Chapter 32 | It's Been Awhile

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There was this small shop, out in the middle of nowhere. That's where I always find myself, isn't it? Out, in the middle of nowhere? The sky was beautiful tonight. Summer is starting to set in, and the young girls are staying out later. Don't they know they should listen to their parents? It's not safe to be out past ten. I guess I'll just have to make an example out of one of them and teach them a lesson.

I sat drinking on some coffee at the counter of a gas station. My seat looked out the front window, giving me a perfect view to pick my next victim. A group of girls in their late teens and early twenties came stumbling through the front doors. Some were as sober as a baby, others were so drunk they were as incompetent as one. They stared when they saw me, drunk or not.

Suppose I'm a lot to look at. Did they recognize me? I highly doubt it. I look completely different than how I looked when I was in prison. Then, I was similar to Charles Manson in appearance. Now I could go for a cross between Lady Gaga, P!NK, and Demi Lovato. I gave a dirty look in their direction and the responsible one of the group told them to knock it off. I surveyed the group and thought which looked like they deserved it the most. They all did, to be honest. And fuck, everyone deserves to die, so might as well pick the lightest one to hall back.

I walked out front of the store after finishing my coffee. They were taking their time, weren't they? I lit myself a smoke while I waited. One will stray from the pack, they always do. And lucky me, it was one of the smaller ones too. A girl from the group walked out front. She was sober, so probably just annoyed with her friends.

"Do I know you?" She spoke to me. Her voice was as small as her. She must've only been five foot.

I stifled a laugh, "I'm new to town."

"Huh," She shrugged, "Sorry, you just look familiar. Where'd you move from?"

I blew out a puff of smoke slowly, "Penn State."

"That's where all those murderers just escaped from. Did you hear about that?" She asked casually, to which I smirked evilly.

"Something about it." I muttered.

"Yeah, it's a good thing we're on the other side of the country." She chuckled, then offered her hand to me, "Welcome to Seattle. I'm Gabriella."

I put out my cigarette in the ashtray on top of the outdoor trashcan. Then I turned to her and shook her hand, "Ghost." I whispered and alarm met her eyes the second I spoke. She tried to pull away from my hand, but I kept my grip tight. I yanked her closer and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. Of course she kicked and screamed, but I didn't give a shit. Apparently her friends in the shop didn't care either because they didn't even come out.

No one really cared. Welcome to the world we live in today. I threw her in the trunk of my car. Well okay, it's not my car, but one of the cars we stole at some point. Kick and scream all you want, Sweetheart. You aren't getting out of there. As I was about to get in the car, I saw a hooker stumbling up to the gas station. Ughh, she really deserves to die. I can't let go of the other one because she knows too much now, but I can't resist the urge to kill this one either.

A great idea came into my head. Just as she was walking over to me, too. I'm pretty sure she didn't even know what gender I was but she was going to try anyways.

"Hey... Hot stuff." She stumbled on her feet and her words, "Looking for a good time?"

"As a matter of fact, I am." I grinned, "Why don't you get in the backseat?"

"Paid up front, Sweetheart." She spoke through her smoker's voice.

"Of course. Please, do get in the car while I find my wallet. It's getting chilly out here."

The dumb bitch fell for it. I reached into the front seat and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Then I moved to the back and forcefully grabbed her wrist. I handcuffed her to the headrest behind her. She kicked me and I'll admit it hurt, but there was nothing I could do about it. She'll get what she deserves. I finally was able to sit down in the front seat so I could drive back home.

I took a moment to myself to catch my breath. As I started the car up, the radio turned on. "Animal I've Become" by Three Day's Grace was playing. How appropriate. The drive back to the safe house was about forty five minutes down an empty highway. During that time, I managed to spot a hitchhiker and thought, what the Hell? So now I have three bodies in my car that are unfortunately breathing. It's for my little idea though.

When I got back home, I took the young girl out of the trunk and brought her down to the storm cellar. I tied her up to a chair there and walked back to the garage. As I walked into the house, I heard the TV on. The others were still up. Good.

"Where did you go?" Balz asked of me suspiciously as I stepped into the room.

"Out." I snit, "Look, I know you guys are still mad at me for everything with Mike, and I know this won't make up for it, but maybe it'll help you destress a little. Chris, Ryan, I got you guys some gifts."

"What about us?" Balz gawked, referring to him and his girlfriend.

"Me putting up with those balls of fluff and yap is enough of a gift." I scoffed.

I'm more of cat person. I even had some cats when I was younger, and I miss having them. Maybe Ricky and I should get a cat. First I need to have my Ricky to even think about that.

Chris and Ryan reluctantly followed me out to the garage. They were exchanging looks behind my back, I know they were. They'll forget about that when I show them what I've got them.

I started to speak as I walked to one side of the car, "Now, you can pick which one you want, but I figured a hitchhiker is kind of Ryan's thing, and," I opened one side of the car and undid the handcuffs on the whore, "Chris would probably enjoy disposing of a hooker more."

I pulled the hooker out pushed her towards Chris. She stumbled forward and he grabbed her by the neck. Chris earned the most sinister smile I've ever seen as he lifted her up by her throat, until her feet weren't on the ground anymore.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy breaking you." He mused, then squeezed tighter around her throat to make her gasp, "Thank you, Ghostie."

"No problem." I replied while walking to the other side of the car.

As I let the hitchhiker out, she tried her damnedest to run. I had to catch her and try to keep her in my arms. She was a willie little bitch. Ryan sauntered over. As he passed the tool bench, he slowly pulled a hammer off of it.

"Let her go." He said, "I could use the exercise."

He's an odd one, but whatever he wants. I let the girl go. She ran out of the side door of the garage and kept going into the woods. Ryan casually approached the door she almost threw off it's hinges.

He started to slip out of it, and on his way out muttered a "Thanks for the gift." Then followed it with a chuckle.

"You didn't get anything for yourself?" Chris said in a fake-happy tone.

I laughed, "You know me better than that. I'll be in the cellar. Make sure no one bothers me."

"Will do." He responded. Chris threw the hooker into the tool bench, making some of the tools on the wall fall down on her. "Let's play, Princess. Go head and fight. It'll make me want to hurt you that much more."

Chris grabbed some rope from one of the other cars. After that, I didn't stick around to watch. I have a date of my own to romance. The blades are my flowers, and I will bring them to her like a gentleman. Slowly, and calmly, with a smile. I need this to distract me from Ricky's absence, so she has to last me a while.

Upon walking into the cellar, I turned on the single light that hovered over her. She was tied to one chair with another across from her. In the darkness rested a table. From it, I took an old barber's blade. I was in a bit of a Sweeney Todd mood tonight. I grabbed myself another blade to sharped the first against. Slowly, I walked over to the chair opposite of her.

I sat down with a tired sigh. Her eyes shook in my presence. Lovely. I crossed one leg over the other like a lady, then began to sharpen the knives in my hand. She didn't have a gag in her mouth, but I guess she was shellshocked into silence.

"What was your name again?" I asked. Silence. Dumb bitch. I leaned forward and gently rested the side of the barber's blade next to her temple, "It's for the best you behave. I think you know that."

She gulped, "G-Ga-Gabriella."

"Well, my Dear, here's the deal. My boyfriend is missing right now and until he's found, I need something to get my mind off of things. You're going to be that something." I explained, "We're going to have a lot of fun tonight. Don't you worry."

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