Chapter 26 | Two

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That night I didn't sleep. Ricky promised me he'd update me as soon as he could. Ryan should be fine but he was shot in a tricky spot. It was close to his spine. What if he ends up paralyzed? He probably wouldn't be too pissed if that was the case. Most of his work is done over a lab table or a desk. I just don't want to ever think of something so terrible happening to him. He's not the same kind of evil like us. Ryan is just a misunderstood scientist. It's not fair that the one time he leaves his lab, he gets shot.

Ricky text me the next morning, telling me that Ryan would survive. He just wasn't sure on his complete condition. Even the doctors didn't know just yet. According to Ricky, that is. We'll see how things turn out when I get there. I packed up all my things and Ryan's at the motel. It was eerie to have to pack his bags for him. I hated all of this. I'm thankful he's alive but that doesn't mean he'll be okay.

I put on dark velvet dress that stopped right below my ass. Combine it with some fishnets and some shiny new jewelry, Mike was bound to be all over me. I'm looking forward to it simply just to get my mind off of things. Of course I also want to connect with him again. I miss the way his voice sounds in my ear and how it feels to get fucked slowly by him.

When my flight landed, I was honestly surprised he wasn't waiting for me in the hanger. That's alright. I wanted to stop in the medical wing first to see Ryan. They brought him back here once he was stable. I'm sure Reese hasn't left his side. If only she knew that he was shot after fucking his ex that drove him crazy. I'm not going to say anything. It's none of my business.

Reese was sat by the window in his room. I knew she wouldn't be able to continue acting like she doesn't love him. Sometimes she tries to give him the cold shoulder but she just can't. She looked up at me when I walked in and mouthed to me "he's sleeping". I nodded and excused myself. I'll come back when he's awake. I've got to go see my demon anyways.

Walking towards his room, I felt like I was back in that dream. I closed my eyes and shook those thoughts away. It was so quiet. The others must've all been in their rooms or somewhere else. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer. Maybe he just didn't hear me. He doesn't care if I let myself in. Inside, it was cold. There were candles everywhere but they were all blown out. Rose petals were on the ground, just like in my nightmare.

Hesitantly, I followed them. My hands were actually shaking as I went to open the bathroom. It was just a dream. It's not going to come true in real life. I turned the handle, relieved when I didn't find any blood on the floor. Unfortunately I didn't find Kuza either. Where the Hell is he? I heard some shuffling near the door and quickly turned around. Chris was standing there with the most somber look on his face.

"I was hoping to catch you before you came here." He said. Chris walked in slowly, giving my that sympathetic look that you only give someone when you have bad news. "I need to tell you something."

"Is Mike okay?" I quickly asked. Sometimes dreams and nightmares do come true. I was utterly terrified of what could've happened.

Chris grabbed my hands in his, "He's... not dead or hurt. I wouldn't say okay though." He sighed, "Ricky waited until this morning to tell us about what happened to Ryan. He was surprisingly honest but of course we were all pissed. Him and Mike got into it about Ryan, which led to them fighting about you, and that caused fists to fly. We tried to break it up but Mike can be so... vicious. He bit Ricky on his wrist and it made him lose a lot of blood. It was the excuse he was looking for the lock Kuza up."

"He's back in ADX?"

"No. He's locked up in a cell here but they're taking him back to ADX in the morning. We've tried to convince Ricky to not do this but he won't listen to us. I'm so sorry, Devin." Chris seemed just as upset as I was.

"That son of a fucking bitch!" I yelled as the tears built up in my eyes, "I'm going to fucking kill him!"

"Devin, Devin, calm down." Chris said as he grabbed my wrists. I hit his chest a few times to try to get him to let me go but I ended up crumbling into him. He wrapped his arms around me, holding onto me tightly, "Shhh. It'll be okay. We'll find a way to get him back."

"This isn't fair. All he ever wanted was my love and the second I give it to him, that fucker rips us apart. I should've have left. If I hadn't gone, Ryan wouldn't have gone through with seeing that girl and he would've have gotten shot, and Kuza and Ricky would've never gotten in a fight." I rambled, "It's all my fault."

"No, it's not. You can't blame yourself for this. Ricky would've tried to get rid of Kuza some other way. I don't want to think what he would've done if he couldn't find a way to legally get rid of him. I promise we'll get him back somehow." He reassured me.

