Chapter 16 | Georgia

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There is something about small towns that just makes me cringe. I feel filthy and gross. I don't know if their hillbilly ways are contagious! Maybe it's a brain virus that we take as stupidity. Anyone that believes that a wooden cross and the words of a leather bound book is going to compel a Satanic spirit has to be dumb as a bag of rocks.

The second I stepped out of the car I was met by the foul stench of cattle. When Ricky gets to go to conferences in Paris in five star hotels, he doesn't take me. But he wouldn't dream of forgetting me on a mission to ass-fuck nowhere, Georgia. He's going to pay for this one. On the bright side, we weren't too terribly far from the base, which is in Graceland. Balz and Ryan-Ashley met us down here. It was unfair, after all, that the rest of us got to go on a killing spree and they didn't.

"I guess I should be thankful I didn't wear my nun dress." I said as I surveyed the distance with my eyes.

"...Why?" Balz asked with concern.

I half-smirked, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, "Didn't you hear? We get to play with the Devil."

"But I thought Kuza wasn't coming?" Ryan-Ashley responded.

I laughed under my breath and started to follow Ricky towards the barn we'd be dropped in front of. "He'll be out of commission for a little while."

It might not be the worst thing in the world. Vanessa didn't happen to mention where she shot him. She said he was fine though and at least if it went straight through, he won't need surgery. I'm sure the medical staff will still force him to stay on bed rest until it's healed. He could use a break from everyone to be alone with his thoughts. After burning your girlfriend of three years alive, you really should take some time to recollect your thoughts. Maybe that's just me though.

The priest stood in front of the barn with some of the other agents. Two nuns were beside him, one older and one younger. All three looked terrified, which is understandable. The source of evil, in their eyes at least, is terrorizing their town. It's pretty quiet right now. Wherever this bitch is, she's laying low. She's got a brain on her. Normally in possession cases the infected doesn't give a shit about strategy. Nothing about any of this was normal though. It wasn't a textbook possession case but that's why they called us.

"Father, this is our specialty team I was telling you about." One of the other feds said. I've never really cared much to learn their names whenever they're below us on the totem pole.

Both nuns took a few steps back. The priest looked at the fed like he had two heads. "Are you in your right mind? They are murderers. They reek of pure evil, just like that harlot!"

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. Go find someone else willing to chase down your satanic bitch."

He sighed, "My apologies. These circumstances are not... ideal, but it'll have to work."

"Just give me a gun and let's get this over with." I griped.

"No weapons, unfortunately." Ricky grumbled, "Per the priest's request, we're supposed to find her and detain her so they can perform an exorcism."

"Some exorcisms can last days. I'm not sticking around that long." Ryan-Ashley said.

"Besides, I thought we're supposed to keep church and state separate? This is a federal matter. Why are we giving the priest a say at all?" I added.

The fed just shook his head. We can get to be a frustrating group, I get it. But for fuck's sake, if you're sending me in to deal with a bitch that murdered seventy people with her bare hands, I want a damn gun. This town smells like shit and death. I'll need ten showers just to get the aroma out of my hair. This is so not worth it.

"We'll try it their way first. If it doesn't work, we get to do it our way." Ricky seethed, then started to walk towards the barn.

I'll take chasing terrorists in hundred degree weather in a foreign country over this bullshit. Even though I was wearing a black dress, I can still fight just as well in a dress as I can jeans. It was ripped up on the bottom from getting some action but I figure that adds to the aesthetic. With fishnets and combat boots to add to it, I don't blame the priest for being so weary of me. You know, besides the being an infamous murderer thing.

Remember when I said it smelled like shit and death? Guess I was more right than I knew. The cows inside the barn had been slaughtered. They were all ripped open and their intestines were all over the place. Parts hung from the ceiling like party streamers and blood was painted on the wall.

"She can't be far." Ricky said.

"Can we still even call her a 'she'? I think she's moved on to being an 'it' at this point." Balz spoke as he looked up at the rafters.

I did the same, mostly because I was just admiring this bitch's work. How did she even have time to do this? We were under the impression she's been out of anyone's sight since last night. In the shadows of the darkest corner, I caught a flash of something. Eyes, I assume. There was barely a noise made when I caught her.

"What? Are you scared?" I teased her, "For someone that did all this, I wouldn't think you'd be such a little bitch!"

That's all it took to get her to leap at me. I jumped out of the way, finally getting her in the sunlight. Maybe Balz was right. She doesn't look too human anymore. Her skin was nearly grey and every vein, down to the paper thin ones, was visible on the surface. Her eyes were pure red, glossed over like a marble.

