could he not tell me this though? That's kind of important to let someone know! And, even if I was mad, I don't want our last memory of each other to be that we were fighting.

What if I don't see him again? What if the cops caught him and Vinny? I'd rather go back to the big house than live without him. Yeah, I was mad, but... When I'm with Ricky, the world is so much more beautiful. I see colors I never thought possible, and I understand the lyrics of all those love songs on the radio. Fuck. I'm the one that fucked up now. Goddamn it.

"I still love him." I muttered.

Chris scooted over and sat down next to me. He smiled sympathetically, "I know you do. And I hope to Satan that we see him again because all my clothes are in the truck."

I chuckled at his lighthearted remark, "I understand why you and Angelo did the things you did for each other. Why you still do. When you love someone, you'd walk to the ends of the earth for them."

"Can you two not get mushy gooshy back there?" Ryan snit, "I'd like to keep my lunch down."

"Just don't listen, you big baby." I replied.

Chris laughed and lowered his voice, as not to disturb Mr. Anti-Love. "Somedays it's hard for me to believe that Angelo and I will have our happily ever after. Right now, it seems so bleak. I don't cheat on him or leave him or anything though because I love him to fucking death and back. I'm sorry we lost him in all that commotion."

"What happened to the girl?" Ryan questioned from the front.

"Oh I killed that bitch while Devin was taking down the cops." He responded. It was so matter-of-factly.

I yawned, "I'm fucking tired, and I want my raccoon."

Chris raised his drawn on eyebrow at me, "Raccoon?"

"Yeah," I snickered, "Ricky's my raccoon. The safe house is barely a day's drive. I really hope I see him there."

Chris pulled off his jacket. He folded it in his lap and pat the space, "Lay your head here. Get some rest. I promise, you'll see him before you know it."

"Funny," I stretched out and rested my head in his lap, "How I'm always having to reassure you about Ange and now," I yawed again, "You're having to do that for me."

He shook his head, laughing, "Got to sleep, princess."

"Whatever, Mr. Know-It-All." I giggled, "Goodnight."

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