Chapter 64 | A Plan of Sorts

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I grabbed my glass and took a long drink from it. There wasn't alcohol in it, just apple juice, but at least it gave me a second to process everything. "Please tell me you have a plan for all this shit."

"Sort of. The evil spirit is drawn to Chris right now because it wants to fight the Devil inside of him. Kuza could actually switch between himself and the Devil, but I don't think even he knew he was doing it. They'd been apart of one another so long that their souls could operate together. Chris needs to learn how to control it, and he's not going to be able to do that if they keep drugging him out."

"So you want to just let him go back to living life?" I replied, "We can't do that to the others, especially Angelo."

"I know. That's why I'm going to have to keep him in the lab. That way he's not alone, but he's not around any of the others. I have ways to keep him at bay though, if he were to try to act out against me. Once he can keep himself under control, I'll set up equipment in the lab that should be able to track the spirit. Then, I'll leave Chris alone long enough for the spirit to attack him. I have a few theories as to what exactly the spirit is, but I don't want to jump to conclusions until I have actual data on it.

As far as the Devil, He's on our side for now. I'm not going to worry about him, though there is one thing that does have me concerned. He's lashed out at Vinny both when he was possessing Kuza and Chris."

"You think there's something possessing Vinny too? That He doesn't like?" I asked.

"I think there's something inside all of us. That's where this whole reincarnation business comes to play. Some cases were easy to match up, like the ones I told you about. Others, like Vinny's, were nearly impossible to figure out."

Michael stood up, muttering to himself, "I'm trying to remember... This one case... Hang on..." He walked off to another room for a few minutes. I heard some typing faintly, then he returned, "Maybe, based on your whole reincarnation theory, Vinny comes from a long line of people who liked to piss off the Devil. In the early 1900s, there was a fire in Turin, Italy. The city has a lot of Satanic history, so it was no surprise that a sacrifice to the Devil was being made right when the building was set on fire." He handed over some freshly printed papers to Ryan, "From there, several satanic cults were found murdered and their worships destroyed in various ways."

"Fast forward to the twenty first century and Vinny's job is to destroy drug rings. It's not much different, they still have the same cult-ish mentality." I said.

"And it would explain why the Devil hated him, but I can't say this is for certain. I mean, Vinny hasn't burned down any buildings."

"Yet." I replied.

"True," Ryan sighed as he set the papers down, "My main goal right now is to study the evil spirit, and figure out what everyone else means to it and to the Devil. I'm guessing once I figure that out, I'll also know why the cult wants us."

"I wish I could help get you information, but believe it or not, we don't have access to everything." Michael said.

"That's alright," I responded, "Ryan had a very good source for all of this information. He just doesn't want to have to go there, do you?"

He leaned back, taking a strong drink, "I... Don't know what you mean."

I rolled my eyes, "Reese. I don't know what your relationship status is currently, so I'll refrain from calling her your girlfriend. Regardless, I know from experience, if you fuck a fed that's got it bad for you, they give you what you want. Now, I know the thought of actually having to have sex with her disgusts you, but can't you take one for the team?"

"Oh, c'mon!" He griped, "Haven't I taken enough 'ones for the team'?"

"I'd do it if I could, but you're the one she's got it bad for. All the medications you have access to, don't you have one that'll make it tolerable?"

"There's no medication in the world that can change one's sexuality. If he's asexual, there's nothing you can do." Michael replied.

"He's not asexual though! He had sex with his ex while we were in Scranton!"

"We agreed not to talk about that." Ryan seethed, "It's possible for asexual and aromantic people to find... exceptions. Bambi was for me. Reese never was and never will be, but yeah, I can pop some pills and fake it. You're right... It'll be a huge advantage if I can get her to divulge a little information."

I brought my voice back down to a calmer state, "I know you don't want to do it, but on the bright side, at least you'll make her happy. She's wanted it for a very long time."

He sighed, "I know... I... I've lost any feeling I once had for her. She decided her job was more important than me, but only because I did the same thing to her constantly. I can't blame her."

"Be careful, no matter what you do. Remember, as soon as I send you back there, you'll be back to not being able to speak a word aloud. You have my emergency contact if you need it." Michael spoke as he stood up, "I'm going to try to find more files for you. Anything that could help. You two should get some sleep, though. The phone in the kitchen can make international calls. You're welcome to call home, just remember you don't say a damn word. Everything that was said in this room tonight stays between us."

