Chapter 56 | It's Not Me

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My hand gently petted over Kuza's hair to sooth him down, "Shh, it's okay. It was a long time ago, Sweetie."

He nuzzled his head against my shoulder, squeezing my arm. Kuza sniffled, sitting up, "I know... I know I did bad things... I don't remember them... But I remember people telling me I'm a bad person... Did I... Did..." He paused for a minute to swallow down his tears, "Did I kill him?"

"You didn't. Someone else did." I replied, "You're going to start to remembering some bad things soon. Bad things I did to you, I mean. I want you to know that I'm sorry for all of them and I love you."

It took a minute to process, as does everything for him. He looked up at me with his glassy eyes, "...You do?"

"Yes, I do." I smiled, "I forgot you don't remember what's happened these past few months between you and I. I can't wait for you to remember though."

"Will you tell me? Please?" He softly asked.

How could I say no to that sweet, sweet voice? I figured it'd be best to show him rather than tell him. Tilting my head to the side, I pressed my lips against his. He was quick to melt into me. Kissing him now, it felt so... innocent. It was what I imagine a kiss with your high school sweetheart would feel like. Obviously I never got a chance to know what that's actually like. My point being, the evil lust in his nature was gone. He was being so loving to me.

"Does that answer your question?" I said as I pulled back.

He couldn't stop grinning. "Yeah... I can't believe I actually got you... I never thought you'd be mine."

"It's not as clear cut as you would've hoped for, but I don't want to stress you out with the details. The most important thing for you to know is you're mine and I'm yours."

Is this terrible to do? A little bit, but I'm only doing it so he can feel happy. They say we heal better when we're in the right state of mind. If he can find some joy, he'll be back to himself sooner.

"That's all I've ever wanted." His smile faded a bit, "I'm tired... Will you lay with me?"

"Of course. I could use a nap too." I replied.

I didn't sleep much on the long flight over here. My mind was so busy, thinking about what I could be walking into. He could've been much worse than when I left. I was so glad to find him doing this well. Chris, on the other hand, is pretty damn fucked up now. We're going to get to the bottom of this. I know I can't let Angelo lose him.

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Some yelling woke me up. A strong voice like Chris' is hard to sleep through. Fuck, he's awake. I must've slept all the way through the night. Kuza squeezed my shoulder, pulling me in closer to his chest. I glanced up at him, seeing sadness riddling his gorgeous green eyes. He's never seen his best friend become this violent. Neither have I, but it seemed to shake him much more than me.

"I'm going to go make sure Ange is okay." I whispered to him.

Hesitantly, he let go of me. "Okay."

It was for the best that someone intervened. Chris is one of the few people Angelo would never stand up to, no matter what. He doesn't want to pick a fight with his own husband. I guess that's one of the many ways he and I differ. Cautiously, I peered through the curtain that separated the room. Chris was up walking around. Angelo stayed in the corner with his arms wrapped around himself tightly.

"I'm sick of this damn room, Ange!" He complained.

"There's nothing I can do. I know you're unhappy here but you're still unwell." Angelo softly replied.

"That's bullshit." He snit, "I'm fine. They just don't want to deal with me right now. They might as well throw me in a padded room like they did to Mike. At least I'd be awake then."

"Trust me, you don't want to be awake right now." I told him as I stepped closer, "Although, considering the way you're acting, maybe I should make you suffer."

"You want me to lose my mind like he did?" He snickered.

I hit his arm, "Stop it, damn it. He can hear you, you know. He's had it hard enough these past few months. The last fucking thing he needs is you being a fucking asshole. Get your shit together."

"That's rich coming from you." Chris seethed.

My eyes went wide because I didn't want him to speak aloud what I knew he wanted to. All I want is for Mike to have a few days where he doesn't know how fucked up I am. He's been stressed enough with having to remember all his sins.

"Bite your fucking tongue or I'll cut it out for you." I threatened him.

He laughed under his breath like a goddamn madman. His eyes glared over to the door with a smirk remaining on his lips. Vinny was walking down the hall, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Chris. I could see the horrid bruise on his face from when he got decked.

"Uh-hum, Ryan said he wanted me to come down to see if Kuza remembers me yet." He quietly said.

I nodded my head back towards the other side of the room, "Come on. He's up."

Vinny followed me closely. He's not a person that easily scared. Maybe when he was younger, but these days he's pretty damn tough. Chris did more to him than just punch him. A punch wouldn't fuck him up this bad. Him and Kuza could both use something to lift their spirits. Who knew Kuza would end up becoming the purest of us all?

He was drawing with paper and pen when we walked back in. I leaned over the side of the bed and wrapped my arms over his shoulders. "What're you drawing?"

"Nothing really, just doodles... The doctors said it's good for me to keep my hands busy and do things that'll stimulate my mind." He replied.

I kissed his cheek, "Well, you have a visitor. Do you remember Vinny?"

"Kind of. I can remember people talking about him, but I can't really remember his face very well yet."

"That's alright. You don't want to anyways." I joked.

Vinny shot me a glare like a pissed little brother, "I get more ass than you do, thank you very much."

"Who do you fuck?" I asked in a challenging manner.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He responded.

"Yeah, I kind of do." I replied, "I mean, it's gotta be a fed, but how well did you do for yourself? Like, what security clearance?"

"Why do you assume it's only one girl?"

My jaw dropped at how forward he was being. I'm not used to Vinny talking this way. We always joke about sex, as guy friends do, but he hasn't told me he's actually got some tail lately. "How new is this development?"

"It's been going on for awhile, actually." He shrugged, "Anyways, how're you two doing?"

Kuza looked up at me, then kissed my cheek, "Good. Really good."

I giggled a bit at how sweet he was. Vinny raised his lip, "Gross." His phone buzzed and he quickly pulled it out of his pocket, "Ryan wants to see you and me in the lab."

"Are you okay if I leave for a little while?" I asked Kuza.

"You'll come back, right?"

I had to pause for a moment because his words gave me unpleasant flashbacks to when he was in solitary. Grabbing his hand, I told him, "Of course I will, Baby. I'll try not to be gone too long and I'll see if Josh can come see you while I'm gone. Okay?"

He smiled gently, "Okay."

It was hard to leave him. I felt so bad about it, guilty actually. It was awful. I gave him a kiss on the lips. As soon as I pulled away, I felt cold. I really didn't want to leave him but I had no other choice. Ryan wouldn't be pulling me out of here if it weren't something serious. Fuck, what I wouldn't give to just rewind a few months ago to before any of this had happened. Bring me back to that night Mike and I made love... I wish I could just live in that memory.

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A/N: Thank you guys for all the birthday wishes! Also, if you all could do me a favor and spam the comments of my collab "The Devil's Men" on ScrantondailKittens I'd appreciate it. I've noticed that we're getting a healthy amount of votes and reads on that story but no comments. And dxvilsnight and I are whores for comments so help us out. <3

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