Chapter 10 | Chelsea's Grin

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Eventually I caught up with Chris. He had fled to one of the watch towers. There was only one with a light on. Wasn't that hard to find him. When I got there, I quickly realized Kuza was missing. It's a good thing I gave those two that tip when I did. We have a lot of advantages in this game and I've realized it made it a little too easy for us. I want this to be a challenge, after all.

Manson was sat at the desk, watching the monitors. Twiggy was in his lap. They reminded me quite a lot of Ricky and I. Just older, and well, not in a big fight. Which reminds me, fucker still hasn't texted me back. Normally I would ignore it or even worry about it. Right now, I was just pissed. With my arms crossed across my chest, I propped myself against the wall and observed the scene in front of me.

Chris had Heather tied up and sat against the wall. He was knelt down in front of her, rambling on and on about how much he hated her. I've never seen him waste so much breath on a victim. Angelo stood beside me in the shadows and watched. We didn't say anything to each other because we didn't need to.

"When I said earlier than you owed someone an apology, that wasn't the right choice of words. What I should have said is you owe him closure. See, I've done plenty wrong. I did deserve that jail cell and I know that. But Angelo, Angelo never deserved it. I could've understood what you did.

You had a murderer for a boyfriend and turned him in. I get it, but the reason you turned Angelo in too is because you wanted revenge." He seethed as he pointed a pocket knife at her, "You wanted to see us suffer because you couldn't stand that I was always around him, with him. When I wasn't with him, I was texting him or talking about him. It drove you nuts. I remember the night I almost killed you... You said to me that if people didn't know any better, from the outside looking in, they'd think Angelo was my boyfriend.

After all your years of bitching, it looks like you were actually right about something."

She looked up at him through her ratted hair, completely baffled, "What?"

"All those nights I was at work late, the times you had to scream over the phone just to get me to leave his house, it's because I was fucking his sweet ass." Chris took a few steps back, "He is the only person I've ever truly loved. No matter what fucking came at us, whether it be prison, getting shot, or even a zombie outbreak, we kept on loving each other. That's why I married him. He means everything to me." He held out the handle of the knife to his side. Angelo pushed himself away from the wall and walked towards him, taking the knife. "And it's because he means everything to me, that I'm making you pay for what you did to him."

"Please, I'm sorry! I have kids now! Please don't do this! Please, please don't kill me." She begged.

I expected Angelo to go soft or to hesitate. He's always had the most heart out of any of us. I guess you could say he's the only good cop whereas the rest of us fill the bad cop role. That's why his response shocked me.

He spoke so calmly in his gentle voice, "We suffered under your selfish decision. Payback's a bitch."

Angelo drew his hand back. He slashed across her cheek, making blood spray across his chest. She screamed like a little bitch. Normally I like to hear them suffer, but she was just fucking annoying. I changed my attention over to the monitors. Vanessa and Rayne had found one of the towers. Just in time too because Kuza was going to catch up with them quickly.

The warehouse was quiet. Sonny was taking watch as the other two slept. He paced around, seeming somewhat lost in his own thoughts. Not much had changed about him. He was still the same sleezeball he always was, only twenty years older. It's hard to believe it's taken this long... It's almost... Surreal.

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"Fuck," I muttered as I caught sight of the clock, "I gotta get home."

Jonny stopped kissed all over my chest. He hovered over me, glancing over at the clock, "Why? What's waiting for you at home?"

I stared back at him blankly, too tired to come up with a good lie. He's been good to me. I don't know why I won't tell him, but I just don't want to. He already pities me for some reason. I'm not giving him another reason to try to treat me better than I deserve. Who knows. Maybe if he found out, it would go the opposite direction. He might lose interest in me.

"There's someone I have to take care of." I vaguely responded.

"What? You got a dying aunt or somethin'?" He asked.

"Yeah, something like that." I muttered, "I'll give you a freebie tomorrow night to make up for it, but I really have to go catch the bus."

Jonny moved over to my left to let me get up. As I did, he sat up in bed. "Babe," He spoke to get my attention. Jonny leaned over to his bedside table. He stuck a smoke in his mouth and opened the drawer. There was a few stacks in there. He grabbed one and handed it to me, "Take it."

