Chapter 44 | A False Causality

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Whether it be his cannibalistic nature or his lack of competency lately, Ryan didn't trust Kuza to help with the mass autopsy. The injured came first but that was easy. Even I know how to do basic stitches. Due to the supernatural element of the attack, Ryan made me clean out the cuts with holy water. I'm surprised that shit didn't burn me. The gloves I wore was probably the only thing preventing it from doing so.

Ryan's always rather empathetic with his test subjects. They are all criminals. These ones have seen shit they shouldn't have. So, they can't go back to a normal prison. Instead they'll remain in the hold until they die of old age or one of his experiments kills them. If they got out of line, though, then he got a little scary. Ryan isn't violent at all, until you give him a reason to be. There were a few times today that he would become forceful with an inmate. Each time I was not expecting it to happen.

When it came to the dead bodies, he really didn't trust me with it either. I got downgraded to just an assistant. It's better than nothing. Poor Kuza was bored out of his mind. Ryan did let him wonder around the lab a little more but he stayed close to me. He'd stand behind me and watch intently. I couldn't tell if he was intrigued, hungry, or possibly scared. It easily could be the third option after how he's been lately.

"Do the families want these bodies back?" I asked as I looked around at the sea of tables.

"A few, but they're not getting them. These bodies have to be burned. It's the only way to get rid of the dark matter inside of them." He replied.

"I thought burning evil makes it stronger." I said.

He set his scalpel down on the tray I was holding for him, replying, "Fire makes Satanic spirits stronger. This is a different kind of evil."

"Do we have to talk about this?" Kuza murmured.

I was quick to reassure him, "No, Baby. We don't. We won't anymore."

"Thank you." He responded with his head still down.

Despite Ricky and I being together again, it still killed me to watch Mike go through this. He was so depressed and easily triggered. I wanted to be there for him. Luckily, Ricky was very understanding of that. Especially after he saw those x-rays last night. For Kuza's sake, we have to put our own needs on the back burner for now.

"Go boil these." Ryan spoke as he dropped another tool on the tray, "Stove is against the left wall."

That's real specific, Ry. He does realize how huge this place is? It wasn't as big as one of the hangers but it was close. There was different levels and plenty of secret rooms. It honestly looked like something out of Frankenstein. Even that stove seemed fucking ancient. My grandma would call it old. It worked for boiling water though.

"Have you ever actually cooked anything in here?" I asked as I looked inside.

"Yeah. I wouldn't suggest making food in there." He replied.

"I'm... Not going to ask." I responded, walking back down the steps to him. My eyes scanned over the several bodies covered with sheets. He moved on to the next one, pulling back the sheet. "Sometimes I swear I see them move." I admitted.

"You might have. You'd be amazed how long the nerves will still react after the body is dead..." Ryan panned out the end of his sentence, narrowing his eyes. I didn't take it that seriously though. He's done that several times today. It's just his wandering mind.

"He was so young-" I began to speak, getting cut off by a very sharp 'shhh'.

I shut up and watched Ryan curiously. Sometimes it was like watching a creature not of this world. With his alien obsession, it does make me wonder some days. The body on the table between us must've been only nineteen or twenty. He was probably the youngest in this room. Ryan delicately set his hand on the boy's chest, keeping as still as he could. After a moment, he rushed over to one of the shelves as quickly as he could.

"Grab me a 24 gauge needle off of that shelf." He instructed me, gesturing beside himself.

Sometimes he forgets that I lack medical training and I know nothing about needle gauges. Lucky me, they were written on the outside of the packages. What the Hell was he up to? Better question: Why am I questioning Ryan? I know that's a question I won't get the answer to. So, I just played along and handed him what he needed.

He had grabbed a vile off of the shelf he was at and brought it over to the body. Ryan filled up the needle with whatever was in that vile. He flicked the side to get any air out, then found a vein in the arm of the body to stick it in. It's a dead fucking body. What the Hell did he think he was going to get out of giving it any sort of injection? The bloodstream won't even be working anymore if the heart isn't pumping. That's when I came to the realization... Ryan isn't that stupid... And that body wasn't dead.

Seconds after he finished pushing through the dose of medication into the body, the boy gasped and shot up. There's no way he should have been alive. He got thrown off of the third level of a prison and fell directly onto pavement. It should've smashed his skull if nothing else. He wasn't nearly as scratched up as he should've been.

"What the fuck just happened?" I questioned.

The boy still gasped for air, managing to say, "That's a damn good question."

"He wasn't dead but his heart rate had dropped so drastically, whomever picked up the body must've assumed he was." He answered, "I gave him something that would make his heart rate shoot up."

He swallowed roughly, looking up at me, "Where am I?"

"Well, if we told you that, we might have to kill you... again." I replied.

"It looks like Mike will finally have a roommate, so to speak."

I looked at him blankly, "You're not putting him in the hold?"

"No. The state his body was in was identical to yours when you slipped into that coma for a day. Whatever happened to Mike happened to him too. I'm going to check the rest of these bodies and make sure they're all actually dead. I want you to move him over to the bed next to Mike's." He instructed me.

"Um, how about a shower? And food? And clothes?" I asked.

Ryan waved his hand dismissively, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you feel like he needs, as so long as you give it to him quietly."

I offered him my hand to help him down from the table, "C'mon. Shower's in the back. We'll get you cleaned up." I glanced over at Mike, "Why don't you go lay down, Baby? This is going to take me a little while."

Hesitantly, he nodded. "Okay." Kuza stood up from the steps he'd been on and headed back to his bed. As he crashed onto it, he grabbed a book off of the table beside him and cracked it open.

"Poor thing." I sighed to myself, "My name is Ghost, by the way."

"London." He responded, "I know you won't tell me where I am but can you at least tell me how I ended up here?"

"The prison you were at was attacked. There were a lot of casualties, as you can see." I gestured around as we walked through the maze of tables. Ryan pulled back one of the clothes of one. As soon as he did, London's face flushed. He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Was that one of your friends?" I asked.

He nodded, "He was like a brother to me."

"I know how that goes." I muttered, taking a glance back to Kuza. If that dream of mine had ever come true, I don't know how I would live. I don't know if I could carry on without him. It was something I didn't want to talk about and I doubt he wanted to either. "How'd you end up in prison?"

"I doubt you want to know."

I opened the bathroom door for him, receiving a polite "thank you". How'd a small, young, polite kid like this end up in a high security prison? It makes no sense. Then again, a lot of people probably wonder how a tranny like myself became one of the most dangerous people in the world.

"Well, it's either you tell me, or I go look at your file." I replied.

London sighed, "My father was in the navy. He died because of someone else's mistake. I killed the man responsible for my father's death, along with every person that could've stopped it and didn't."

"I think you and I will get along good." I responded, "I'm going to text someone to bring you up some food and clothes. It should only take about ten minutes, so don't take long. I'll be right out here if you need anything."

"Thank you." He said.

I offered him a smile, then shut the door to give him some privacy. He was pretty damn thin but tall. His build was just like Jeremy's, so that's who I texted to ask to lend him some clothes. Getting revenge after his father's death. Yeah, that was a story I knew all too well.

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