Chapter 62 | Electricity

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Kuza and I fell asleep in Ricky and I's room that night. It felt so wrong. Even though Ricky was okay with it, I was actually uncomfortable. Thankfully they're going to clean up Kuza's room for him today. I, however, have some different objectives. Ryan and I both knew we needed to start working on the tests he has lined up for me. We haven't mentioned it to any of the others, but I doubt they'd be jumping at a chance to possibly get murdered.

"Stop!" Ryan sternly told me as I walked in the lab, "Take... two steps back."

Um, alright? You know what, at least I didn't get a ninja star thrown at me this time. I carefully took two steps back and waiting on him. From around the corner of the entry way, I could see he was at a mysterious control panel by his main desk. I've noticed it there before but he's never touched in when I've been in the room. I don't know what it does, and honestly, I'm a little scared to find out.

Ryan pressed one of the buttons, and in an instant I felt like hot needles plunged into my skin. All my muscles constricted and shook. I swear they were going to tear in half. My knees gave out, and it finally stopped once they did. My chest rose and fell rapidly.

Still trying to catch my breath, I asked, "Did you just fucking electrocute me?" Being Ryan and all, he stayed quiet. Instead he started to reach the panel again but I couldn't stop him in time, "No, no- Ahh!"

That one was way fucking worse. My head felt like a bee's nest ready to explode. I collapsed on my back and groaned in pain once it stopped. He's a goddamn psychopath! I'll take the sudden ninja star back over this, thank you very much.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked.

"Yeah, but, follow up question." I replied, tiredly talking with my hand, "Did you install an electrical fiend in front of your door just for this, or did you always have that there?"

"It's always been there." He casually said. How can he act like that's no big deal? I walk through that door several times a day. I would've liked to have known I could've been zapped. Ryan pushed back from his desk to come help me up. As he offered me his hand, he added, "On the bright side, you're already through one test. You just took enough electricity to kill ten men."

"I'm not sure if I should be proud of that or not." I grumbled.

"How's Mike doing?" Ryan asked, completely changing the subject. He continued to walk back to his desk to write down some notes about electrocuting me.

I pulled myself up on one of the silver tables, responding, "He's doing great, actually. He's very persistent about doing things himself. I make sure it's within reason, of course, but he's walking on his own. He can get dressed and go to the bathroom on his own too, which the doctors tell me is actually remarkable for someone who went through what he did."

"He's a fighter." Ryan sighed, "We all are, but sometimes it can get a little... bleak."

"Yeah... So, um, what's your next plan of torture for me?"

He stood up again, this time grabbing his cane from the side of his desk. I haven't seen him use it was much recently but he does when he gets too down on himself. The stress probably makes his back pain flare up.

"I want to test how much weight you can hold up." He replied, "Come on."

I jumped down from the table and followed him up to the raised platform that surrounded the lab. He gestured towards a table, which I assume he wanted me to lay down on. As I did, I couldn't help but feel nervous. There were slabs hanging above my head. They could easily crush me any fucking second.

"I'll go one at a time. Don't worry." He reassured me, "Don't be afraid to let some of this weight rest on your chest. I'm not testing your strength. I'm testing your body's endurance. If it gets to be too much, tell me to stop."

"And who says you will stop if I ask?"

Ryan smirked, "You know me too well. I promise I'll try not to kill you."

He lowered down the first few pounds. It's no different than bench pressing, except I don't even have to lift. So, it'll probably be easier, right? After he gave me a significant amount of weight to have to hold up, he walked away. I should've expected that much from him. He did actually have somewhat of a reason. What that reason fully was, I don't know, but he decided to light the fireplace. As he walked back, he casually hit the switch that released more weight. It slammed down on me hard.

"Christ, Ryan!" I yelled, "Are you trying to break my arms?"

"Sorry." He muttered. Oh, yeah, you sound real fucking sorry about that.

Thankfully, the next weights he let down more gradually. I'm not sure how much I was holding up but it was starting to get to be too much. It was stressful not knowing. I could've been holding up more than superwoman. Or, I could be being a pansy and barely have shit up.

