Chapter 38 | Infectious

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Ryan needed to run some tests on Kuza to check his vitals. I waited as patiently as I could, just playing around on my phone. He does have the ability to track everything electronically but instead writes it all down. It's probably easier to hide then, if he needs to. They have access to our phones, tablets, laptops, etc. It's not like they can hack into paper.

"Reese, could you head down to the living quarters and give Angelo an escort down here? I don't want him walking through the hold by himself. Plus, his key card won't work anymore." He said.

"Why can't Devin do it?" She asked with crossed arms. Reese wasn't stupid. She knew was he was trying to get rid of her.

"His key card doesn't work either, and he can't leave Mike." Ryan rested his pen down on the tray beside him. He sighed as he looked over his shoulder to her, "Please?"

She agreed, though she didn't want to. I'm sure I've had my moments where I've been a pain in the ass to Ricky like that. It just seems like Reese does it constantly. Sometimes I think she loves information more than she loves him. If anyone knows the truths behind what goes on, it's Ryan. He's quiet but that doesn't mean he has nothing to say. He hears everything. I know he does.

"Something in your chest doesn't sound right." Ryan muttered as he pulled his stethoscope down from his ears. He turned towards his notebook on the tray beside him and wrote away. "We'll do an x-ray tomorrow." He clicked his pen closed and threw it back down. "How much longer were you supposed to be in the hold?"

His eyes dimmed just to hear mention of it, "Four more weeks."

"Alright. You've got a deadly infection with supernatural origins and you're not allowed to leave this lab until I'm certain it's healed." Ryan spoke without a single emotion in his voice. You would've sworn he was just ordering lunch with the way he talked.

Kuza widely started at him, "Excuse me?!"

"My dear," I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "In all this time I would've thought you're used to Ryan's... ways."

"Oh, yeah. That reminds me. This infection spreads through an exchange of bodily fluids. So, you'll have to remain here under observation for awhile. Until I know if you've caught it from him or not." He added.

"I guess you'll have to suggest a few more books to me then. I'll have nothing better to do." I replied, "Although, I think the next one you'll have to tell me who the killer is because I get so impatient when I read mystery novels."

"Unfortunately, you've caught up to me on Raymond Chandler's books. The one I'm on right now is good so far, but I haven't finished it. I couldn't tell you who the killer was even if I wanted to." Ryan glanced over at me with eyes like a snake's and a tone to match.

"Can we get back to the me having a deadly infection part?" Kuza asked.

"Ignore the 'deadly' part. Technically, it's not deadly if I know how to heal it. It's just going to be a slow treatment." Ryan began to walk back over to his desk to file some papers. Since he is still having a little trouble getting around, I grabbed his notes for him and brought them to him.

"How long are we talking?" He said.

Slyly, Ryan glanced back at him with a smirk, "I'd say about four weeks."

"Oh," Realization finally hit him, "I see. Okay. I'll be fine as long as I have Devin."

"Make me gag." He mumbled as he started to focus on his papers once again.

I rolled my eyes and returned to Kuza's side. We weren't infected by anything. In fact, Kuza was back to full health. Ryan wasn't going to send him back in that dirty room to rot away in a straight jacket. He might not seem like he has a heart but I swear it's there. The times he's chosen to use it have always been very selective. Regardless, I'm just happy he does help every once and awhile.

"I do have a formal event to attend to next weekend." I said.

"We'll see." He replied.

Is it bad I still want to go? Ricky and I haven't gotten a chance to be husband and wife in awhile. I'm mad at myself for missing it. I want to remember what it's like to dance with him. And it's been so damn long since I've had a reason to wear a nice dress. They're just gathering dust in the back of my closet. On top of that, I'd hate for poor Ricky to have to be alone at an event like that. Did I just say 'poor Ricky'? Oh, fuck my life. Why's he fucking do this to me? Why do I do this to myself?

I hopped up on Kuza's bed and sat beside him. He reclined back and patted his chest. With a soft smile, I snuggled up to him. I knew Ryan wouldn't want to be disturbed by any noise, so I pulled my headphones out to plug into my phone. As I pulled up the Youtube app, I offered one of my earbuds to Kuza.

"What're you pulling up?" He asked.

"Cat compilation videos." I simply replied. He glanced down at me with a grin. I looked back blankly, "What?"

"You're so cute." He chirped, pecking me on my temple.

"Shut up." I blushed, "Just watch the cats and be quiet so Ryan doesn't kick me out."

He kind of can't kick me out right now, after stating that I have to be under observation. He's still lock me up in a box or something to have his peace and quite. Ryan needs time to focus and I totally respect that. Watching cute internet kitties did make me miss my cats though. They know Ricky and I's room as home. Even though I haven't been sleeping there, they still do. Maybe they feel bad for Ricky, since he's all alone right now.

I wonder if he'll come visit today. He's been super busy though, so I doubt it. Do I even want to see him? Should I want to see him? I kind of miss his voice... Why am I acting this way? It's dumb. I need a decent distraction other than cat videos. Thankfully it wasn't too long until Reese returned with Angelo. Chris came along too, of course. He couldn't bare to be away from his angel for a minute.