"Nice going, Babe. You managed to piss off a demonic spirit." Ricky patronized me.

"First off, I got her out of hiding, and secondly, I am a demonic spirit." I turned my attention towards her, cocking my head to the side, "So let's dance."

She got herself up to her feet. There's true evil in her eyes. It burned in be and almost caught me in a trance for a moment. I wouldn't slip that easily though.

"You foolish whore!" She spat at me. Her voice was disembodied and definitely not that of a small southern girl.

"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" I responded.

That pissed her off. One of the beams of the rafters broke off, swinging down towards me. I jumped out of the way. My survive just added to her anger. Aw, she didn't get her way and now she's going to throw a tantrum. She began to throw as much shit at me as she could. Being that there was a lot of cow guts here, that was primarily what was being hacked at me. Oh, joy. It's not enough I have to be in a shit filled barn but I get farm animal insides in my face!

Balz tried to grab her but she threw him into the wall. In that split second she was distracted, Ricky managed to grab one of her wrists and slap a cuff on her. I grabbed ahold of her other arm only to get tossed across the room myself. She grabbed Ricky by his neck and dug her claws in.

"Let go of my husband, you stupid bitch!" I shouted at her.

She took it to her advantage and threw him. Well, she did technically let go. She just happened to throw him into the ceiling. As Ricky fell back down, he grabbed ahold of one of the rafter beams. He pulled himself up on it and started to look for a better way down. Meanwhile, the three of us where left to deal with this evil bitch.

"You could kill us easily." I said, "Why haven't you?"

A smirk twisted along her face, "I will not kill my brothers and sisters, even if they are traitors!" She screeched out the last word and continued to scream until blood poured from her mouth. Then wasps started to swarm out. That's just fucking fantastic.

I struggled back to my feet, spotting a pitchfork in the corner near me. A little medieval but it'll work. I threw it at her like a spear. She threw it out of her way with her telekinesis, which I expected. It was simply a distraction. Ricky stomped down on one of the rafter's beams a few times until it broke. It fell down, hitting her back. Ryan-Ashley rushed over and connected the handcuffs to her other wrist. That wasn't going to keep her down very long though.

Ricky rushed down the ladder. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the back of the barn. Ryan-Ashley and Balz hurried out the front too. One too many beams had been broken and the place was about to collapse. It began to crack and crumble as soon as we were out. I turned my head and shielded my eyes from the dust as it finally gave. The barn fell in a matter of seconds. All that lumber tumbled on top of her yet something told me she was still alive.

The feds started to crawl on top of the pile and look for her body. The priest was in disarray. Did he actually think he was going to save her? Better question: Did he seriously think she was dead? Demonic spirits can take a building or two crumbling on top of them.

Ricky and I walked around the large pile of debris until we reached the other side. We were both cut up but it was nothing new. I watched as they pulled her body from the mess. She started to scream and lash out. Knew she wasn't dead. It took five agents to hold her down while the priest started to attempt to read from the bible.

"Go find something we can kill this bitch with." I told Balz, "This shit won't work."

"We dropped a building on her. What exactly do you think will kill her?" He responded.

"Chop off her head." I replied, plain as day, "That is your specialty."

"You know, why is it that every time there's a crazed mass murderer in a small town, they seem to call us?" Ryan-Ashley said to him as the two started to walk away.

Like I said, it is their specialty. Being a farming town, they must be able to find an axe somewhere. If nothing else, they have to be able to get ahold of a butcher knife. I'll let the priest have it his way for now. Nothing will work though. Your average exorcism ends in one way; death of the possessed.

While those two went off, Ricky and I joined the circle hovering over this girl. I muted out the words of the priest. It all made me ill to my stomach to listen to such ignorance. The second I stepped up, that bitch started to glare at me. She had it out for me. To be fair, I kind of provoked that. I wanted her to hate me and I got my wish.

"Whore!" She screamed at me, "You slut. You sit here and judge my life! You cheater!"

"Don't listen to her. She's just trying to get to you." Ricky said, setting his hand on the small of my back.

"He doesn't know," She mused, "But I know. I know what you did last night..."

I narrowed my eyes at her. The word "cheater" was a red flag. The bitch obviously was truly possessed. I couldn't doubt that, which means I can't put it past her to truly know what happened last night between Kuza and I. Let's hope Balz and Ryan-Ashley get back before she says another word. I need to behead this bitch already. If nothing else, she needs her tongue cut out.

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