Chapter 14 | Mother Dearest

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A graveyard is a place I'd once considered my home, being the restless spirit I am. The second a body you love is laid six feet under, you come to understand that you don't want to join them. Not yet anyways. All the things my parents left unfinished, I don't want to become like them. I don't want to just be a box in the ground for people to walk over.

Today was Mother's Day. Being that I lost my mom before I could even retain long term memories, I don't remember ever celebrating the holiday while she was alive. She had a drug problem but up until she blew herself away, she was a good mom. I make an effort to bring a rose to her grave. It might be a fruitless effort but it gives me some closure. The dead don't give a shit about petals and thorns. On the off chance that there is an afterlife, I couldn't bare the thought of my mom seeing every grave covered in flowers except hers.

"Shouldn't you be spending Mother's Day with your kids?" A crude voice patronized me.

I turned around, displeased to see the criminal I'm forced to fuck for. "What? You fuckin' following me places now?"

Deegan had no emotion in his eyes. He just looked with an almost empty expression. There was a little bit of something left in him. It was just spite though, smudged with greed. "Just making sure you're not lyin' to me."

I raised my lip in a scoff, "I have no use for lies but I don't care to tell you the truth."

"You wanna go home to those supposed kids of yours in one piece, you'll tell me." He threatened me. He's nothing but a gun. Without that pistol, he's a pussy and a poor excuse for a man.

"Just because I said they were my kids, I never said I was their mother. Their birth mom is either dead or on a pole somewhere on Sunset by now." I gestured my hand towards the grave beside my mother's, "And that's their father." Sighing, I slipped my hand back into my coat pocket, "My father too. The grave beside his is my mother's. The kids I take care of are my half siblings. Is that a satisfactory answer for you?" I seethed.

As I started to turn to walk away, he grabbed my arm, "Just one more thing. What's going on between you and Jonny? I know you've been going to his house after your rounds."

"He's nothing but a client. A client that likes to see me a lot and he's never done me any wrong. I go to his house last because it's the closet to the bus stop. That's it." I shrugged his hand off of me, "Stop giving a shit so much. You'd never see a baker stop to ask a piece of bread where it came from. A painter doesn't ask a wall it's history. So a Jon shouldn't ask his whore for her life story."

"Your mistake is thinkin' I give a rat's ass."

"You wouldn't be asking if you didn't care." I narrowed my eyes, glancing over my shoulder to him, "You might care for selfish reasons but you fucking care." I kept walking, calling over my shoulder, "And don't fucking follow me home! Asshole."

The sun was on the horizon. It was time to end this. I couldn't even begin to tell you where Kuza was. Manson had lost him on the monitors and Vanessa is still very alive. She might even make it out of here. As for Chris' mom and Sonny, they won't. They never had a chance to begin with. If there was anyone that we knew had to die, it was them.

Chris hooked his finger under Angelo's chin, raising his head, "So, my dark angel, will you be joining me for this last hunt?"

"I need to see her pay for everything she did to you." He responded.

Angelo turned his head and gave Chris a deep kiss. Those two are like a cheesy high school couple. Aside from the whole being crazed murderers part. You gotta love it though. Ricky wouldn't be providing me with the same kind of moral support. He's gotten angry at Sonny plenty of times for the pain he's put me in but he would never be the one to pull the trigger. He doesn't even care to watch.

"Babe," Ricky spoke quickly, grabbing a kiss from me, "Have fun. Take your time, too, but just so you know, I just got word that we have to be Georgia as soon as we can."

I looked back at him strangely, "Georgia?"

"Yeah, it's not exactly a routine mission either. I don't want you to worry about it though. I'm sure the higher ups can live with us getting there a little late." Ricky reached up and gave me a deeper kiss that wasn't so rushed. "Go give that bastard what he fucking deserves."

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Surreal. It's a word I use more than I should. When I was locked away in Graham, when I was on my knees in a Hollywood hotel, when I was living next to rats, I never thought I would end up where I was today. Even in my wildest dreams, I could've never imagined I'd be standing here. In the rafters of the warehouse, I looked down on the man that's caused my nightmares for the last fifteen years.

Angelo crawled up a stack of crates. He pushed the top one off. It shattered against the concrete ground with a loud slam. That instantly woke Penelope up. It's amazing that she hasn't dried up being without her expensive face creams and Botox for twenty four hours. Her stiff skirt had gotten a little ruffed up from the dirt of the forest. If only she knew, that tiffany blue color was about to be stained blood red.

She looked up to his shadow standing on top of the mound of crates. "Who the Hell are you?" She snapped. Her voice was like nails on a chalk board. It was that Beverly Hills mom type of voice. I just wanted to rip her fucking voice box out. That was Chris' job though.

"Don't you recognize him, Mom?" Chris' voice echoed through the large, cold room, "You did put his name in your book, didn't you? About how he helped me hide from the police? But what you left out, you left out the part about why he did it. You were so ashamed of telling the world your son fucked men that you would rather they knew I was a serial killer."

"You're sick, Chris! I want to help you! You're still my son and I do still love you-"

"Love?!" He shouted at her, "The only thing you ever loved was money and fame! All of America got to pity you for being the mother of evil and you made thousands off of every one of them. Meanwhile I was rotting in a fucking cell! And you never called, you never came to visit. You didn't give a fuck about me."

