Chapter 30 | Feed My Frankenstein

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There was a part of me that feared getting to that second book. I felt like it had to be worse than what I decoded in the first. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I was told out of that book. They know something we don't about us. Sometimes people lie to protect someone but who would they be protecting? The whole thing didn't make sense.

I tried to watch Twiggy and Angelo, to see if I could figure it out. There's nothing that would make them insane. Twiggy is a little... offbeat, but he's not unsafe. He knows right from wrong. If anyone in this place didn't belong, it was Angelo. He was only here to stay with the love of his life. The only reason he fights alongside us is to have something to do. It's got to be a misprint or something. Ryan had to have gotten wrong. That's just the problem though. Ryan doesn't get things wrong.

I've gotten things wrong plenty of times. That's why he helps me with my traps and torture devices. My book smarts are nothing compared to his. He understands calculations and all that shit. I was glad to be getting back into liberating lost souls. Ryan looked over some plans I had for a new machine. Once he got all the kinks out, it was my job to build it. I cleaned out the mess from my last game so I could start anew.

It's been a few days since I last saw Mike. I don't want to wait this long but I didn't want them to take away my rights to see him completely. Sometimes during the day I'll find an excuse to walk that way just to see if he's restless or not. I don't dare get to close because I don't want to talk the chance he'll hear my voice or smell my perfume. It's not hard to hear his screaming all the way down the hall. It echoes through the entire wing.

There was a small knock on the door. I was expecting it to be Chris or one of the others but it was Ricky. After losing his father, I didn't want to be a bitch to him. His approach was docile. As long as he plays nice, I will too.

"Hey." I murmured, keeping my head down and my hands busy.

He sighed and took slow steps towards me, "Hey. What're you working on?"

"Oh, just the usual. Chaining a meat cleaver to a table. What else is new?" I said somewhat somberly. The air between us was awkward and I couldn't really manage much of a joke. I pursed my lips, letting my hands relax for a minute. "I'm sorry about how I treated you before you left. If I knew why you were leaving, I would've never snapped at you like that."

"It's alright. I didn't exactly give you a reason to treat me nicely. We have a lot to talk about," He sighed heavily, "But I have a lot of work to get done. One of the guys that's a few steps above me is retiring soon. Which means I get a promotion, and they're going to have a gala to honor him. I know we're not exactly together right now, but I also know you don't get many opportunities to put on your nicer dressers..."

"Is that your attempt of asking me to go with you?" I replied with a small smirk.

Ricky titled his head to the side like a puppy. He knows that gets me. "If it was, would you say yes?"

I couldn't help but smile. Of course I still was mad at him. I also still love him, and like he said, I never get to dress up. It's not like we're going to have another event like this anytime soon. Might as well take the opportunity.

"Sure." I told him, "But I want a new dress. I'm thinking something red, maybe with a little gold."

He shook his head but he was smiling, "Fine. Whatever you want. I'll just be happy to take you to a nice dinner and get to dance with you. I don't think we've danced together since our wedding."

"I haven't danced with you, at least." I teased him.

"Right." Ricky lost his smile, diverting his eyes, "Speaking of, they can't get Mike to settle down. If you get some free time, please try to go help him. He's not eating either but I don't want to have to force feed him."

"You're probably not feeding him the right thing." I muttered, "I'll be down as soon as I can."

He's a fucking mad man! Crazy people aren't going to eat bread and potatoes. They want to treat him like a monster, they better feed him like one. Damn it. I was hoping to do this trap for this bitch doctor I have in the hold but I'll have to find someone else. My baby needs to eat, after all. He's more important than teaching someone a lesson.

Not too long after Ricky left me, I headed down to Ryan's lab. It's amazing how much shit they actually trust him with. He's got a lot of drugs in here. I grabbed a vile of adrenaline and a sharp needle. Then I went back to the hold. You could hear Kuza's screaming and crying clear as day. He was a tortured soul but he was my tortured soul.

"Why haven't they sedated him?" I asked the guard. It was the same one from the last time I visited.

"They want him to eat before they dope him." He responded.

"I think I can get him to eat but you have to let me take off his straight jacket. I'll put it back on him once I'm done. I promise."

"Fine, but if it doesn't work, I'm not letting you do it again." He said, "They want him on a very short leash."

You don't think I've figured that out already? My poor baby. He just kept yelling, screeching, and crying. It was so pathetic. I just wanted to hold him and cuddle up to him in bed. This wasn't him. This was the monster they've turned him into. He was at least in the psyche ward of the hold, which was a lot more pleasant. Where I had to go to get his new meal wasn't as nice.

I walked through two sets of double doors to get to the general pop area. This is where they keep the people we need to torture for information, those who will become Ryan's next specimen, and my next victims. Many of them were hound dogs. They didn't care about the dick between my legs. All they cared about was that I had tits and a nice ass. As I walked through the thin corridor, I was getting whistled at and propositioned.

"Sorry, gentlemen. I only fuck evil boys." I said as I unlocked one of the cells.

On the floor laid an unconscious woman in her mid twenties. She was a twisted doctor, but not like Ryan. This bitch didn't care about experimentation or advancements. She just cared about money. Clients pay her to give lethal injections to her patients. For instance, if a wife wanted to kill her husband, she's just take him to Dr. Renee. The good doctor would tell him he was getting a shot but it was actually a deadly toxin.

