Chapter 56 | This is Only the Beginning

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Hello my Bat Babies! For those of you that don't follow me on Twitter, it is bittersweet for me to announce that this is the last chapter of Sanity. I wanted this story to go out on top. If you do want more of it, there is bonus scenes and content over on TokyoHysteria that I will be continuously publishing for a few weeks after this.

I'd like to thank you all for your support. Without you, this story wouldn't have become the success that it has. A special thank you to my good friend ghosts_kitten for promoting this story so damn much on his IG, as well as being a motivator for me to continue writing.

Character Credits:

Julia (Chapter 27-30) motionlessinwhorror

Gabrielle (Chapter 32-34) BandGirl007

Natalie (Chapter 55) hamster-o-matic

Rayne (Chapter 40-56) kye_monster

Last order of business, if you've read all my other stories and would like something to replace Sanity in your reading routine, go over to my second account. I have a Ghorror reading list there for all your Ghorror needs :P The tally for the next story release is in as well and with an overwhelming amount of votes over the others, the winner is... The Rain! Make sure you're following me so you can get an email to notify you when it's released!

Thank you once again for all your support. As always with finally chapters, all I ask is you spam me with comments <3 Love you, Batties


2 Years Later

"Hey, Babe?" Ricky called for me as he fell against the frame of my door. His badge hung around his neck, meaning he must've just come from some form of work. "I've got this real homophobe bigot fuck I've been trying to press for info for a few hours now. I want to wrap this one before tonight. Would you come help me?"

I sat up, setting my book on my side table, "Yeah. How do you wanna play it?"

He laughed lustfully as his eyes scanned my body, "How 'bout you just put on a nice short dress and don't say a word. I don't want him to realize you're naturally a man until I'm ready to break him. He's the type that'll puke if a gay touches him. He'd do anything, including confess, to get you off of him."

"I know physical torture isn't your thing," I said as I flipped through the hangers of my closet, "But you really get off on mental torture."

"The only time I like physical torture is when I hold you a hair away from an orgasm and you whine my name." Ricky smirked.

Now with a black wrap dress and leather jacket on, I walked up to my sexy boyfriend. I pulled down on his badge to bring him closer to my lips. We shared a quick kiss before beginning to walk to the other side of Graceland. At least, that's what we call this building because it's right by the actual Graceland. By government code it's Area 13. It's build just like the pentagon, but much smaller in scale. It was a seven minute walk between buildings to get to the area we pretty much torture people in, for the sake of getting confessions, that is.

I never thought I'd see the day I was working alongside blue bloods. After we stopped the zombie apocalypse and all, the guys above Ricky were impressed. They accepted his purposed concept of a suicide squad. We were moved here to Graceland. There's a housing unit that we stay in, which I actually like more than you'd think. No one gives a shit that Ricky and I are obviously together and sleep in the same room at night.

Ryan was given his job back as an experimental scientist. They let him test his experiments on death row inmates. Oh, turns out Ricky's sister was actually twenty-one when she came into the picture. Even though she has a baby face, she's still legal. If you've ever seen Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Amy's relationship is pretty much Ryan and Reese now. It's rather adorable if you ask me. Sometimes pathetic, but mostly adorable.

Vinny helps mostly in busting mob bosses or figuring out money related schemes. He comes on missions with us sometimes because he has gotten good with a gun. Ashley, Jeremy, and Nikki have been using their best talents; Stealing. Except, they're now stealing back shit that belongs to the Government. As for the rest of us, we're the attack dogs. When they need someone caught, killed, or tortured, they call one of us. Our talents didn't go unnoticed. After a year of cleaning up mess after mess for the feds, the CIA took notice. We now work for both corporations when they need our help, but we mainly have stayed to FBI jobs. The CIA formed their own team of criminals and only call us when they need us.

Things have been quiet for us recently. We made it that way on purpose because none of us wanted to work much leading up to Chris and Angelo's wedding. They got married two weeks ago in Paris. It was a much needed vacation for us, but crime doesn't rest. We had to get back to work once we got back.

Ricky walked in the room ahead of me and I sauntered in behind as he spoke, "Hello again, Mr. Hart."

"Who's the hussy?" He snit in my direction.

He released a canned laugh and wrapped his arm around my waste, "My girlfriend. I thought you could use a change in company. Beautiful, isn't she?"

Mr. Hart eyed me like a dog looking at a slab of meat. "She's a looker." He half-grinned. I slipped out of Ricky's grasp and leaned myself against the table. The not so hot looking tough guy ran his hand up my leg, feeling the fabric of my thigh highs with his hands. "Why so quiet, Sweet Cheeks?"

I simply smiled as Ricky said, "Well, much like you, Mr. Hart, I believe a woman should be nothing more than a servant to a man. She speaks when I tell her to. She does everything that I tell her to. You've been here awhile now, so I'm sure you're missing your several girlfriends. Beautiful, won't you treat this gentleman to a treat? After all, he has been so patient with us."

Mr. Hart barely started to push up the edge of my dress. I ran my manicured hands down his muscular arms. He was a juicer. I pushed back the table with my butt a bit to put some room between it and his chair. That also gave me a brief moment to get away from him so he would stop pushing my dress up. I channeled in my hooker days and sat myself down in his lap, resting my arms on his shoulder. Amazing how he could look right in my eyes and not tell.

"You still don't want to tell me where Lucy is?" Ricky asked him.

"You think putting your whore girlfriend on my lap will get a confession out of me?" He snit.