"Not you, no. Because you are not my son. The little boy I raised couldn't hurt a fly. And he certainly wasn't gay. He didn't have that look in his eyes either, the one you have now. You are not my son." She responded.

"Good. We're on the same page, because you're not my fucking mother. Do you know what you are, though?" He asked, "You're dead."

Sonny was watching this entire thing occur but he didn't do anything to stop it. He was smart enough to realize Chris was holding a gun and he wasn't. It wasn't a good choice to try his luck.

Penelope began to take steps backward slowly, "Chris, please. You don't have to do this. I know I upset you but we can solve this some other way."

"You always were optimistic but so fucking ignorant." Chris scoffed, "There is one thing I could thank you for. You did give me my good looks. It's too bad you'll die without yours."

He glanced up at his partner in crime. Angelo kicked over a large bucket that was filled with acid. Chris raised his arm and diverted his face from getting splashed. The vile liquid drenched his dear mother. She screamed in pain. That's got to hurt. It's like burning and getting eaten alive all at the same time. The way her skin started to bubble almost was fascinating.

"Please!" She cried, "Just kill me! It hurts so bad!"

Chris stepped back as she tried to crawl towards him. "My entire childhood, you forced me to be what you wanted. Not what I wanted. You sent me to doctors that used electric shock therapy on me. You took me away from the one person I loved. You turned me into a monster and put me on display for your benefit. You tortured me for thirty years. You fucking deserve this."

Sonny started to back up towards the exit. I would've chased him down anyways. Angelo caught it though, with those sharp eyes of his. He wouldn't miss a damn thing, I swear. "I wouldn't do that." He softly yet strongly said, "The door is locked anyways."

"What'd you freaks want with me? I don't know who any of you people are. I never knew anyone in Graham either." He spat.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, my words twisting out of my mouth like a snake.

Sonny frantically looked around for a source of the voice. "Who's there?"

"Your conscience." I joked as I walked down the beams to the ladder, "Oh, that's right, you don't have one."

"That's rich comin' from you people." He replied.

I slowly stepped down the ladder. My steps rang out throughout the quiet warehouse. Chris' mom had stopped screaming because she was out of air in her lungs. I think she was still alive but she was just barely. There was a few lights beaming down from the ceiling. They provided spot lights, making this even more like a horror movie.

"I'm sure you don't remember me. It's been awhile, but maybe this will refresh your memory." I pulled a small photo out of my pocket and handed it to him.

His hands were shaking. Good. He was nervous. Sonny looked at the polaroid, his eyes widening in realization. "You're Sola's kid?"

"One of them. I'm the only one alive. After you killed our father, the others couldn't survive. I barely did. The only way I could get by was by getting on my knees every night and sucking cock." I snuffed a smirk, "I've got a fed to choke on my dick now. So, I don't need that from you, but I wouldn't mind seeing you on your fucking knees."

"Your old man had it comin' to him." He darned to insult me.

I pulled my favorite pistol from my leather jacket. Pointing it at him, I dropped my tone to a hiss, "Knees. Now."

There was anger in him. He didn't want to have to submit to someone like me. I was an orphaned tranny whore married to a damn fed. Everything about it disgusted him and I couldn't be happier.

"Do you believe in God?"

His aged eyes looked up to mine, shaking as much as his voice, "Yes."

"That's unfortunate." I replied.

"If it brings any peace to you to know, your father did not fear death. He was a fucking asshole though and he did deserve his throat slit." Sonny seethed.

Angelo stepped next to me quietly. I glanced to him. The innocence he once had when we met was gone. He's seen too much death and darkness to find hope in this world. I can't blame him. He's no longer the saint he once was but he's still the best of all of us. Angelo offered me his pocket knife. The same one he had used to kill Heather.

"An eye for an eye." He said.

He was right. I gave him my gun to hold, trading it for the knife. The blade was still rather sharp for having torn through skin all night. It was time my father could finally be at peace. His soul couldn't rest until it was avenged. I knew that much. With that blade, I dragged it across Sonny's through. With every drip of blood that poured out, I felt myself letting go of my troubled past. To see him choking for air brought a huge weight off my shoulders.

Sonny's body fell to the ground. A second later, I dropped the pocket knife. Through the silence, it clanked on the ground. It was almost as if this wasn't even real. I would toss and turn at night to the thoughts that I'd never see that bastard die. He was finally fucking dead. His blood stained the ground that was already destroyed from absorbing pure acid. Two mangled bodies that represented the past rested on that cold ground.

A hand reached around my lower back. It didn't startle me because that touch was so familiar. I glanced over at my lover. Ricky placed his other hand on my cheek and kissed my temple. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

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A/N: My apologies for not updating at all lately. I already mentioned this in Crow. but since not everyone reads that, I'll mention it again. The reason for my absence is because I've been rather heartbroken over the person I care about having to be very far away from me. I knew long distance is a fucking bitch but I never thought it'd cause depression. I'm starting to pull out of it even though I miss him to the point I'll make myself sick sometimes.

I'll stop rambling now. Thank you for all your nice messages though! Hopefully I'll be updating a lot more from now on. We'll see how things go. Take it all day by day. <3

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