Chapter 31 | Lips of an Angel

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Time became a haze without him here. I hadn't heard from Ricky, but I suppose he has no way of knowing what city I'm in to even try to call a payphone or something. I just hate this feeling, of not knowing. Ryan, Chris, and I got to the safe house this evening. Balz and Ryan-Ashley had already been here a few days. It just wasn't the happy event it should have been.

Without Ricky, I couldn't find anything joyous. He stole my sanity more than anyone or anything ever could. I didn't realize he needed him this much. I just want him here.

"Eat." Chris insisted, putting a bowl of box mac 'n' cheese in my face.

I pushed back his hand, "I'm not hungry." I muttered.

He sighed and set one of the two bowls he had down on the side table. I was sitting bunched up in the corner of the couch, wishing I was dead. Chris took his food and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I pulled my legs up to my chest even more than they already were and buried my face in my knees.

Chris reached over me and set down his bowl. As he moved back, he pulled me into his chest. I didn't realize I was crying until my tears were staining his shirt. I don't cry. I'm not supposed to. I'm supposed to be the one that feasts off of the tears of my victims, not a big baby sitting here weeping. And how shitty is it that I'm being so selfish? Chris is in the same boat as I am and you don't see him bawling.

"Shh, hey, I know this is difficult but I promise you'll see him soon. I'm sure him and Vinny stopped somewhere or they got caught up in the rainstorm or something. They'll make it here." Chris tried his best to reassure me.

"I just want him here." I mumbled. "I-I'm sorry. I'm being selfish. I know you miss Angelo just as much."

His expression softened as I looked up at him, "At least I know where Ange is. You're not being selfish. Although, you should eat. All this crying is going to dehydrate you too. I'll go get you some water. Please try to eat, just a little bit."

"If nothing else, eat because you don't want to be sick when Ricky does get here." Ryan-Ashley said as she walked in the room. She had a really fluffy... something, in her hands. I had no idea what it was but assumed it was a pillow or blanket. Then it started moving and a tongue emerged from the fluff.

"What is that?" Ryan asked, vocalizing my thoughts.

"It's a puppy!" She squeaked.

"Pomeranian, to be more exact." Balz stated, "We may have killed their owners, and we felt bad leaving them, an- ...I swear to God and Satan both, Ryan if you touch either of them I will not hesitate to kill you, slowly."

Ryan looked disgusted at their affection for the drool-bags, "How is it you can kill twenty people but you can't kill two dogs?"

"Dogs don't lie, cheat, backstab, or steal. They're selfless beings." I replied, "Everything that humans aren't. If you want to kill something, go grab a rabbit from the woods or something. Leave the dogs alone. It's obvious Ryan-Ashley likes them a lot."

"Thank you." Balz smiled at me, "Hey Chris? What happened to Mike?"

"You're just now realizing he's gone?" Chris chuckled as he walked back in the room, handing me a water.

"I knew something was off but it took me a while to realize that Mike wasn't here trying to get in Devin's pants." He said.

I tried to laugh but I couldn't. It just came out as a scoff. Chris looked over at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. That then turned into the frown of a disappointed mother, "You still haven't eaten!"

"Sorry, mom." I mumbled. I picked up the now mostly cold food and started to nibble at a few noodles.

Chris rolled his eyes with a sigh, "Sorry I don't want you dead. And, Mike was fucking up too much. He knew it and decided to go solo."

"Really? That doesn't sound like Mike. He hates being alone." Ryan stated the obvious.

"That's just what Ghost told me-" He glanced over at me. I shrunk into my seat even more, if that was possible. I looked over my shoulder at him to see he was glaring at me. "Devin, what did you do to Mike?"

My voice became lost. I sat there, knowing they were all staring at me, but I just looked down at the food that disgusted me. Chris repeated my name as he waited for me to reply. I felt numb again. What was I supposed to say? The guys would be pissed, no matter what. If I kept Mike in the group, they would be mad I let him get away with almost getting us caught. However if they find out I did what I did, they'll be mad I abandon him.

"Mike and I got into a fight. He... He said some things that really pissed me off and I told him he's too much of a timebomb. It was for the best he left us." I explained.

"So Mike's out there on his own? With no one to clean up his messes for him?" Ryan-Ashley questioned.

"And," Ryan added, "If he gets caught, he'll blame us for not sticking with him, and the cops will be able to talk him into outing us."

"We don't know that. And that's if he gets caught." I attempted to ease my mistake. They weren't having any of it.

Chris stood up from the couch and started to walk out of the room. He turned back towards me, "I was pissed at Mike, but not to the point I wanted to feed him to the wolves."

"If something happens to him, you know it's all your fault." Balz stated.

I sat there, not saying a word. This is just great. My boyfriend is missing and all my friends are mad at me. They turned on the TV and ignored me for the rest of the night. Because we obviously can't have cable, we had to watch DVDs. They went through most the Friday the 13th series. About halfway through the second movie, I got up and left the room.

At the time, most my clothes were with Ricky. All I had that was truly mine was the clothes on my back. That consisted of a long top and short shorts. I borrowed some black jeans from Ryan, not bothering to tell him I did. Ryan-Ashley already told me earlier it was okay if I borrowed some tops until I got other clothes, so I grabbed a loose black crop top from her room. She has really cute clothes... I need to steal from her more often.

Right now she and the others weren't that happy with me. I'm not that happy with myself either. I've fucked up a lot lately and I'm not in the best mood, so I'm going out on the town. I borrowed some of Balz's makeup and fixed myself up. Then I slipped out to the garage. There were a ton of tools of murder on the wall. At first I was thinking about doing my murdering in town, buuut... I think I'm going to bring a toy back home to play with...

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