Chapter 6 | Meaning

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Kuza and I didn't sleep together last night, in case you were wondering. He gave me a lap down, we made out a little, and that was it. We both knew that was way beyond enough and we just needed to get a little frustration out. I went back to Ricky and I's room long after I knew he had gone to bed. It wouldn't have been good to run into him after all of that.

No matter how mad we get at each other, we still can't stand to be away from each other. We are addicted to each other's physical existence. I might have been pissed but I still snuggled right up to him. He tightened his arm around my waist and we fell asleep together like normal.

The next morning he was getting up at the crack of dawn to run his usually challenge courses. You know, the whole spiel that you see in the army movies of climbing rock walls and crawling through mud. He actually goes down to the barracks and does shit like that. I don't need to hop through tires when I have heels sharp enough to pop them, thank you very much. I guess for him, it's just in his nature.

Speaking of my heels, they clicked along a cement floor as walked inside a room full of unconscious bodies. Mike was already here, making sure chains were secure. I brought in Manson to introduce him to the pons of our game. It's hard to see now, when they laid unconscious like this. Who they truly were lied behind their closed eyes.

"Who are they?" He asked me.

"Victims." I replied simply.

"Who are they to you?" He questioned just as my feet stopped in front of Sonny's head.

I raised my lip as I felt the reflections of the past coming on. "Traitors." I said.

The side of a pistol was less than intimidating to me. Deegan had the barrel pressed to my temple but it barely phased me. What would be so fucking bad about having my brains blown out? I have no one left. My siblings, but they'd be better off without me. I'm their sole caretaker. If I die, they have a chance of going to a nice foster home.

Blankly, I stared off at the empty street in front of me. We were in his shitty car in the shittiest part of town. It was the projects. Where else would a hooker be? My house was on the other side of town but he doesn't know where I live. I usually just get him to drop me off at the bus stop but I didn't even manage to get that this time. He was pissed at me for turning someone down tonight.

"I need to get home. So you want me to suck your cock or can I go now?" I numbly muttered.

"The fuck you got waiting for you at home?" He quietly scorned, "You got a fucking baby daddy or something?"

I glanced over at him with dead eyes. Normally I don't let him in my personal life but I wasn't in the mood for his yelling tonight. "My kids." I responded.

It took a moment to process. He just stared for a moment as if he was deciding if I was a liar or not. Deegan lowered his Glock hesitantly. He was a fucking pussy. He's never shoot me because I'm still one of his best bitches. I pushed open the car door and started to step out.

"You really gonna walk?" He called after me.

"Yep." I responded, slamming the door shut.

Deegan was unstable tonight. I think he was out on coke but I didn't pay attention enough to decide whether that was true or not. It was about five miles to the nearest bus stop. I was walking in high wedged boots but fuck it. The sun was starting to come up because it was about five in the morning. I needed to get home.

Halfway through my walk, a car started to creep on me. It doesn't bother me like it would most girls. I glanced over at the shitty Impala that looked like it was ready to be sent to the junkyard. The color was faded, as was expected. Faded could define the old heroine act behind the wheel. I call him only but he just looks only. Jonny was one of my regulars but I hadn't seen him in awhile. Figured he had OD'ed or something.

"Hey, Baby." He shouted out his window with a toothpick hanging from his mouth. His stringy long black hair was in so many knots. "You still on the clock?"

"Depends." I responded, still walking slowly beside his rolling car, "How much do I get and what am I getting it for?"

His voice was so bent, like only a drug addict can manage. "Your prices still the same?"

"Yeah, but anytime past four they're doubled. It's almost six, so we'll say triple." I responded. Knowing I needed to get home at a decent home to work my day job and get my siblings to daycare, I wasn't going to skip out on sleep unless it was a lot of cash.

"I'll make you a deal, Baby. Two thousand flat for two hours back at my place with a few of my buddies and I. Everything on the menu available."

I thought on it, taking a few more steps. "Two thousand-three hundred. That way I can have an even count tonight."

"Deal. Get in." Jonny unlocked the car for me. I got into his close to the ground car, which I was shocked didn't have holes in the floor. Jonny started to drive back to his house, telling me, "Take your shirt off for me."

He was a paying costumer, so I did. It wasn't like I hadn't been in a car shirtless before. When we got to his hole in the wall house, he had multiple of his drug addict friends hanging around, smoking weed. Jonny showed me the money beforehand. He did before I could even ask because he knew I would. He set it on top of the TV so it was in a spot I could see it.

One of his friends grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back. Silver handcuffs were fastened around my wrists and I was pushed down on the ground until I was flat against it. My skirt was ripped down to my knees. Jonny stuck his cigarette in his mouth and pulled me up to my knees. He forced his cock down my throat. Someone else picked my up by my hips. I stayed leaned over to keep giving him head while I had another dick forced into my ass.