You can only come up with so many excuses for why all your patients are dropping dead. She got caught after only two years of it. In that time, she had made millions. People like her disgust me. Yeah, I'm a murderer, but I killed people who deserved it. She's just a snake. I plunged the needle into the top of the vile and drew out the liquid.

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? I mean, everyone was right now, but really watching you. Glancing to the cell next to me, I saw a guy that looked like he'd been doing a shit ton of meth. His skin was inhuman colors and his tattoos seemed like they were going to melt off of him.

"Why hasn't the doctor come back for me?" He whined to me. It was something I didn't pay much attention to until he continued to blabber, "Th-The scientist, I mean. He's supposed to give me my drugs every day. Wh-Where is he?"

"Was Ryan the only treating you?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I-I think that was his name." He said, twitching and shaking like a maniac. I'm not sure if Ryan did this or this was what he was preventing.

"He was ill for awhile but he should be back tomorrow." I replied, "Just, try to sleep it off or something. I dunno." I shrugged. Then I knelt down and drove that needle into the doctor's arm. It caused her to instantly wake up, gasping for air.

"Where am I?" She hectically asked while her eyes darted around.

"You're in a secret government base. After you were committed for your crimes, you were put on death row. Unfortunately for you, you won't be going mercifully." I explained. "Get up. Now!"

She scurried to her feet and stumbled a little. There was still some pretty strong sedatives in her system but the adrenaline I gave her should keep her alert long enough. "You don't look like a cop."

"I'm not." I responded, "But I am your executioner." I grabbed her upper arm tightly, "Walk. Try anything and you'll end up like him." I nodded my head towards the maniac that was talking to me earlier.

Dr. Renee's eyes doubled when she saw him. She was a pretty good looking lady. Her hair was shaved into a Mohawk type of style except it was down right now. Chris used to wear it like that back when I first met him but he let it grow out in prison. She got to receive plenty of lovely compliments from the inmates as we walked. Finally, we reached silence as we got through those two sets of doors.

It was back to clean, white walls. I escorted her down to Kuza's room. The closer we got to the screaming, the more anxious she got. Can't really blame her there. It's a bit intimidating for even me. I told the guard to watch her for a moment while I headed into the room. There was a tray of food on the floor that I kicked aside. He hadn't touched it anyways. Kuza settled down when he saw me.

"You came back." He said, as if it was some kind of miracle.

I brushed his hair out of his eyes and caressed his face, "Of course I did. I told you I would, Baby." I gave him a deep kiss, which he could actually enjoy now that he wasn't drugged out.

Kuza let his head fall onto my shoulder. Being in heels, our height wasn't but an inch off. "My head hurts."

I gently petted my hand over his dirty hair, "It would help if you stop screaming."

"That's the only way it stays away." He whispered, "That, and when you're here."

"What are you talking about? What are you trying to keep away?" I asked, lifting his head up with my hand.

His glossy eyes looked deep into mine, "The evil."

"Perhaps that evil hasn't gotten the memo. You're the Devil, Baby. There's nothing more evil than the Devil."

Kuza leaned forward, whispering as close to my ear as he could, "Yes, there is."

His words rattled down my spine. What he was saying and the way he's been acting was scaring me. I'm sure it's just hysteria from being in this room all by himself. All he has to do is think and I'm sure he's created some demons in his head. To my knowledge, he never went this mad when he'd been in solitary at Graham. Something was truly wrong here. I just don't know what it is.

"Whatever it may be, you do need your strength. That's why I brought you a little something. They're going to let me undo your restraints so you can eat. After you're done, I have to put it back on. Okay?"

He managed to nod, "Okay."

This man wasn't my man. He wasn't the Kuza I know. Something has fucked him up and it's more than just the drugs. I'm hoping once he gets out of here, he'll be back to himself. It's only been a week. How the fuck is he going to survive five more weeks of this shit? I carefully undid the latches of his straight jacket and unzipped the front. He stretched out his arms, taking in a deep breath. Kuza didn't happen to see what I did. There were cuts all over his chest. They were too fresh for him to have done to himself. Okay, now I'm worried. There's only one person I can trust to tell this to and I know how I have to do it.

Kuza ran his hands down my curves in adoration. The second he got to touch me, it was like all his sanity returned to him. He was himself again. I saw my little Devil return. After giving him a brief kiss, I went to the door to get his food. I grabbed the doctor from the guard and yanked her inside.

"Take off your clothes." I told her.

"What?" She gasped.

"You fucking heard me. The Devil likes to fuck his prey." I laughed evilly.

She started to unbutton her shirt and take it off for him. Kuza licked his lips as he watched her. He grabbed her by her hair and tossed her into the wall. She fell off of it, tumbling onto the ground. That didn't stop him at all. He pulled her back up and ripped her pants down. Wish she'd learn to enjoy it a little more than she was. There's girls out there that would die to be in her position. He had her pushed into the wall as he started to fuck her. Kuza bit down on her neck like a vampire and sucked her blood like one too.

I stepped out of the room to give him some time to himself. It would take him awhile anyways. I figured I'd go catch up on my reading while I waited for him to finish feasting.

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Dr. Renee = 

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