"This is more than you were supposed to give me, and you didn't even get your money's worth." I replied.

He held a lighter up to his cigarette as he lit it. Jonny tossed the lighter back near the ash tray and said, "I don' care. Makin' sure you're taken care of means more to me than getting it in."

Believe it or not, there was a part of me that felt bad taking advantage of him. He was just a heroine addict and drug dealer. All he had in life was this shit house, a few shady friends, the company of prostitutes, and metal to keep him going. Even when he's around people, he's lonely. I can tell.

"You're sure?" I asked him, "You don't want anything in return for this?"

"I don't need anything in return. Consider it a gift, not payment. That way you don't have to give any to your John." He said.

"How'd you know-"

Jonny looked at me out of the corner of his eye, "I know things. I don' care... You should get goin'."

"Yeah, um, thank you for everything." I responded as I stuck the money in my purse.

I'd hate to admit that I felt anything for a client. It's easy to get attached lustfully, but actually liking someone that pays me to fuck them? Let alone a lonely drug addict? I'm not exactly sure where my head or heart is at there. Jonny has made it clear in his actions that he feels something for me. Actions speak louder than words.

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Jonny didn't tell me what time he wanted me to swing by but he tends to not care. Just as long as he gets to see me. I tend to make him my last stop of the night. He's so understanding if I have to leave or anything like that. Plus, after getting handled by gang members and dirty business men all night, it's nice to see someone alternative like me.

I let myself in the house because the door was left open. He has such a bad habit of that. You'd think if you lived in the slums and you were a drug addict, you'd lock the damn door. It was oddly quiet tonight. Normally his friends would be fucking someone in the living room or playing video games. They were always loud as fuck people which shocked me. Jonny was rather quiet and kept to himself.

"Jonny?" I called for him as I walked over the nastily stained carpet, "Jonny? Baby, are you home?"

Damn drug addicts. He probably shot up and nodded off. I couldn't find him anywhere in that small house. Only one place to check, so I headed back to the bedroom. As I started to walk down the hall, a smell hit me. Something awful, like I had just walked into a meat locker. I stopped in my tracks, putting one hand to the wall and the other over my mouth.

"Christ." I muttered to myself.

Once I was convinced I wasn't going to puke just yet, I kept going. The bedroom door was left open ajar. I cautiously pushed it open, being met with a sight I was scared to find. In the back of my mind, I knew this would happen someday. When he wasn't answering me, when the house was so quiet, and when I smelled that fucking stench, I knew in the back of my mind what I didn't want to admit.

Jonny's dead body rested on his bed. His sheets were drenched in blood. Hell, the whole fucking room was drenched in blood. Shit was broken everywhere. When I saw his face, I had to turn away for a moment. His eyes were still open and his mouth had been cut into a Chelsea's grin.

Despite any romance or lust bubbling between us, he was still my friend. He was my only friend. I'm sure this was just another dealer or even a client that did this. Regardless, I knew I wanted to make them pay. Revenge was a distant thought at the moment though. I was too busy trying not to cry and/or puke. Somehow I stomached it enough to get close to the body. I carefully closed his eyes to put him at some sense of peace. Leaning over the side of the bed, I placed a kiss on his head. His hair was even soaked in blood but I managed to find a clean spot.

I had to go back to the living room to get away from the smell. Stumbling to the couch, I sat down and pulled out my phone. I'm not supposed to ever put myself in a position where the cops could get involved with me but this was different. Just this once, I was fine putting myself at risk. After all Jonny did for me, I owe it to him. Who knows who the next person will be to find the body.

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A/N: This memory takes place the same night as the memory seen in Chapter 36 of the first book, by the way. I'll let you all go figure out what that was.

I forgot to mention this before, but for anyone who doesn't know, there are extra Sanity scenes on my second account tokyohysteria - They are not crucial to this storyline. However, they will give you a little more insight towards everyone's past as well as you'll finally get some different POVs. So, if you want to go deeper into the world of Sanity, I suggest you check it out.

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