I don't know how he thinks I'm going to sleep after all that shit. At least he's letting me call Ricky because the poor thing must be worried sick. Fuck, same for Kuza. I hope someone lied to him about why I'm gone. He couldn't take the stress of knowing I got mysteriously dragged away by men in black.

"Devin," Ryan's voice softly spoke up. I glanced over my shoulder to him, seeing him staring off at the city. "I'm genuinely sorry for what I did to Mike."

"I understand why you did it. He's free from this curse. The rest of us don't have that luxury." I replied, then continued to walk into the kitchen to call home.

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A/N: I know this chapter is kind of short but I did that on purpose, since I'll be giving you guys that preview to one of my new stories. On Wattpad, Milk & Cookies got the most votes, but on Twitter, Rapture did. So, I'm meeting you guys halfway on that. I'm going to give you a preview to Rapture right here, and the preview to Milk & Cookies is on Kitty's Instagram (username: ghosts.kitten)

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Rapture Preview:

Any room where the paint is chipping off the walls is no place for a sane man. Though his sanity was questionable, Ricky did still have his wits about him. Or so he thought, but as he came to, he was fighting to remember how he ended up here. It was so dark, he could barely see his own hand in front of his face. Only a small crack of light came in from the bottom of the door.

He rolled over from his back to his stomach in efforts to sit up. His hand quickly grasped his side in response to a sharp shooting pain. Ricky seethed a breath through his clenched teeth. He managed to get himself in a sitting position, somehow finding the wall to lean against. Though it was too dark to tell, he was almost certain there was fresh blood on his hands. He had that lightheaded feeling, as if he had been drained.

A panel, no bigger than a mail slot, opened on the door. Ricky's eyes panned upwards, seeing a set of pupils glancing in that didn't look human. They were unsettling, lacking something. Unfortunately they disappeared too fast for him to figure out what that something was. He could hear some kind of talking on the other side of the door but it was too hushed to make out. Once he cared to listen, he realized there were several whispers surround the walls of this room. None sounded close enough to be in the room with him. He'd hope he was right about that, anyways.

The door creaked open slowly. A dim hall light fell behind a figure in the doorway, making it hard to read their features. It had to be a women, he thought. He could make out the basic shape of a habit. Knowing a nun was in front of him set him at ease for a minute. Then, she spoke, and his chest tightened.

"Hello, Mr. Olson. I'm glad to see you're awake." Her voice wasn't very feminine. In fact, it sounded like a man's trying to mimic a woman's. "How are you feeling?"

"Well, Sister, I'm pretty sure I'm bleeding from somewhere, and my side hurts like Hell. So, I'm going to go with not very good." He replied.

"I will call the doctor, but it may take some time. Travel is not easy here." The nun said.

"Where exactly am I? If you don't mind me asking?"

The way they barely moved disturbed him. They didn't have that comfort that most nuns could provide with their presence. "You wouldn't know if I told you. Those on the surface have made active efforts to forget about this place."

"Surface..." He muttered to himself, "You mean we're underground?"

"Underwater." They responded, "Your plane crashed in the middle of the Atlantic. Luckily, it happened right next to the surface access for the city."

He blinked at them a few times, "I'm confused."

"You're in the underwater city of Rapture, Mr. Olson. I'm sorry to say, once you are here, you do not leave. Hopefully we can get you fixed up quickly. You're of no use to us, being a body in a cell. This is not a place you want to be useless."

"M-My, um friend," He stammered out as he suddenly remembered, "I wasn't the only one on that flight. Where is he?"

"Hm," The nun barely turned her head downward to glance behind herself, "Sweatpea, do you know where the other man is?"

It was then that he came to the realization a small girl had been standing behind them the entire time. Though she couldn't have been more than 4'11", she had a mature body, leading him to believe she was older. She was the one with those striking eyes he saw through the door. They were silver, borderlining on white. Other than her eyes, she was quite innocent looking. Her pink hair was curled around her pale face like a doll.

"Chrissy took him." She spoke in such a small, candy-like voice.

"Now," Their tone was that of a mother's, "Why did you let Chris take him? I want him kept in tact. He could be useful to us, I can tell. You will be as well, Mr. Olson. I suggest you rest until the good doctor arrives."

The nun pulled the creaky door shut before he could interject another thought.

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