Reese instantly went over to bug Ryan. She jumped up on his desk and started to annoy him with questions. Why do I even worry about bothering him? She'd make me look quiet as a mouse. I am pretty quiet by myself. Kuza, not so much. He likes to talk away, especially when he's with me. Not to mention he's super clingy but he had to let me go for at least a few minutes. The food Angelo brought smelled so fucking good.

"You both look a Hell of a lot better than the last time I saw you." Chris said.

"I'd be a lot better if I had food in my stomach." I replied.

"Give me two seconds. I literally just walked in the door." Angelo snickered.

I impatiently bounced in my seat, "Hurry! I'm starved and I don't care that that smells like a shit ton of carbs."

He handed me over a Tupperware container that was still warm. I practically snatched it from him. It wasn't until I smelled the food that I realized how hungry I was. Angelo could cook the best out of all of us. He had made lobster mac and cheese that was to die for. I've never been that unladylike when eating.

"You'd think I was starving him." Kuza joked, receiving a glare for me. You know, the kind of glare a woman can only give when getting defensive over her food. "Sorry, sorry. Eat away."

"I brought you some steak too." Angelo responded as he handed him another container.

"Thank you. I think I forgot what real food tastes like." Kuza sat up and crossed his legs. He took one bite and groaned, "Fuck, that's as good as sex."

"I told you so." I replied, "Thank you, Ange."

"It's no problem. I'm glad you're both a lot better than when I last saw you."

"Thanks to Ryan." I smiled brightly, "So, how was the bust?"

He shrugged, "Textbook. Nothing out of the ordinary. I've got the ring leader locked up in the hold for you and a few of her clients are there for Ryan. The real joy," Angelo placed his hands on Chris' chest, "Is being back with my man." He reached up and gave him a kiss.

"Mmh, don't leave again without me. I get so lonely without you." Chris responded, "No offense, Dev. You're great company."

"But I'm not the love of your life. Don't worry, I get it." I said, "Where's Ricky?"

"He had a meeting in Boston but he should be back soon. He said if he gets in at a decent time he'd come see you guys." Chris replied. He wrapped his hand around Angelo's waist and yanked him closer, "But by then I'll have this one under the sheets. We've got a date tonight, so we better get going."

"Have fuuun." I mused, "Thanks again for the food."

"And use protection." Kuza muttered through a mouth full of food. I nudged him and he laughed, "What?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Babe."

"Why not? You do it."

I gasped, "I do not! I'm not that talented."

Ryan made a very audible sigh. Initially I thought it was because of our banter. Then I looked over and saw it was Reese being overly aggressive at trying to get love out of him. You know that classic scene in the old Batman cartoon where Harley lays down on Joker's desk? And then he pushes her off? They were about two seconds away from that.

"Reese, can you go anywhere else?" He deadpanned, "It's a little hard to work on formulas when I keep losing my place."

"Why can't you work on it later?" She pouted.

"Because this is my job, and I don't put my work off for later. You have a job to do too. Why aren't you?"

"My job is to watch you. That's what I'm doing but you make it so boring." She leaned back on his desk, right over his papers.

Ryan didn't even hesitate and pulled his notebook out from under her head. "Your job is to keep us in check, as is Ricky's, but Ricky also takes other assignments. You should too."

"What's that supposed to me? Are you trying to get rid of me?!"

"You're the one always complaining about being bored. I'm just offering you a solution. Now, please, get off my desk." He replied.

Reese rolled her eyes, "Or what? You'll push me off?"

She's not always the smartest person in the world. You'd think if she spent so much time with Ryan, she'd understand that you don't give him suggestions like that. He kept reading his notes with them held in one hand, and casually pushed her off the desk with the other. She rolled off, falling on the floor. Reese caught herself and she didn't have a scratch. That doesn't mean she's going to be forgiving of it.

"You can be such an asshole sometimes!" She yelled at him, shoving him until his chair fell back. Then she stormed out of the room.

"Stupid bitch." I muttered to myself. Ryan was struggling to get up from the floor. I rushed over to help him out. "Are you okay?"

He groaned as he grabbed his side, "Fuck... I think my stitches ripped."

It was hard to tell if there was blood because he had on a black shirt. I helped him to sit up and he put his back against the drawers of his desk. Reese had been even worse than her brother recently. They both do such reckless shit that hurts the ones they love the most. I pushed up Ryan's shirt, seeing blood coming from his wound. The stitches in it had been very fine. It's no surprise that they ripped from a simple fall.

"Chris," I called over to him, "Will you come help me get him up?"

"Yeah." He hurried over, lending me a hand in getting Ryan back into a seat. The one he had been broke upon his fall.

"Hand me my phone." Ryan said, "I'll text one of the nurses to come fix this."

"I should kick that little bitch's ass." I grumbled, then caught him giving me an unhappy look, "Sorry."

Ryan refrained from making any comments. He's tried his best to care for her and I think he does really love her. She won't take the time to understand his position on love. He's capable of love but he shows it different than most people. The only reason why I won't put her teeth to the curb is because he's asked me not to.

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