Chapter 17 | Pig Blood

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This wasn't going to work. I don't know what is wrong with them that they think it will but I'm supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not exactly something I'm a big fan of doing. FBI agents should be people of complete logic. Ricky is at least and he sees how illogical religion is. That might be why he's the boss and the rest of these dipshits we're listening to for some reason are beneath him.

"You want to judge my life?!" May screamed at me, "You traitor!" Her eyes narrowed at me as creepily as they could and she seethed, "You cheater."

"You really think I'm going to listen to you?" Ricky sneered.

She laughed hysterically, "Buuut I knooow what you've done toooo. I know what you did in Paris. You might not trust me but you don't trust him either."

Excuse me? Look, I'm not admitting aloud that she was right to call me a cheater but she was right. If she was right about me, who's to say she's not right about Ricky? How would she even know he went to Paris recently? This was starting to get to a point that I hated. She was getting to us. I was getting pissed and so was he.

"Where the Hell are the others?" I muttered, scanning the distance.

I droned out the sounds of the priest shouting "The power of Christ compels you!" over and over again. Get some new material. Unfortunately I couldn't get rid of her voice in my ears. At some points, I'd swear it was like she was an inch away from my ear. Over and over, she repeated the words "cheater" and "liar".

"If you are the Devil, go back to the Hell you came from. It's actually pretty boring here." I scoffed.

"I am not The Devil. Neither are you," She turned her head down, her voice deepening, "But you did fuck him."

"Shut your whore mouth." I spat.

"Why should I? Yours was wide open when you were sucking his huge cock last night." She replied.

Ricky gave me a dirty look out of the corner of his eye. I'm sure we'd be talking about this when we got home. We both knew she wasn't lying. If he could, he probably would've opened his mouth right there. He prefers to stay more focused than that when on the field. Good thing we're both in the habit because we began to notice something the others weren't.

The pile of ruble we stood on began to shake. He and I quickly rushed off of it and jumped down to the ground. The planks of wood, metal, farm tools, and all the cow guts started to levitate slowly. The priest had to have seen it but he kept reading his script. Soon several of the agents and nuns started to get lifted into the air. With the various clutter floating in the air, they were all impaled.

"Father," May growled, "You are a fucking idiot."

At least we agree on one thing. He started to choke on seemingly nothing. One of the boards of wood raised up and separated into sharp pieces. They were so fine they were the size of splinters. She stood up slowly and broke her hands out of the cuffs. Then she made the smallest gesture. The fine pieces of wood rushed into the priest's mouth and down his throat. As awesome as that was, I do need to kill this bitch.

She started to walk down the wood pile until she was at the dirt. Behind her, it all started to float up to the sky. There's some shit you can see and still not believe. I heard a loud boom that could only be a shotgun. The shot didn't miss but the bitch moved out of the way of the bullet somehow. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ricky fall down to one knee.

"Fuck." I uttered as I knelt to his side.

"I'm fine." He said, lifting his hand from his arm to see how fast the blood was coming out. "It wasn't a direct hit. Just shell fragments."

"Ghost!" Ryan-Ashley called for my attention.

I turned towards her voice. She walked up from the tree line, throwing a gun my way. Hearing a nickname I'm only referred to when at my evilest, I grew a twisted smile. Having metal at my fingertips helped too. The gunshot was one that had come from Josh. He snuck back behind the building he had hid behind. We just need to distract her long enough to get a clear shot.

"Alright, cunt." I cocked the gun, "It's one thing if you want to call me names and throw cow guts at me, but it's another to hurt my husband."

"Oh, did I piss you off? Whoopsie." She chirped.

I've had just about enough of this Harley Quinn-esc behavior. Sure, I know I'm this much of a bitch to my victims but what can I say? I've got double standards. I was concerned to fire a gun again because she could easily curve the bullet. She laughed evilly and started to cause the second farm building to tear apart. Well, there goes Balz's cover. And oh great! The animals are still alive in that barn, so she can have more warm insides to cover me in.

I took a quick fire at her. Of course she diverted the bullet but I was just trying to buy some time. In the same second, Ryan-Ashley swung her axe at the bitch's back. She managed to land a hit and force her down for a minute. That was just long enough for me to get Ricky up and over to some cover. Ryan-Ashley pulled the axe out from her back as she stood over her. She raised her arms to make a second swing but she only got tossed back.

"You wanna play? How about a game of hide and seek?" I yelled to here as I started to run towards the second building.

Sure, some of it was levitating, but part of it was still on the ground. I rushed behind a piece of shattered wall. May started to walk this way but at least it gave me a second to catch my breath. Oh, and find Balz. Funny how those things work.

"This bitch isn't going to die." He said.

