Chapter 51 | Purple Lamborghini

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Even back when I was a hooker, I never got on a pole. From time to time I'd go to a club to pick up some new clients. Other than that, I avoided anywhere with strobe lights and EDM. To even hear that heavy bass and smell the smoke was unsettling. What was even worse was the looks we received from the bouncers. They didn't seem too bothered by the FBI badge around Ricky's neck. It was me they were eyeing up, I'm guessing.

They stopped us at the door. One of them started to put his hands on me without even asking and I snapped back, "Excuse me! I didn't agree to a strip search." I growled. If they think they're taking my gun and switchblade, they're fucking wrong.

"It's okay." Ricky spoke as he pulled something small from underneath his shirt. He handed it to one of the bouncers, saying, "Trust me, you want them to do what they're going to do."

What the fuck? I sighed, rolling my eyes. What-fucking-ever. I held out my arms and let the huge cut of meat in front of me search me. He pulled off a few small things from my clothes. They looked like bugs almost, but they weren't living. Ricky waved his hand towards the bouncer.

"Let me get the last one." He said.

I trusted him much more, obviously. Ricky reached behind my ear, turning his head so he could see what he was doing. If you've ever had a flu shot, you know it's a small pinch. It still hurts like a bitch and that's the exact feeling I felt when he plunked something from skin. They were actually bugs, just not the living kind. When I saw the one he pulled out from behind my ear, I realized that. Holy shit... Ryan was right about them always listening.

"I hope you plan on explaining this." I told him with narrow eyes.

"Inside." He replied, "Let's go."

Someone's feeling bossy. This is his field, not mine. That's the only reason I'm not bitch slapping him for ordering me around like that. The bouncers finally let us inside the club covered with black lights. I didn't even know Japan had strip clubs. Then again... It's Japan. This is the home of fucked up fetishes.

There were plenty of beautiful women up on poles. Not going to lie, I'd love to fuck every single one of them. It's unfortunately Ricky isn't pan like I am. Women bore him. I shouldn't say that, because he likes me to present myself as a woman. It's more that pussy turns him off. He takes being an ass man to the extreme. Apparently my target tonight does too.

Ricky wrapped his hand around my waist as we walked up a clear staircase. He spoke into my ear, "Japan is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't allow their agents to be bugged. America agrees to let them remove tracking devices and listening devices from their agents to keep peace between the two countries."

"And when exactly did you plan to tell me I was bugged?" I sneered.

"You're not supposed to know. I had to wait until you were debugged to tell you you were bugged. Ryan's the only one that was allowed to know because he was the one that put them there. Aside from the fact that no other scientists wanted to touch any of you from fear of getting their necks broken, since he's on the suicide squad, they have the ability to blackmail him. They told him they'd kill anyone he told."

As we reached the top of the stairs, I stopped dead in my tracks, "Oh my God..."


"This whole us being able to talk freely thing, is it just in this club or will it be for our whole stay?" I asked.

"Our whole stay." He replied.

"Then I'll tell you later. It's too loud here to have that conversation." I said.

Eventually the puzzle pieces do all come together. When Ryan told me, he wasn't himself. His emotions had overwhelmed him. That's the only damn time you'll ever hear me say Ryan Sitkowski's emotions got to him. It sounds fucked up to even say. Otherwise, he would've never endangered me by telling me. That's why they were going to take me out. The question now becomes... Why didn't they try again?

It's a question that'll have to wait until later. For now, I've got a not so gentle man to entice. Ricky lead me back to a VIP area. Through a velvet curtain protected by body guards, we found a group of CIA agents. There was alcohol flowing, meaning this should be easy. The man in the middle, who I recognized from the photo Ricky showed me, was quick to become transfixed on me. He sat forward, putting his drink on the table in front of him.

"My, my. Look what you've brought me." He mused.

I laughed like the crazy bitch I am. Michael licked his lips hungrily and looked me up and down. He waved his hand, signalling the others to leave. They quickly got up from the couch and left the room. That kind of authority is powerful.

"I take it you like what you see?" Ricky responded.

"Hm," He leaned back, "These low lights can play tricks on you." Michael glanced down at his drink, titling the glass back and forth. "And I've had a few. You're going to have to come closer for me to really see you, Sugar Lips."

Ricky removed his hand from my waist, signalling me to sit down. "You can look, but you can't touch."

Michael observed as I sat down. I crossed my arms on the table and leaned forward to push my ass out. A small grin lurked on my face as I bit down on my nail. Being able to control a man is a great power. Ricky may not be able to do it himself but he recognizes the value of me being able to.

"And if I do touch?" He teased, barely able to get the words out of his mouth before hearing a gun cock back.

I didn't flinch. We've played this game before. I know how it goes. Michael didn't seem phased by the pistol pressed into his temple.

"You pay the right cost, you can take him for the night. If you don't, though, well I don't think I need to spell it out for you." He said. Fuck, he's sexy when he's evil.

Michael rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek. He slammed back the last of his drink, calmly putting the glass back on the table. "Name your price, then." He spoke as he started to refill his glass.

Ricky twirled the gun around his finger, setting it down on the table. "I need any file you can get your hands on about meta humans."

His fluid motions became disrupted for a moment. He tried to play it off but I saw it. The request shocked him. Michael reached across the table to grab a smoke. "And why do you need those?"

"If I told you that, you might be too scared of Ghost to fuck him."

He tapped off his cigarette on the ash tray. "Fair enough." Michael took a long drag as he looked me over again. "You ever been in a Lamborghini?"

"Can't say that I have," I responded, "But there's a first time for everything."

"I like your optimism." Michael pulled out his phone. He entered a few passcodes and shit like that. I couldn't see the screen as well as I wanted to. He scoffed, "For this much, you better let me keep this one for the night."

"I don't tell him what to do. He'll give you what he feels you deserve." Ricky said.

He dropped his phone down on the table, "I hit that button, all those files will transfer over to you. First, I was a... sneak peek."

That's definitely not hard. I'm the queen of teasing. I moved my ass up to the table, sitting in front of him. Even if Ricky accepts that I need to do this, he doesn't like having to see it. The majority of the time I fuck guys out of his view. He put up with it, staring numbly as I opened my legs. My long dress still covered what was important.

Michael ran his hand up my leg slowly, feeling over every thread of my fishnets. He stopped right where my switchblade was on my thigh. "Hnhn," He smirked, "You're not just some slut, are you?"

"You know," I leaned forward and rested my hands on the space on the table between my legs, "You'd be amazed how much the body can take. It doesn't matter how this night ends. I'll show you either way, but I wouldn't want to stain the inside of your Lamborghini with blood. I suggest you play our game and make that transfer."

He snit as he hit the button on his phone, "You've got one bad bitch, Olson."

"This is my Queen." Ricky stood up, grabbing his gun. "And if you hurt the Queen, I'll make you pray to Gods you don't believe in. Treat him good, Vampire. You know the price if you don't." He gave me a hot kiss, "I'll see you in the morning, Baby." Ricky gave Michael that evil look that was cold as ice. "Nice doing business with you."

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