Chapter 65 | Demonoid Phenomenon

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Our flight back home was much more pleasant, since we weren't in handcuffs. I could also trust the people around me, so I could sleep with ease. About two hours before we were set to land, I did my makeup nice. We've been gone three days when you add in all the travel. On top of all the work we've been doing, I've barely had time to see my husband. I wanted to look good for him.

"Ryan," I tauntingly called for him as I walked between the seats.

"Whaat?" He griped.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "You're only acting this way because you know what I'm about to say. Don't delay the inevitable."

He sighed, "You know, this could either go one of two ways. Either she'll relax and give me some space, or she'll get more clingy. If it's the second option, I'm blaming it all on you."

"I can accept that." I responded, "C'mon, don't make me drag you."

Ryan closed up the files he had open. He put them in his briefcase, locking it. No one, to my knowledge, knew the code. It doesn't really matter because Michael has access to most those files. Ryan's notes, however, there's only one copy of and it's in that case. Really if anything happens to him we're all fucked, in several ways. I know he's upset with me for making him do this but Reese is our only way into that information. She knows what makes Angelo so damn valuable to the cult and that could be the key to this whole thing.

Once Ryan had put away his things, I led him back to the plane's bathroom. It was tiny but it'll do for now. It's not like he takes a whole lot of cleaning up. Reese enjoys him looking so rough. I figured he could use a little maintenance though.

"I hate you." He muttered while I tilted his hear to the side.

I wasn't going to get rid of his beard. It actually looks good on him, but there were a few stray hairs that needed to go. "I hate you too." I replied as I carefully cleaned up the edges with a razor. "Hm, you have a grey hair in your beard."

"No, I don't." He snit in disbelief.

Grabbing the tweezers off the counter, I quickly plucked it. "See. There's no shame in it. You're pushing thirty anyways, plus prison ages people faster."

He sighed, "Sometimes I miss Graham. Things were... They weren't great there but they weren't like they are now."

"Chris and Ange wouldn't be together. Neither would Ricky and I... Which means I wouldn't be in this weird love triangle, I guess. But, we wouldn't have gotten to see the world like we did."

"Dev, you got to see the world. The past three, four years I've spent in a fucking lab."

"I-" I sighed as I set down the tweezers in my hand, "I'm sorry. We've all kind of neglected you and taken you for granted. I've done it the worst. I've disrespected you, a lot."

"It doesn't bother me as much as you might think. When Bambi and I had our falling out back in college, something in me changed. I stopped caring about anything anyone did to me, good or bad." He replied.

"I know that's not completely true. If you didn't care about us, you wouldn't have gone to these lengths to protect us." I said while I dug through my makeup case for a clean brush. After I found it, I turned his head towards me to put some faint grey eye shadow down.

"I didn't say I don't care for people. I have people that mean a lot to me in my life. I just don't care what they do to me. Reese doesn't understand that. All her efforts to win me over, they're useless. I don't need to go out on dates and get given gifts and shit like that to care about someone. She doesn't appreciate the fact that I don't like to give either. I just... I don't understand how dead flowers and shitty chocolates makes people care about each other."

"Well, what do you need to care about someone then?" I asked. Not condescendingly, just curiously. I set down the palette in my hand and looked for a foundation color that wasn't stark white like mine.

"Trust. Just... Trust me. You can be the biggest asshole in the world to me as long as you give me your trust. She doesn't fully trust me, though."

"She... She's not allowed to. Ricky isn't allowed to trust me either." I responded.

"Ricky isn't allowed to tell you information but he does trust you. That's not the case with Reese. You can try to make our relationship better all you want but I don't look at it with rose colored glasses. She and I can't ever work out. Let's just hope, for tonight, we do."

Ryan wiggled his nose a bit, trying not to sneeze while I put loose power over his face. "Sorry." I muttered, putting the container back in my bag. "All done. Get dressed, and don't be shy with the cologne."

I stepped out of the bathroom to give him his space. He can clean up really good when he puts the effort in. To him, it's wasted time that he could be working. For once, he can consider seducing a woman as work. After a few minutes, he reopened the door, looking sharp in a dress shirt and black jeans. He's got to be such a damn prude, though. I unbuttoned the top button of his white shirt, which made him look a lot sexier, to be honest. His only response was to sigh.

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This seems backwards. I'm the one working, while Ricky is whining that I need to stop. If I'm going to continue to help Ryan, I need to read through all these damn files. I'd already glanced over a few but I need to actually absorb some information. I also agreed to watch the lab, and Chris, while he was out with Reese. Chris had yet to wake up and I was rather thankful for that. They moved him down here while he was still sedated and we agreed it was best to let him wake up on his own.

