Chapter 42 | My Friends Are Heathens

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I'll never understand why these demonic creatures of fiction always decide to attack small towns. This shit never happens in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York. It's got to be the middle of nowhere. Those who have to cover our tracks, that's probably convenient for them. For me, it's boring. I wish I could shoot off of a forty story building. Instead, the best we get is four floors.

In person, that monster was way worse than the pictures. It must've been ten feet tall. It's minions looked like that scarecrow thing from Trick 'r Treat, with the addition of an evil smile. They crawled up the buildings, feeding off of any source of energy they could find. The others couldn't yell at us fast enough to start covering their asses.

For someone that doesn't get much field time and spends the majority of his days sucking face with his husband, Angelo was one of the best trained snipers I've met. All those years of having to have clean line work on his tattoos have given him a sharp eye and a steady hand. I'm a little bit more of a messy shooter but I was still killing what I needed to. Those little shits kept trying to jump on the roof to get to him. They weren't too happy he was taking out their friends.

"And you thought you wouldn't get any action up here." Angelo snickered softly while he reloaded.

"No shit!" I responded, kicking one of the smaller ones off of my leg.

Once it hit the ground I shot it. They seemed to be thinning out now. The others weren't having much luck stopping the great pumpkin king. It just kept walking, unfazed by the bullets being unloaded into it's back. They couldn't get close enough to it to hack at it. Bullets and grenades were the only option. It started to climb over the prison wall.

"It's getting too far away from us." Ricky spoke over the intercom in our ears, "If you still have any of those specialty bullets left, use them on it now. We can't afford to let it get to the inmates, no matter what it wants with them."

"What did he mean by 'specialty bullets'?" I asked.

"You know in video games and comics how they have bullets that can freeze things or set them on fire or poison them? Ryan's been trying to make something like that in his free time." Angelo responded as he opened a pocket on his case, "They're not perfect or nearly as powerful as he wants them but they'll still fuck someone up."

I scoffed, "He's suck a nerd."

"Yeah, but he comes up with some good shit." He joked, loading the chamber. Angelo lined up the shot but I quickly stopped him by setting my hand over the scope. He raised his head to look at me, confused.

"Hang on." I muttered.

Glancing to the building on the other side of the street, I saw Nikki withhold his fire. His eyes met mine. We didn't need words to agree on what we were about to do.

"What the fuck are you two doing up there?" Ricky sneered.

Without missing a beat, Nikki somberly answered, "Gun's jammed."

There's nothing a shot would change. Even with their fancy little bullets, there was no stopping that beast. It crashed it's long arm into the side of the prison, destroying the wall like a wrecking ball. Some of the inmates were thrown into the air. I'm sure by the time they hit the ground they'll instantly be dead. One of the inmates in there, you can't fucking kill. I found that out pretty easily when he was in Graham. Eventually they transferred him to a prison with a lower inmate count so he could have more personal attention.

He really didn't need it. There was no fixing that kind of crazy. I remember before they made the transfer, the doctors were so desperate, they were considering therapy that had been outlawed. Telle wasn't crazy. In fact, he was the exact opposite. He was smart as Hell, which is why he acted crazy. It was a defense mechanism.

"You might want to see this." Angelo hesitantly said.

He pulled away from his post, allowing me to see through the scope. A smile crept onto my face when I saw Telle standing along the exposed wall. He jumped off of the top floor of the prison and grabbed onto the monster's arm. Then he continued to crawl around it like a little spider monkey.

"That crazy mother fucker." Nikki murmured.

I glanced across the street at him and laughed, "There's your fucking distraction."

"Take out it's legs now!" He yelled.

Damn it, I hate it when he does that. It hurts my ear. I can't take the ear piece out but I wanted to. I've said it several times but I'll say it again; Women wielding hatchets is a special kind of scary. Ashley and Ryan-Ashley brought their blades down on the pumpkin head's ankles. It tumbled back into the prison behind it. Even from half a mile away on this rooftop, I could hear Telle's insane laughter.

Chris and Manson used their combine strength to tear it's chest open. Twiggy was the one to tear the heart out. I didn't know he had that kind of strength. Of course, he's the one that wanted to hold the bloody beating heart. I'll never understand him but I don't think he's someone to be understood.

Once the leader was dead, his minions just fell into dust. It felt like a bad horror movie. That's all my life has been anymore. I want to get home to my Devil but I was looking forward to seeing my old friend. I don't talk about Telle much because I didn't get to know him much before he was taken out of Graham.

The rest of us made our way to the body of the beast. It was already starting to smell like rotting pumpkins. The feds were flooding the place to collect evidence and all that shit. Telle had managed to get a good amount of blood on him. It wasn't his, of course. I just wanted to know what he did to get that messy. Actually, no, I don't. Never mind.

"Ghosty!" He beamed as he threw his arms around me.

I sighed, "It wouldn't be a successful mission if I didn't get covered in blood."

"Sorry." Telle backed up, taking a look around, "Sooo, how'd you get out?"

"I didn't really 'get out' but I work for the government now. Anytime they need someone disposable, they call us." I replied.

"Ahh, I see." His eyes continued to pan across the field. Then they darted back to me, going over my frame. "Is that a wedding ring?"

"Yes, yes it is." Ricky responded before I could. I glanced down at him blankly and he returned the look, "What? Are you too embarrassed to claim me now?"

"No. You know I love you." I replied and puckered my lips.

Ricky gave me a quick kiss. We don't want his coworkers to know there's anything wrong between us. Besides, I want Telle to know we do love each other. I'm sure after this, I won't see him again for awhile again. They'll throw him back into a different prison.

"You married a Fed?" Telle asked.

"I didn't know he was a fed when I met him but yeah, I did."

"Hm. Well, after today, I can say I officially have seen and heard everything." He responded, "So, I guess I have to go back in a cell now?"

"The injured inmates will be taken for medical care. Anyone else will be transferred to another prison."

Telle held out his arm, showing a cut on his arm! "I'm hurt! Look! I need medical care!"

"Trust me, you don't want to meet our doctor." I warned him, "It's Ryan."

His eyes widened, "Never mind. I'm fine. But can you get me in a nicer prison than this? This place was a dump."

"It's Wisconsin. What'd you expect?" I joked. Then I embraced him in another hug, "Thank you for the help. It was good to see you again, but I have someone I need to get home to."

"Okay... Wait, you don't mean a kid, do you?"

"Fuck no." I chuckled, "Mike has been sick. I've been the one taking care of him."

"Oh. Well, tell him I hope he feels better." He replied while he rocked on his heels.

Telle will always be a... character. His offbeat nature and colorful view of the world was rather refreshing. When we had to be in those dim walls, it felt like a God-sent for those of us who believed in God. I don't, but I'm thankful for having him in my life every now and then. It was good to see him, and even better to get through a mission without getting covered in pig blood.

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