Chapter 40 | Clash of the Titans

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Just like any night, before bed I was down on my knees in front of my lover. We were a little too addicted to each other, but I could care less what anyone thinks about it. I don't even need him to pleasure me some nights. Getting him off makes me happy enough.

It's been a week or so since the hospital. We've had some sort of sex act every night. It just makes me feel so much more connected to him. I'm sure he isn't complaining that I want him in my mouth constantly. His cum tasted so good, I was always thirsty for him.

We were just finishing up for tonight. I stood up and wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him into my lips. Ricky laughed that sweet as honey laugh and snaked his arms around me.

"You're an angel, you know that?" He mused as he went to find his pants on the floor.

I plopped down on our bed and attempted to hide my bashful smile, "No. Far from it."

"Shut up." He joked as he walked back to me, now with jeans on. "Look at you. You have the body of a sinner, sure, but you have the face of an angel."

I glanced away with a blush staining my cheeks, "Hm, maybe that's why people are so shocked when they find out I'm a murderer."

He laughed, "Probably."

Ricky put his hand on my chest and began to push me back on the bed while kissing me. Just as he got his leg over my hip, the room when pitch black. I felt him get off of me and heard him trying to flip the light back on.

"Power's out." Ricky sighed.

I felt my way around until I found the night stand. Opening it, I searched around through some of our, erm, toys, and found the flashlight. I flicked it on and we walked out of our room to find the others. It must've been the storm. There's a pretty bad summer storm outside. The wind has been shaking the windows, but I've always found storms calming in a weird way.

As we walked into the living room/kitchen area, we saw the majority of the others lighting candles or digging for flashlights in cabinets. I was about to ask what the Hell was going on, but all of us were silenced by a knock at the door. There was a solid moment there we just stared at each other.

Chris made the honestly stupid and risky move of peaking through the blinds. In an instant, like a little kid running downstairs on Christmas morning, he bolted towards the door. Chris threw it open and grabbed the figure standing on our porch. The lightening silhouetted the two bodies as they fell into a movie-esc kiss. The dominant dipped the other, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was happening.

Once the two finally took a break for air, they shut the door. I shined the light in their direction to see a soaked, but happy Angelo. What was he doing here? He was supposed to stay back in Scranton for another few months, at least. His mother was sick and he was going to stay with her. Plans changed, I guess.

"What are you doing here?" Chris asked him quickly, unable to take his arms off of him.

"It's a long story," Ange took a look around, "Why are you guys in the dark?"

"The storm knocked out the power." Ricky replied.

"Actually," Ryan spoke as he walked in from behind us, "It was cut. Vinny's trying to fix it now, but wires don't cut themselves, an- Angelo? What are you doing here?"

"Long story." Ange and Chris responded at once.

Ryan-Ashley softly asked, "Did anyone follow you here?"

"No, of course not." He responded.

"Even if they did, the power would have gotten cut after you arrived. Whomever did it was here before you." I said, "And there's only a few people that know about this place that aren't in this room."

Ricky was on the same page as me. He sighed, "We'll let you call the shots, Babe."

"Chris, stay here and watch the house incase they come here. Keep Ange and Reese here with you and protect them. Ryan, go back downstairs and try to help Vinny get the power back on. The rest of us, are going hunting." I stated grimly.

I'd like to hope my gut is failing me just this once, but it never has before. I don't even want to speak his name, just in case. If he really is out there, out in those woods, well I won't kill him. I'm just going to hurt him really bad. Whomever it is that cut our power, even if it isn't him, I'm going to rip them apart. No one attacks my family like this.

Ryan-Ashley, Balz, Ricky, and I went down to the cellar to get some weapons. You might be surprised I'm not being overprotective of Ricky, but I know he can take care of himself. He can load and shoot a gun faster than anyone I've ever seen. He's so lightweight too that he can get away from people easily if they grab him. I'm sure Balz had the same thought process with Ryan-Ashley. She can be actually be scarier than him at times.

As always those two grab the axes. They do well with hatchets for some reason. Ricky grabbed dual pistols and slipped extra bullets into his jean pockets. I sighed as I stared around at the cache of weapons lining the walls. Fuck, I don't want to hurt him if it is him but if it isn't, I have to have something I can kill with. I grabbed a flash bang grenade and hung it from my waist. Then I pulled the machete off the wall, feeling it's weight in my palm.

