Chapter 25 | One

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I walked downstairs, clothes, perfumes, and jewelry in hand. Both of them were too distracted to notice me. What I saw on that couch... Was something I could've never predicted. Ryan had his lips on hers, his arms wrapped around her to the point one was up the back of her shirt. There had to be an ounce of passion somewhere inside of him. I'm a little jealous that his bitch ex could get a rise out of him when I couldn't.

Wonder if he'll actually go to the point he'll fuck her. If he does, I should give them some space. I walked out to the car and put all my new steals on the backseat. Then I sat myself down for a moment to text Kuza. All he's getting right now is an innocent selfie. He'll have to wait until I get home tomorrow. I told him that I got something pretty to wear for him. That seemed to excite him quite a bit.

After about twenty minutes, I went back inside. I figured they had to be done by now and I needed to check on things. The noises of sin met me as I opened the door. I sat down in the entry way to give them privacy while they finished up. It's not that private if I can hear them but it's better than walking in on them. Ten minutes more and they were finally done. Who knew Ryan had it in him. Usually guys that don't get laid often don't have stamina. I'm glad he finally got to stick his dick somewhere. I was starting to get worried.

I stood back up and walked into the living room. Ryan was in the midst of getting his shirt back on. I leaned back on the wall, watching as Bambi was still shaking. She seemed like she was still scared of him. From what I saw earlier, he wasn't exactly forcing himself on her. Not like it's a big deal. He's a fucking murderer that runs inhumane experiments on living subjects. It's not like it's that big of a shocker if he raped someone. Some of the others have rape and sexual abuse on their rap sheets.

"May I ask, how exactly talking led to... This?" I asked, twirling my hand as I talked.

"Don't ask how I ended up fucking my ex and I won't ask how you ended up fucking Kuza." He responded.

"Fair enough." I said, spotting the kitchen entrance across the room. "I'm going to go find some sugar. I'm hungry."

Bambi reminds me of the type of mom that won't let her kids have sugar. I hope to fuck she has some kind of chocolate or something in here. It's been a few days since I've had sex. I've got to substitute with a different sin. There was nothing in the pantry. Come on. I opened the fridge, scanning my eyes over all the organic shit. Ugh, I was right. She was one of those moms. But, behind the fruit and veggies, there was a piece of chocolate cake. Oh, thank fuck.

I searched through her drawers until I found a fork. Then I went back in the living room and took a seat in the chair next to the couch. It was one of those arm chairs that sunk back really low. They do make my legs look nice, at least.

"It's not enough that you raid my room but you have to take my cake too?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes, muttering, "It's not like you're going to need it anymore."

Bambi looked up at Ryan quickly, "What's he talking about?"

Ryan sighed, "People can't know we're free. We're supposed to kill anyone that sees us in the outside world." He sat back down next to her, grabbing her hand, "I don't want to kill you. If you can promise me you'll never speak a word of this, we can act like it never happened and you can live."

"I... I could try to do that." She replied.

"There's no trying. You have to. If they find out we let anyone know about this, they will shut us down and send us all back to prison. It's Hell in ADX. We're only allowed out of our rooms for an hour each day and that's if we have good behavior."

Bambi turned her head away, "That's where you belong," She squeezed his hand, "But I'll act like this didn't happen if you promise to never come back here again and you can't tell my husband what happened."

"Don't worry. You won't ever see me again." He responded, standing up.

She did the same to give him a hug. Guess it's time to go. I set my empty plate on the side table. She can clean that shit up later. I kind of wanted to kill her for what she did to Ryan in the past. Yes, I realize that's hypocritical. Shut the fuck up. Anyways, he chose to trust that somehow no one will know about this and she'll live. I have to respect his wishes.

Ryan pulled away from her. He seemed so different in that moment. He wasn't so rigged. There was a little emotion visible in him. I'm sure as soon as we get back to Graceland, he'll be back to the good ol' robot we all know and love. This entire thing has been a journey for him, to say the least. He looked up through the big picture window behind her. Ryan just stared off for a second. Then he grabbed her shoulders and switched their positions.