It was so fucking sudden but I was used to the abuse by now. Misery has an addictive quality. There were three of them and they continued to switch off with who was using which holes. It was aggressive and so fast pace it almost gave me whiplash. This was well worth the money though.

Just like he promised, it lasted around two hours. With cum in my ass and my mouth, I stumbled trying to get myself up right. One his friends disappeared, the other was in the corner shooting up. Jonny fell down on the low couch and put himself back in his pants. I pulled my skirt back up but didn't even bother to find my underwear. My shirt was still in his car, I think. At least I found my bra.

"Here, Babe." Jonny spoke, getting me to turn around. He handed me a leather jacket, "It's cold out. Give it back to me tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Yeah. Tomorrow night. Ten. I'm going out to Club X. I'll give you a four hundred to come with me for a few hours and suck me off at some point. You can go work the room too. Make some new clients." He said.

I took a moment to think about it. Wiping the cum off my lower lip, I murmured, "Pick me up in front of Coco's Salon."

"You need a ride home?"

Grabbing the money off the TV, I started to count it out. Once I knew I was good, I hobbled my way to the door. It had been a rough night. "Nah. I'll be fine." I leaned over and picked up my purse off the ground, "There's a bus stop right around the corner from here. Next bus should be in about ten minutes."

"Alright. If you miss it you can come back and I'll give you a ride." He muttered.

"Jonny," I sighed, "Just let yourself pass out already."

He snickered tiredly and let his head fall down to his shoulder. Fucking druggies. He had just taken a hit not too long ago and he was in a different universe. In his mind, at least. I wish I could break down enough to find a release in drugs. I just can't force myself to hit that low of a low.

The bus showed just as I reached the stop. Lucky me. I plopped down in one of the seats near the back and stuck my headphones in. Leaning my head against the window, I let the sorrows of HIM melt away all the guilt I wracked up that night. Every time I head home on the bus, I regret letting men defile myself like this. My life was never met to be this way. Oh, what one bullet can take away.

"Sonny Bianchi. He's a gangster. Killed my father." I told Manson bluntly. Kuza glanced up at me, shocked. He never really knew about everyone else here, especially my pick for a victim. I continued, "Vincent Mauro. He's Vinny's old man. He threw Vinny under the bus and got him thrown in prison."

Manson turned his ring aimlessly as he looked to the unconscious bodies on the floor. "To his own son?"

"Yeah. And they call us sick." I scoffed, "Heath McAdams. She's the one that ratted on Angelo and Chris. And this bitch, I fucking hate this bitch. Penelope Cerulli; Chris' mother that made a fortune off of exploiting her son. She's an extreme homophobe too. This girl, she's Mike's pick."

"Her name is Vanessa Moore. We worked at a strip club together years ago and she used to steal money from me a lot. Fucking bitch married a rich ass stock trader and is living good now. She never deserved it." He spat.

Both men looked like your perfect ideal for mobsters. Slicked back hair and round faces. The girls couldn't be more different. Heather had fare skin with long naturally red hair. She was dressed in jeans and a black tank top. Vanessa was African American, but towards the lighter side. She was border lining an unhealthy level of thin, like those trophy wives tend to do. In that tight knee length cocktail dress, she won't be getting too far. Chris' mom honestly reminded me of the mom from Melanie Martinez music videos. She had permed hair and a cream colored business suit on.

"Five, then?" Manson asked.


"Six." Kuza interrupted me, "The sixth is on a plane here. She'll arrive before they wake up. Don't worry."

I looked at him with concern. "You took me seriously?" I quietly asked.

Kuza glanced out the window panel in the small room. It looked out onto the jungle of the island. "Yeah." He responded, "She never really meant much to me. She was just a distraction from my rage, but in reality, that's all I am. I am the physical embodiment of rage. I am the Devil."

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A/N: So, I did promise an update to get our minds off of all the bullshit that happened at the APMAS tonight. Sorry I took forever tho! All I gotta say about the APMAS is this; No matter what, we know who is truly worth the praise. We don't need a fucking award to tell us what we already know. MIW are some of the most genuine and talented people in metal. When they were standing up, getting emotional during The Ghost Inside's speech, I was once again reminded why I support them so fucking much. They are good people with good hearts and a good message.

With that said, I hope you guys enjoyed this update. Please be as active in the comments as you can! Your feedback goes a long way for me. Even if it's negative or constructive criticism, I want to be writing shit you guys want to read. I also gotta give props to dxvilsnight for inspiring me to utilize flashbacks more. Check out their story "The Other Side" if you want more of that awesome flashback action ;) It's honestly one of my favorite stories on Wattpad right now.

Wow, it's been awhile since I ranted in the A/Ns. (*cue Staind related comments bc I said "It's Been Awhile* trust me I'm already singing it) If you want more of my rant action or just want to stay more connected, I'm pretty active on Twitter and I love talking to you guys on there. It's the same username as my wattpad. I'm going to shut the fuck up now because you've probably already all stopped reading at this point. I love you all, Bat Babies! - Nona <3

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