"The spirit might be strong but her body is only human. If we kill the host, she'll have to go back to the shadows where she belongs." I replied.

"Is there any way to kill both parties?" He asked.

"According to voodoo law, the only way to kill the spirit possessing a body is to take out the body's heart. At this point we'll be lucky if we can just kill her. I don't care about making it through the heart."

"We should at least try." Balz hastily responded.

He peaked over out cover with his shotgun. She must've been on the other side because he fired. The shot hit the wall we were against. Thankfully it didn't go through all the way but I felt the pressure. She peered over the wall and smirked.

"Found youuuu." She teased me.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her over the broken wall. She landed straight on her back. I tried to shoot her but couldn't pull the trigger in time. The fucking cunt sent me flying over the wall. I landed in the middle of the barn. Or what once was the middle of it. The pigs were squealing like crazy from being floated in the air. I probably wouldn't be too calm if I was in their hooves either.

"I like your dress." May spoke as she walked up to me, "But whores should wear red, don't you think?"

"Is that why you're wearing it?" I asked, referring to her sweater shirt.

She didn't response with words. I don't think it bothered her too much to be called a whore. She set one of the pigs down on the ground in front of me as I got to my feet. May waved her finger back and forth and made a ticking noise with her tongue. Almost like she was imitating a clock. What is she... Goddamn it. The pig exploded like a tomato in a microwave. It went all over me. There's no shower in the universe that can wash that off. Fuck, it got in my mouth! I managed to find a dry part of my sleeve to wipe my eyes off.

"See, red looks so much better on you!" She claimed through her laughing.

Little bitch thought it was so fucking funny. We'll see who's laughing in the end. See, the foolish girl let her arrogance overshadow her judgement. In her fit of amusement with me, Ryan-Ashley managed to sneak up on her. With one good swing, she took her head clean off. The head fell to the ground like a basketball. Then the body timbered after it.

"Fucking cunt." She scoffed under her breath. Then she caught sight of me, "Um, wow... I have some makeup wipes in the car if that'll help some."

I spit out on the ground to get it out of my mouth. "I don't think a warehouse of makeup wipes will get this shit off of me but it's a start. I'm going to go check on Ricky."

She nodded, reuniting herself with her husband. I walked back to the truck I had forced him to sit down beside. He's not a big fan of giving up ever when he gets shells stuck in his arm. When I reached him, he was bandaging himself up with some supplies from the truck. He looked up my figure with wide eyes.

"What happened to you?" He asked, his tone tempting humor.

"A pig exploded on me. But the bitch is dead." I replied.

"You don't sound too happy about that."

I cautiously opened the truck, trying not to get pig blood on anything. Under the seats there was a pack of wipes that Ryan-Ashley was referring to. "She got her head chopped off. The only way to truly kill a spirit is through the heart. So, the demon isn't really dead. Someday, she will resurface. It could be tomorrow or it could be fifty years from now."

"Oh, joy." He groaned, "She said some things..."

"I know." I cut him off, "We need to talk. After I get a hot shower, a real meal, and a good night's rest."

Ricky grabbed the edge of the truck with his good arm and pulled himself to his feet. "That, I can certainly agree with, Baby."

I hate how it still makes me happy when he calls me by pet names. After what May said, I should be pissed at him and thinking about every option for what could've happened in Paris. I was too tired for that.

"How many times have you gotten shot in that arm now?" I asked humorously.

Ricky snickered, "Uh, let's see. Today, then that time in the bar in... Was that Kansas?"

"Nebraska." I corrected him, getting a smile as I thought back, "The Quiet Riot Bar. It was just on the border. A lot of shit happened there. Ryan stabbed some guy in the bathroom, Rayne was stalking us there before we knew who she was, then we got in a fight, Chris killed another woman, and the cops busted us."

"That all happened in the span of about an hour, if I remember right." He said, "It wasn't the first time I was shot but it certainly was the most painful. Ryan didn't have anything to numb the area when he had to pulled the bullet out."

"Which was what led us to breaking into that hospital. We were pissed at each other for something then too. It was something different than the bar though. I can't remember what it was... Whatever it was, the makeup sex was fucking amazing." I mused.

"It's been a long time since we've had some good psycho murderer sex, hasn't it?"

I looked at him with lustful eyes, "Too long. We might just have to work on that soon."

"Real soon, Kitten." He purred, though it did come out tired.

Ricky wasn't the only one tired as fuck. I was so ready for my bed. You know, after I get all the shit off of me. I'm sure when I wake up and have the energy finally, I'll want to strangle him for keeping another secret from me. We'll worry about that in the morning though.

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Comment question: What are your predictions for what Ricky did in Paris?

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