The noise of glass breaking pierced the quiet air. Blood sprayed onto the carpet as his body fell on top of hers. I looked up through the window to see a sniper in the large oak tree outside the house. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Mother fucker will pay for that bullshit. I pulled my gun from my waistband. Loading it up, I shot Bambi in the head. If they want her dead, I'm at least going to do it. Then I raised my gun up and fired multiple times through the window. Eventually I got a shot that caused that dirty bird to fall from his nest.

I knelt down beside Ryan, pushing him onto his back. He screamed out in pain. Those goddamn cocksuckers will pay for this. This is what happens when they're so fucking concerned about keeping us a secret; They end up hurting one of the very people they think they're protecting. I ripped Bambi's shirt off of her and used it to press down on the wound. Fumbling with my phone, I called the last fucking person I wanted to talk to right now.

"Hello?" Ricky answered, sounding less than pleased to hear from me. At least he picked up.

"Ryan's been shot." I said, skipping right to what was important.

"Excuse me?!" He replied.

I grunted at his idiocy, "He didn't want to kill his ex and she agreed to not say anything about what she saw. Apparently someone didn't agree because a sniper outside the house tried to shoot her. Ryan took the bullet instead. Please, just get us help. Obviously I can't call a normal ambulance."

"Alright, alright." He huffed, "Stay on the call. I'm going to ping your phone so I can get your location and I'll send help."

I set my phone on the floor next to us, putting it on speaker. Ryan was holding himself together surprisingly well. To my knowledge, he's only ever been shot with a dart gun. Never an actual gun. Thankfully he wasn't freaking out or anything. Not like I'd expect Ryan of all people to freak the fuck out in this situation.

"I'm sorry I killed her, but if I didn't, they would've." I told him gently.

"It's fine. I'd rather you than them." He murmured through heavy breaths, "Go see if she has a first aid kit somewhere."

I nodded, hesitantly taking my hand off of his wound. He groaned a little when I did. The pressure was the only thing keeping the pain down. Rushing to the kitchen, I quickly opened the cabinet beneath the sink. She's got kids. She's got to have bandages somewhere. I rummaged through it all quickly, feeling relieved when I saw the small red container in the back. There was some gauze in it at least.

Ryan knew they were going to shoot her. He saw it, I knew he did. That's why he moved them when he did. Why would he take a bullet for her? There's no way he could love her that much. In fact, from the sound of it, he fucking hated her. Fuck, I hope Jacky is fine. There wasn't a soul around when we met in the cemetery. That doesn't mean someone wasn't listening somehow. They better not touch him. I'd fucking kill every one of them if they did.

I cut off Ryan's shirt quickly. He was shot right under his ribs. I don't think that's fatal but fuck if I know. Ryan better not fucking die. The bullet when straight through. That's good, I think. If it was stuck in there he'd have to go through surgery. I cleaned off the blood in the area the best I could. He groaned in pain from the alcohol wipes I was using. I know it stings like a bitch but I don't want him getting infection. After I cleaned off what I could, I wrapped his chest with gauze.

"Ricky, what's taking so fucking long?!" I yelled at him.

"Scranton is in the middle of nowhere. I'm trying my best here." He responded, "There should be someone there soon. How much blood has he lost?"

"It's not bad but this should've never fucking happened!"

"I know that!" He replied, just as agitated as I was.

Ricky didn't seem as mad at me as he was at the situation. Trust me, I was just as fucking pissed. I get that they don't trust us. I wouldn't trust me either, but they don't have to go firing bullets at everyone we even blink at. Most people would probably be too scared to say anything if they did see us. Besides, the world if full of nut jobs. Who would believe someone if they said they spotted a murderer that was supposedly in prison? They take this all too seriously and look what happened.

Eventually someone showed up and they rushed Ryan to get help. I was told to return back to Graceland on my usual schedule. Gee, thanks. That's real assuring. They didn't tell me a damn thing of where they were taking him or if he'd be alright. He fucking better be or heads will come off.

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