"No, but I think putting my gorgeous boyfriend on your lap might. Devin is a man, not a woman. That just disgusts you, doesn't it?" He seethed.

Mr. Hart tried to push me off, but I knew from three years with Ricky how to hold on when a man gets rough. "Get the fuck off me! You disgusting piece of filth!"

"Tell us where Lucy is first." I demanded.

"A cabin up by Mere Lake! She's in the basement!" He responded, "Just get the fuck off of me."

I looked to Ricky to make sure he had gotten all he needed. He nodded and I got up. I straightened out my dress, only for Ricky to wrinkle it once we stepped back out of the room. He put one arm around my lower back, tipping me over. His other hand grabbed one of my legs, which I happily wrapped around him. Our lips met with fireworks. Fuck, I love this man.

"Thanks for the help, Kitten." He mused.

"Of course, Daddy." I chirped, following it with a hint of a whine.

"What wrong?" He asked sweetly, but I couldn't answer him because he boss came around the corner. Ricky straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "He confessed. He said she's in the basement of a cabin on Mere Lake."

"Good work, Olsen. Go get yourself some sleep." He responded.

Ricky grabbed my hand and began to pull me through the tunnel that linked back to the housing. Once we were alone, he stole a peak at my ass. His arm snaked over my hips as walked. "Tell me what's wrong now?"

"Nothing serious. You've just got me sexually frustrated is all, but I know you're tired from working that guy all night." I told him.

"Mmm, true. I'm not too tired to watch Chris fuck you for me though." He said.

"I don't want Chris though," I whined again, "I want you."

Ricky laughed, "You sound like a little kid. I think you could use a nap too. I'll make you a deal. We'll nap now, then if you're still horny afterwards, I'll fuck you until you cum more times than you can count on one hand."

I bit my lip. Then I stole a kiss from him, "Thank you."

As we came back into the housing unit, we saw Reese and Ryan sitting on the couch in our living room type area. She was trying to start a flame in him and it just wasn't happening. I know she stays with him because she does love him, for some weird reason, but she has a sex drive as high as her brother's. It has to drive her crazy.

"Are you ever going to give up on him?" Vinny asked from where he sat at the chair adjacent.

"No." She pouted. "He's broken and I'm going to fix him, somehow."

Ryan sighed and put his arm over her shoulder. It was rare he ever showed her that much affection. "I'm not broken. In fact I'm more fixed than most people because I use sex exclusively for it's one intended purpose of repopulation."

"Hey, mister sciencey," I spoke as I leaned over the back of the couch, "Believe it or not sex isn't just a vice when it's not being used for procreation. He's also a bonding tool for relationships and there's sciencey stuff to back me up. I might've dropped out of high school at sixteen to become a hooker, but I do know some stuff."

"Do you know your boyfriend already left?" He teased me.

I looked up and saw he was already halfway down the hall. "Ricky!"

"I'm tired! Get your hot ass down here so we can cuddle." He responded.

I rolled my eyes and stood up straight. Ricky was already at the door of our room. I hurried to get down there, getting greeted by one of our cats. They kind of just roam around. I love all the fur babies! Mine are cuter than Balz's though, despite what he thinks. Lexus slipped out of the door before I closed it, leaving the room to just Ricky and I.

"You hear that?" I asked as I pointed towards the left wall.

He glanced back at me as he pulled his shirt off, "Chris fucking Angelo's brains out? You aren't used to that at this point?"

"I notice it when I'm horny." I responded, taking off my heels.

Ricky walked over to me. He pushed my leather jacket off my shoulders. His touch was so electric to me. I shuttered a moan just to feel his hands along my body. He delicately ran his hands along my curves, then pulled me close. I fell forward into him, into his lips more specifically. He further twisted our bodies to dip me. His hand went up my thigh, continuing up my leg. I gasped as we parted because it was such a mind blowing kiss.

"I love you. You know that, right?" Ricky cooed, his eyes staying locked on mine.

I softly earned a smile, "I love you too, Ricky. I go crazy without you."

"Correction: We go insane when we're together, and that's what makes us renegades. You're my little Devil. You're mine."

I felt pure bliss as I went back in for another kiss, "Forever and always."


And there you have it, my dear reader: The story of how I went from an emotionless killer in a high security prison, to working for the FBI and falling for one of their best agents. Though likely no one will get to know my story, it's still a relief to get it down on paper. As of writing this, Ricky and I are in a hotel in Barcelona on our honeymoon.

We've had our ups and downs through the past couple of years, but I wouldn't trade the pain for what I've earned. It took years of pain to finally receive my gift for all the agony. Ricky was well worth the wait. At every turn, he makes me happier than I ever thought I'd know. He's got me laughing while I sing and smiling in my sleep. He is my angel; He is my Devil. He is my Heaven and Hell, my sugar and spice. He takes the rage away with one simple kiss, and in his arms I can see everything clearly. He's my everything.

So, to those that have sat through all these pages of my story, I offer you this bit of advice. Life is not perfect, but it is worth it. No matter how many stones are cast at your body, you are strong. You can take a beating, because through the haze of the flames, there will be an angel on the other side of the blaze. Don't give in when it gets too hot to handle. People will watch you fall apart, and they're the ones you kill first.

My broken soul is eternally bleeding so that those who doubted me can see through me and they can see the strong man that now stands behind me. I almost gave up on the fight that lead me to him. Hell, I almost gave up on him a few times. In the end, he was worth the effort I put forth to keep him in my life. The moral of the story is this:


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