Chapter 40 | Goosebumps

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Kuza instantly reverted back to the way he was when he was in solitary. It was like he was a three year old once again. He clung to me as if I was his mother. When I had to take care of him like this, I felt like a mother. No wonder mine blew herself away. Being chained down like this sucks. I love him though and that's why I'm staying by his side.

"Please don't leave again." He muttered while his forehead rested against my shoulder, "I don't wanna be alone."

I gently ran my hand over his hair to try to soothe him, "I'm not going anywhere, Sweetie. Don't worry."

"You said that before and then you left." He responded.

"I know, and that was wrong of me. I thought you'd be okay. I'm sorry I was so stupid." I kissed the top of his head.

"It's okay." Mike squeezed my hand, "Just please don't do it again."

"I promise I won't. Now, how about we both try to get ourselves some sleep?"

He shook his head, "I don't wanna."

"Well," I sighed, "What do you want to do?"

Kuza lifted his head up. He placed both his hands on my arms and laid me back. His lips found mine. It wasn't that he was trying to get laid as much as he wanted comfort. I rested my hand on the side of his face to give him just that. Kuza was tired from his near heart attack. Once he spent the last of his energy kissing me for about ten minutes, he laid his head on my chest and drifted off.

He wasn't the calmest sleeper anyone. He'd bawl up his fists or make small whimpers. What this thing has done to my poor baby has broke my fucking heart. Why was I so selfish to leave him? I thought he was better. I thought... I didn't think, actually. I wasn't using my head and look what happened. Not only did I lose my husband but I almost lost my lover too. Ryan's right; I need to get my shit together.

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The next morning, I was awoken by the sounds of glass tapping against glass. Kuza was still sound asleep and clung to me like a koala bear. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and located Ryan around the room. He was at one of the many tables cluttering the place. Bottles of chemicals were strewn about it, making him really look like a mad scientist.

He turned around and looked directly at me. Either it was luck or he actually knew I woke up. I'm going with the latter, despite the fact that I barely made a noise. He just knows when people are awake or when they're around him. It's impossible to sneak up on him.

"Good, you're up." Ryan said as he turned back to his table, "Ricky's on his way down to see you right now. He said it's urgent."

"What the fuck does he want?" I groaned.

Kuza hadn't even budged. I actually had to glance over to his monitors to make sure his heart was still beating, which is thankfully was. He was so cuddly. I didn't want to move but I had to. As gently as I could, I slipped out from beneath him. That made him stir a little, only for him to go right back to sleep. He's pretty fucking adorable for a psychopath.

I rushed to get myself in some jeans and a t-shirt. Ricky doesn't deserve to see me in a nightgown after being such an ass last night. I know I was the one in the wrong but I'm still calling bullshit on the whole thing. We were going to forgive each other. Then he decided he didn't feel like it, I guess.

"I don't want you to wake Mike. So, just go talk to him in the hall." Ryan said.

He reached over to a panel and hit the button that unlocked the inner door. I gently kissed my demonic angel on the head before leaving the room. Ryan said all that matters is that he's not alone and I hope to Satan that's true. The amount of guilt I feel for what happened last night is indescribable. If it had resulted in Ricky and I getting back together, it wouldn't be so bad. However, I ended up hurting Kuza for no fucking reason.

I wasn't very happy to see Ricky and you can expect I approached the situation that way. As I stopped in the hall, I crossed my arms over my chest. Ricky finished shutting the outer door behind him. He didn't get as hostile as I did. At this point, he's just done with our situation.

"What do you want?" I asked numbly.

"This has nothing to do with our personal situation." He replied, "There's been another supernatural incident. This one's way fucking worse than the last and we need anyone we can get. I'll give everyone a debriefing on the plane but you need to go pack whatever you need. Our flight leaves in twenty minutes."

"What about Kuza? What about the fact I'm not supposed to leave this lab?"

"It's getting pardoned. Ryan is staying with Mike. They'll be fine but we need to get going." Ricky urged me.

For fuck's sake! I can't even do my eye shadow in twenty minutes. I'll have to throw some makeup on during the flight. Even when I fight demons, I have to look good. I just hope that Mike will be okay without me. He should be but it's not going to stop me from worrying. At least I'm finally getting out of this fucking place. These walls are getting tiresome on my eyes.