"They couldn't have gotten far. I'll go straight out the back. You guys cover the left and right." I told the others.

"I'll take the right." Ricky replied as he was halfway to the exit.

I caught up with him, as did the others. They went ahead of me while I locked the cellar door. I might be stalling a little bit because I don't want to deal with this shit. Part of me knows, whether it'd be now or later, I will have to face him. I tightened my scarf around my neck to protect my jugular somewhat, then headed towards the back of the house. The rain was still pouring and the sky was pitch black. This is just fantastic.

After looking behind the house, I decided to bite the bullet and head out into the woods. No one comes in these woods ever, so there isn't one path. I tried my best to keep my balance as I went through the thick roots and bushes crowding the ground. It didn't help I was going uphill either. Amongst the heavy rain and my short breaths, I heard rustling that I knew was not a small animal.

As I turned around, I caught the edge of a shadow rushing in between the thick trees. Those movements are not that of cop or some punk teenagers messing around. I'm almost certain it's him. I heard the whipping of movement behind me and swiftly sliced in that direction, only hitting air.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." I sang mockingly.

I looked ahead, through a thick of trees. There, I saw a shadowed figure. Only a small crack of moonlight beamed across his face, shining light on just his evil eyes. From here, I could see he had some sort of weapon. As if his own mouth wasn't enough.

"The others miss you. I... I know I said some shit... But that is your home as much as it is ours. Come home, Mike." I said, masking my weariness with optimism.

There was a laugh behind me. It was a woman's, sounding a lot like Harley Quinn. Regretfully, I turned towards the mock. That also caused me to turn my back on Kuza. Two rules about dealing with crazy: You don't fuck crazy and you don't turn your back on crazy. In an instant, he was behind me. He struck me in my lower back with something heavy. It felt like stone, and it fucking hurt.

I felt too my knees, my whole body shaken by the blow. Fuck, I think he broke some bones in my back. Before I could make another move, he slammed the weight into my back against. My chest fell into the forest floor. I tried to move but was only met with gut wrenching pain. Fuck, it was making my head spin, it hurt so bad.

"Go to the house. I'll meet you there." He told someone. I assume it was the girl I heard laughing at me earlier. The rain and agony were blurring my vision mostly, but I could see him standing in front of me. Mike loomed over me with a laugh, "I don't want to kill you, Devin. I just wanted payback. I wanted you to see what you threw away. I wanted you to regret hurting me. You broke my heart, so I broke your back."

My breaths were heavy as I thought of something to say. There was nothing I hadn't told him already, aside from an apology. I'm not going to apologize though, because what I did wasn't uncalled for! All I knew was he could easily kill me in this position. I had to do something until the guys found us. Though it hurt like fucking Hell to move, I reached down to my waist and pulled the pin on the flash bang. As did, I hit my eyes from it's blinding light.

A ringing noise invaded my eyes, but I stunted Mike. I grabbed his ankle and pulled him down. He fell to the ground and as he did so, he banged his head against a big rock. He groaned and I assumed passed out. Moments later, I was fighting my own heavy eyes. The flash bang I hope drew in the others. Thankfully, it did. I heard Ricky's sweet voice attempting to talk to me as he knelt down. His hands touched my face but his words were gargled. The last thing I remember was his angel eyes before I passed out.


A few questions/updates.

Update is I started a second account TokyoHysteria - This account will be where I publish extras on my popular stories. The one shots are moving there as well soon. It's also where I'll be doing my reading from now on, so if you want me to read your story, ask me there.

I'm having a contest for a new one shots cover. The winner can either chose what one shot I write first on the new account, or they can do a collab one shot with me. You can submit as many covers as you want. Tweet them to me (same username) Contest ends Christmas.

First question. I know the holidays are miserable for most of you b/c you all hate your families so I want to update a lot. Tell me when your holiday breaks begin? I'd like to have a general idea of when to start spamming updates.

Second question. I'm going to do a three chapter update on a story on XMas. Only one story though. Which to you guys want it to be?

Finally, give me your predictions for the next chapters of Sanity! PS what'd you think of the new cover? :)

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