I pulled away from him, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to go talk to Ricky. Is he in is room?"

"Office." He replied.

"Thanks." I stopped in the doorway and glanced over my shoulder at him, "Ange still up?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Depending on how much Ricky pisses me off, I might need something to get my mind off of things. If you get what I mean."

Chris snickered, "I gotcha. I'll give you fifteen minutes but if you're not back by then, we're starting without you."

I scoffed, "Like you two can really keep your hands off each other that long."

He laughed again. He knew it was true. I headed down the twist of corridors that lead to my husband's office. One way or another I will convince him to let Kuza out. That son of a bitch was waiting on a reason to tear us apart. I knew he couldn't stand that I was getting on my knees for another man. Ricky is so fucking transparent.

I opened the door to his office. It was dark in here, aside from the lamp on his desk. He always had a habit of working late into the night. His wrist was wrapped up pretty heavily. Kuza got him pretty good, I take it. That's my baby. He knows how to sink his teeth in. My skills come more in seduction. Ricky looked up at me when he heard my heels. He was captivated by me, whether he wanted to admit it or not. I walked around his desk and leaned my back against it.

Running my hand through his hair, he titled his head up towards me. I tightened my fist on his black locks, seething, "I know what you did."

His fingertips traveled up the side of my leg until his hand reached my waist. "And what would that be, my dear?"

I grit my teeth, "Why did you lock Kuza away?"

"He bit me." Ricky bitterly replied, "He attacked me. What was I supposed to do? I had to set an example that that behavior isn't aloud. Besides, it wasn't my call to send him back to ADX."

"Why is it whenever something happens that pisses me off, it's always 'not your call'? You're still lying to me about something and I'm going to figure out what it is. One way," I grabbed his hand and guided it down to the gun holster around my leg, "Or another."

"Is that a threat?" He hissed.

I let a smile pull at my dark lips, "A promise." Letting go of my grip on his hair, I leaned down and kissed him. He was so hungry for me, it was pathetic. His hands were on me quickly and he had his tongue in my mouth. I slowly wrapped my hand around his throat, shoving him back against his chair, "You are going to fix this, or else I will kill you. I don't give a fuck who you are or what would happen to me if I did."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "What do I get if I do fix this?"

"You get to live. Maybe if I'm feeling generous, I'll let you fuck me." I snit, pushing myself away from his desk.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I walked towards the door.

"To bed." I responded, pulling the door shut behind me.

I'm sure I got my message across pretty fucking clear. Ricky knows I'm not fucking around. What he did to Kuza was unforgiveable. He can say whatever the fuck he wants. I know this was completely his doing. He's the only one that would have motive to provoke and harm Mike. Ricky is possessive and he just can't stand that another man had his hands on me. Now, I'm just going to keep adding to that list.

I didn't even need to knock on Chris and Angelo's bedroom door. They should be expecting me. The two of them were sat on their bed watching TV when I walked in.

"Finally. I was getting impatient." Chris teased me.

Pulling my phone from my bra, I checked the time. Yes, that's where I keep my phone. There's no pockets in this dress. Where else would I keep it? Anyways, my little encounter with Ricky had only taken about ten minutes.

"I still had five minutes left." I sassed him.

"I know but still, those were the longest ten minutes of my life." He complained.

I laughed under my breath, setting my phone on the dresser. Then I took my pistol and it's holster off. Wasn't needing that tonight. If that prison transfer still happens tomorrow, you bet your ass I'll be needing it then. I took off my leather jacket, tossing it over a chair in the room. Angelo leaned over and whispered something in Chris' ear that made him smile.

"Hm?" I asked, since I didn't catch what he said.

Chris got up from the bed, walking around me predatorily. "He was just telling me how badly he wants to watch me destroy you." He spoke as his hand wrapped around my waist. Chris pulled my body back against his, digging his nails into my stomach.

"I do miss Mike," I pouted, "So you better fuck me as hard as he does."

He shoved me over the end of the bed. I started to crawl onto it more but he grabbed my legs. Chris pushed up the end of my dress. He hooked his fingers inside the holes of my fishnet and ripped them in the process of scratching my leg. It hurt so bad but it burned so good. My heart may hurt from all that's happened but at least I'll get to forget about it for an hour or more. Tonight is going to be fun...

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