Chapter 8 | Visitation

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"Sola!" The guard snapped at me, forcing me out of my light sleep. I groaned in response and looked over to the front of my cell to see him standing there with his key ring. "You've got a visitor."

That woke me up fully. I jumped down from my bed and stretched a little first. The guard walked into my cell. I knew the drill and offered him my wrists, which he cuffed. The chain connecting my hands was a little longer than traditional handcuffs, so I didn't complain much about it. He lead me out of the cell, directing me towards the visitation area which was on the other side of the fucking prison.

Another guard had to come to grab Chris, considering one guard definitely couldn't handle us both if we got out of control. Not that we would act out! Especially when Angelo comes to visit because he brings us supplies from the outside world. Of course they have to be approved by the prison staff and all, but it always gets through to us within a few days. Plus we just get so happy to see him. He's the only person that comes to visit either of us.

Angelo is our only connection to the outside world. Being able to actually touch and talk to someone who is connected to freedom gives me a sense of relief. It's like getting a drink of water after wandering in the desert for a year. He keeps my sanity at a manageable level. I suppose the same could be said for Chris. Even more than me, now that I know the truth about them.

Once having the damn long walk to the visitation room, the guards had to of course check us over for the millionth time. I wonder when they're going to figure out that I'm not stupid enough to carry anything dangerous on me? Honestly I just hate being touched all over by someone who I don't find attractive. Now if it was a cutie like Ricky, I wouldn't be complaining. I hope he's doing alright. He should be back in our cell by the time I get back.

The guards brought us into a small room, giving us that look that told us not to try anything. For months on end we've had the same visit with Ange and never done anything. Do they think that's going to change now? Fucking assholes. Sometimes they stick us in an open room where a ton of people are doing visitations. This time, we got a closed room with a table in it.

Chris and I were sat down on one side of the table. Despite me having good behavior, they still are rough with us. On the other side of the room, a guard opened a door that let Angelo into the room with us. He looked a little bent out of shape but only in a sleepy way. At least, I hope tiredness is the only thing wrong. Other than that, he was the same Angelo that we love.

"You two haven't been causing too much trouble, have you?" Angelo asked as he sat down.

I folded my hands under my chin, replying, "You know we're perfect angels."

He laughed, "Yeah, that's why you're doing life in a max security prison."

"We've been behaving. In fact, somebody here made a deal with the warden." Chris said as he nodded his head towards me.

Angelo looked shocked to hear, but I guess I'm not exactly known for complying to people's requests. "Oh?" He suspiciously said.

"I got a new cellmate. Deal is, as long as he's alive, Mike stays out of solitary confinement. Which reminds me, could you do me a favor and check out this guy for me? He told me he's in for killing his boyfriend after he was abusive but I'm not sure about it." I explained. "His name is Richard Olson. He told me he was a librarian before he was booked. He mentioned his boyfriend's name was Garth, but never gave me last name."

Angelo pulled out his phone to write down the information I had given him. "I'll try my best to find something. I brought you a new set of books by the way. A few Stephen King, then whatever they had for horror at the book store."

"Thank you so much. I've been going through books fast, but I have a feeling this new cellmate of mine is going to give me something else to fill my time." I smirked.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he's infatuated with this kid."

"He's not a kid. He's twenty-seven." I said.

"No way he's that old!" He gawked.

"Yes way, and I'm not infatuated with him." I clarified. "I just think he's cute. That's it. Speaking of romance though, we can bring up what you told me this morning."

Angelo raised his eyebrow at Chris, waiting on an explanation. He seemed concerned to know what Chris had told me. Obviously they wanted to keep it secret but I hope not to the point Chris would get in trouble for telling me.

"What'd you tell him?" Ange wearily asked.

Chris sighed. "I told him about us. I'm sorry, I just had to tell someone. It was driving me fucking crazy. Plus I was worried if anything ever happened to me in here, that no one would know."

"Babe, it's okay." He reassured him with his bright eyes. "I'm glad you have someone you can talk to about it, and Devin is definitely the one person I trust to know. And, I hope you don't mind, but I told Ryan-Ashley. It was getting to me too, not being able to tell someone, but it was mostly to comfort her. Let her know she's not the only one that has the love of their life behind bars."

"I just worry about hurting you anymore than I already have." Chris muttered. "I love you more than anything in this world."

"I love you too Chris, and if the fact that I've stayed with you through all this doesn't prove that, I don't know what will." He chuckled.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He smiled happily.

I shook my head, internally enjoying the fluff, but it was also grossing me out. I'm not one much for the cutesy lovey-dovey relationships. They were cute together though. Chris leaned over the table and gently kissed Angelo. It is permitted, but in good taste. When the kiss lasted a few seconds too long, the guard pulled Chris back a bit roughly. He grunted as his back slammed into the chair.

"Speaking of Ryan-Ashley," I started out, changing the subject. "How's her trial going?"

"Long." He groaned. "Three fucking months now and they can't make up their minds. It's not looking too good in her though."

"It's been driving Josh insane not seeing her since the case was reopened. I don't know if he could handle her going to prison." Chris replied.

Josh's long term girlfriend, Ryan-Ashley, was pretty much the Bonnie to his Clyde. They were partners in crime, but to spare her, he plead guilty when he was caught. The courts never even expected that she was as evil as he was. Until some fucker cop decided to review the evidence when a new witness came forward. They reopened the case and have been trying to pin her for the same crimes.

Angelo sighed. "All we can do is hope."

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