Chapter 42 | Under the Moon

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I actually had to wonder what there was to say. Mike broke my back after I broke his heart. End of the story. But, see, that's not the end. We wouldn't be here if it was the end. We still have to live in this house together, and the others won't stand to have hatred amongst us. All we have is each other, after all. Fuck, I don't want there to be hatred between Mike and I.

We were good friends up until I found love in Ricky's eyes. Then jealousy destroyed us, just like it does to so many people. Greed and jealous is what killed our society. I don't want it to take away our friendship as well. Mike walked over to the side of the bed and sighed. He was obviously restraining himself from coming closer.

"Sit down." I muttered, nodding towards the chain Ricky had been using earlier.

Mike glanced over at it. He rubbed his arm nervously as he sat down, just barely on the edge of the seat. All that rage from before, it was gone. He was scared to face me. I guess I would be a little less ballsy if I didn't have my sledgehammer.

"How's your back?" He timidly asked.

"Do you even care?" I snit.

Mike seemed offended, "Of course I do!" He then grabbed his head from raising his voice. Lowering it, he added, "Yes. I had to get my anger out for you. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

"I still don't understand why it hurt you so much when I got with Ricky. I never promised you we'd be together." I said.

He huffed, frustrated, "You didn't say it directly but you implied it! At least, I thought you did."

"And how exactly did I do that?" I snapped.

"Don't you remember?" He sneered, "The first time at Graham that we both got put in the hotbox. We got in a fight with some other inmates in the courtyard and the judge sentenced us to two weeks in solitary. But, because it was my third offense I actually got a month. When we left each other in the court room that day, you told me we'd always be together because we're both under the moon. We'd always tell each other that when the other got thrown in solitary. Then Ricky came and you changed. You stopped looking at me like you loved me."

I seeped a long sigh, "I'm sorry, Mike. I really am. I never realized I was leading you on. When I was an escort, it was my job to make men fall in love with me. I got to a point I started to do it without realizing it. " I nervously chuckled, "You're right. I broke your heart, so it's only right that you got to break my back."

He smiled gently, "I still shouldn't have. Besides, I did find someone who healed my heart."

"Yeah, I heard she attacked my boyfriend." I spoke unhappily.

"Sorry about that." Mike seeped a sigh as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'll let it go, as long as you promise we can have a fresh start from here on. We can't be fucking each other over like this. There's so many people in this world that deserve it more."

"So many more." He snit while shaking his head, "Ghost?"


"I'm glad we cleared this all up." He replied as he stood up, "I missed you, even if I was angry with you. I should let you rest though. I'll make sure I tell Ricky he can come back in."

I glimpsed a grin, "Thank you. Can you tell him to grab some more pain killers from Ryan for me?"

Mike nodded, then slipped out of the room. I reached over to the lap to turn it off, but failed miserably. My back was killing me. Okay, I know that was not the best choice of words. I realize that now that I said it. There's a lot of things I've said that I shouldn't have. If I knew how to watch my mouth, I wouldn't have gotten my back broken.

It took about ten minutes until Ricky returned. He set a bottle of water on my side table along with a small dish of meds. He leaned over and kissed my forehead softly. He's so damn sweet.

"I'm going to go wash up for bed. Ryan said to be careful how much you take. He gave me enough dosage for two pills tonight, two in the morning, and extra if you need it during the night. He said you shouldn't take more than four pills in a twenty-four hour period." He told me.

"Thank you, Babe." I responded.

With a sweet smile, he left me for the bathroom. I reached over and grabbed my pills and water. Damn it, I hope I can handle taking these without getting addicted. I usually stayed away from medications because addiction runs in my family. I'm scared to death I'll fall into that pit like my mom did. I took two pills like I was told. Then I set the rest down on the side table.

Slowly, I laid myself down. My back was hurting so fucking much. I sat staring at the ceiling as I waited on Ricky to come back. He shut off the bathroom light, coming out in only pajama bottoms. I loved those beautiful lines he had on his pelvis. They went down in a perfect V. Fuck, he was beautiful. Both inside and out, I loved every part of him. The way he glowed without makeup make me breathless.

He reached on hand under the lamp's shade. As he turned it off, he set his other hand on my chest. Ricky leaned over and kissed my lips delicately, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I spoke to him as he walked around to his side of the bed.

Ricky earned the sweetest smile when I said that. He pulled back the sheets and got under them. He was afraid of hurting me because of my back, so he didn't put much weight on me when he cuddled up. I wish he would get closer around me, even if it wouldn't be the best idea.

"Sweet dreams." Ricky whispered to me.

I kissed the top of his head, "Sleep well, Angel."

He closed his eyes and I'm sure was asleep shortly after. I looked out of the window, which was pouring in moonlight. I could even see the moon from where I laid. Mike and I shared our good times together, but our connection could never hold a candle to what Ricky and I have. Ricky makes me feel complete. Even when we're just laying here like this, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else in the world.

Ricky was asleep already. I looked up at the ceiling again and sighed to myself. Something tells me I won't be getting much sleep tonight.

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