"That's too much." I seethed out when he released another weight.

He ignored me, quietly speaking, "I recently got in contact with the California State Police. They still had a few things in their evidence locker from your sister's case." Ryan picked up something that was on the dash of the control panel in front of him. He turned it around to show to me and my heart nearly broke. It was a worn down picture of her and I.

"Let me guess," I said, trying not to let it's memory distract me too much, "You're going to try to use it as motivation or something?"

"Exactly." He pressed a button that released more weights and I screamed from pain. My arms were fucking shaking. "If you hold that for three minutes, you can have this back. If you fail, I'll burn it."

Between heavy breaths, I sneered, "I fucking hate you."

"I hate you too." He numbly muttered, giving me a dry grin.

I was weak and I wanted to give in. Ryan's nearly emotionless, I get that. He doesn't understand how badly something like that can fuck up someone who actually feels. I haven't actually seen a picture of my sister since she died. Her face, it reminded me of why I turned evil. I closed my eyes and tried my damnedest to keep those weights up. My arms were starting to give though.

Ryan's footsteps seemed to grow faint. He began to whistle to draw my attention towards him. I reopened my eyes, finding him walking slowly towards the furnace. He had the picture in his free hand, holding it out for me to see. I'm going to hurt him for this one, badly. I don't really mean that but you get what I mean. With any force I could muster, I managed to straighten out my arms again.

He glanced over his shoulder with a smirk. Ryan walked back to the control panel. He mumbled a "Thirty... Twenty... Ten..." to himself. Those last few seconds burned the worst. Finally he hit the control that pulled the weights back up. I sighed out of relief, letting my arms fall down beside me. Ryan offered me the picture and I slowly took it.

"Can I have a break now?" I asked.

"I suppose." He responded, going back to his desk.

I sat up and gave myself a moment to recollect my thoughts. My body was already sore as fuck and I've only been here fifteen minutes at most. I took a good look at the photo in my hand, remembering a time when I wasn't so fucked up. Back then, I was still a hooker and I had killed plenty of men. Most you could chalk up to self defense though. I didn't completely lose myself until I lost them.

The photo was from her last Halloween. She was dressed as Sleeping Beauty and I was a rather slutty Maleficent. I remember after I took her trick or treating that night, I did a few rounds. As always, I ended up at Jonny's place last. He made sure I couldn't wear that dress again. It really makes me wonder, if he hadn't died, how things would've turned out. Maybe we could've been partners in crime, or maybe we could've cleaned each other up. Who knows.

Ryan raised his head from his notebook when he saw something on his monitor. He looked concerned at whatever it was. Before I could ask, we heard heavy banging on the door. He pressed the intercom button, "Who are you?" He asked.

"Open the door, Mr. Sitkowski." A man's voice demanded.

"I don't open this door for just anyone." He seethed.

"Just do it." Ricky's voice came through with a sigh.

Hesitantly, he let the strangers inside. If Ricky trusts them, we tend to... Well we don't trust them too, but we'll tolerate them. The men that walked through that door, they looked like something out of a movie. All black suits with identical faces. Their behavior instantly came off as hostile. Two headed towards Ryan. He stood up with concern but before he could react, they pushed him down on his desk and handcuffed him.

The other two grabbed me at the same time and didn't give me much time to fight. Sure, I could've kicked their fucking asses, easily, but I didn't want to end up dead. They were giving me those fuck with us and you'll get shot vibes.

"What are you doing?!" Ricky yelled at him, "This isn't what we agreed on!"

"If I told you I was going to detain them, you would've tipped them off, agent Olson." The lead man replied, "You two are coming with us."

"What is going on?!" I demanded.

"You're on a need to know basis." He responded, "That goes for superiors as well. We'll return you, if we see it fit."

They began to drag Ryan out. He didn't want to go at all and I could tell they were hurting his back having him cuffed like that. Ricky didn't say a damn thing, although he's not stupid enough to bark at someone above him. They forced me to walk out and began to take us both down to the hangers.

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Comment question: Where do you think they agents are taking them?

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