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We don't always get a fancy private plane. Today, it was an army style cargo plane. To make it worse, they were taking us to mother fucking Wisconsin. The state famous for cheese. Gee, how fucking exciting. On the bright side, David Spanbauer, Walter Ellis, Ed Gein, and Jeffrey Dahmer have all called Wisconsin their home. There must be something about the place that drives one insane.

I wasn't kidding about having to do my makeup on the plane. It was a bumpy ride but sometimes the messy look can work. Ricky sighed as he watched me apply lipstick with a compact mirror. I glanced up at him, confused as to what that sigh was for. He guiltily looked away.

"Did you guys ever read the Goosebumps book as a kid?" Ricky asked.

"I may have been raised by a mob boss but I didn't live under a fuckin' rock." Vinny spoke as he gave him that 'are you serious?' look.

"Please don't tell me you're about to say we have to go fight the Abominable Snowman because I draw the line at alabaster Big Foots." Balz replied.

"That's stereotyping the Midwest, Josh. I thought you were better than that." I teased him.

"Well, what else would you expect to find in Wisconsin?" He said, "All they have there is Big Foot and phantom miners."

"That's not true." Nikki responded, "If you ever want to not sleep at night, Google 'Wisconsin Mothman sightings'."

Ricky held his hand to his temples, trying to keep his temper under control, "Let's not journey down that rabbit hole. At least, not today. What I was going to say was there was a Goosebumps book called Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns. The monsters from that book, the pumpkin-head people, that's what this demonic thing looks like."

"How do we know you're not fucking with us?" Chris questions.

If there was anyone that has the most trust issues with Ricky still, it was him. Ricky handed him his phone. I was sitting next to him, so I got to see it. The picture wasn't the best because it was taken from pretty damn far away but you could tell it was real. This whole thing... was real. I'm still having trouble getting a hold on that concept. The demons, the zombies, the ghosts, they've all been real. It fucks up your head.

"They're telling me it's bulletproof." Ricky said.

"Maybe they just haven't used enough bullets." Nikki suggested.

"Bullets weren't really working on that bitch before. The only thing that killed her was cutting her head off." Balz replied.

Ryan-Ashley smiled adorably, "Oh, goodie."

"Cutting off a demon's head will kill it's host but it won't kill the spirit. You have to take out the heart to get rid of it permanently." I said.

"I know." Ricky responded, "We're splitting up into three groups; offense, defense, and the distraction. Myself, Josh, Vinny, and the girls will be the distraction. We just have to unload as many bullets and insults into that thing until it's too pissed to think straight. Chris, Manson, and Twiggy are our offense. Your job is going to be to jump that thing and rip it's fucking heart out as soon as you get the chance. Just be careful because you're only going to get once chance.

It's got... minions. Bullets work on them but now no one can get close enough to shoot them. That's where our defense comes in. Ghost and Jeremy will go with Nikki and Angelo to find them a place to shoot from. You two need to protect them while they protect the rest of us."

"That's usually Vinny's job. Why are you making me do it?" I sneered.

"I figured after last time you could use a break."

"That's bullshit and you know it." I snapped, "It's not bad enough that you forced me to leave Mike, but you did it just to bench me."

"If you ask me, you and Jeremy have the most important jobs of anyone here. If something happens to our snipers, we're good as dead."

"And if anything happens to my angel, you're good as dead." Chris warned me.

I huffed, "That's the only reason I'm putting up with this. No offense, Ange, but I think being a bodyguard is a poor use of my talents."

"It's okay. I get it. But hey, you'd be surprised how much fun Vinny has being my meat shield. You might like it." He replied.

I laughed but I still wasn't happy about this. It had nothing to do with Angelo. I was more than happy to be the one to protect him. It's what this represented. Ricky wanted to get me away from Kuza and he had to insult me in the process. I should be running offense right along side Chris, Manson, and Twiggy. I'm a Hell of a lot stronger than Twiggy anyways. Who knows. Maybe that little weirdo has some secrets hidden up his sleeve.

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Alright, so I'm going to have a cameo of a band in the next chapter. Please go to my Twitter to vote on it! It's the same username as my WP!

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