Ricky hopped up on the desk, crossing his legs. "Now I know how you feel when I work late nights."

I set my hand on his knee, running my palm up and down his legs. "You have no idea."

He plucked the paper in my hand away and set it back on the table. Ricky turned his head as he leaned down. I could use a break anyways, so I didn't object when he kissed me. His lips were addicting. I could taste the cherries on his breath from the whiskey sour he was drinking earlier. Shamefully, I pulled back when I heard the control panel beep. Ricky smiled ear to ear, laughing as he chewed on the gum he stole from my mouth.

There was still a lot of buttons that I didn't know what they did. Honestly, I'm not sure I wanted to know. According to Ryan, I only needed to know which one opened and closed the door. I looked at the monitor to see him and Reese impatiently waiting for me to open it.

"You're probably going to want to leave." I told Ricky as I pressed the button, "I doubt you want to hear your own sister getting fucked."

He snickered, "Yeah, right, because that's going to happen." The color suddenly drained from his face when he realized I wasn't laughing. "You're not serious, right? Ryan would never-"

I cut him off by giving him an 'are you sure about that' look. He fell speechless while watching his sister and Ryan walk in the room. He'd had yet to see how hot Ryan looked tonight. Honestly, if he was gay and actually liked sex, I'd fuck him. For someone that hates sexual contact, he actually does have pretty good game too. He kept his hand around her waist as they walked in.

Ryan kissed the side of her head, telling her, "I'll meet you in the bedroom. I have to check on a few things here, first."

Her giggle was nauseating. She kissed him back, telling him, "Okay. Don't be long."

He let her go, waiting until she was gone to let his frustration show. Ryan rolled his eyes and sighed. "You fucking owe me for this." He told me as he walked over to the desk, "Found anything get?"

"Nothing interesting." I replied, "And Chris is still asleep. How do you deal with doing this shit day in and day out?"

"I actually like to do it, believe it or not." He said.

"I don't see how."

"Have you ever considered that there might be people who don't see how you enjoy skinning someone?" He asked, to which I gave a blank stare. "Yeah, exactly." Ryan walked over to one of the cabinets of medication on the other side of the room. He shuffled through a few things, finding the bottles he was looking for. "If you want to take a break, you can give meds to everyone in the hold. The list is on the side of this cabinet."

"What are you doing?" I asked as I saw him wonder over to the shelf with fresh needles on it, "Are you actually-"

"Yep." He casually responded. Ryan found the needle he was looking for. He set it, along with the bottles, down on a table. Then he pulled off his jacket and pulled up his sleeve to uncover his veins.

Poor Ricky looked mortified, "Are you shooting up so you can have sex with my sister?"

Ryan could somehow manage to stick a needle in his arm without flinching. He pushed whatever that liquid was into his veins, replying, "It's nothing against her. She is a beautiful woman, but this is the only way I can raise my libido enough to want to fuck her. And, just because I don't want to do this, doesn't mean I'm going to half-ass it."

"It's probably the only time he's ever going to fuck her. Might as well make it memorable." I said.

"Can we stop talking about this?" He complained, "This is my little sister you're talking about."

"I told you it'd be a good idea if you left." I stood up from the desk and headed over to the meds cabinet, "C'mon, you can help me drug death row inmates."

"Just make sure you check in on Chris regularly." Ryan warned us. He threw away the needle and small glass bottle into a medical waste bin. Then he opened another bottle, taking a pill from it. He threw it my way, telling me, "Put that away from me, please. It's organized by medical conditions. So, heart meds are in one place, migraine meds in another, so on."

"I got it, don't worry. Just stop stalling and go."

"I don't wanna!" He whined as he started to walk back towards his room.

"Have fun!" I teased him. Ricky sighed, shaking his head. "What?" I asked him.

He opened his mouth to respond but his phone distracted him. "Shit." He muttered, "Looks like I'm going to LA. There's a werewolf on Sunset. There's a sentence I never thought I'd say."

"Ryan is having sex, with Reese. There's a sentence I never thought I'd say." I leaned against the cabinet, crossing my arms.

"Don't remind me. I'm guessing you want to stay here?"

"Yeah, I have a lot of shit to do here."

Ricky grabbed my face to give me a quick kiss. "I'm just a text or a call away if you need anything."

"Be safe." I responded, stealing another taste of his lips, "I love you."

He smiled to hear me say that, "I love you too, Babe."

I didn't want him to leave. Despite the world falling apart around us, we were finally happy together again. Ricky had a job to do though. He rushed out, leaving me to myself. I grabbed the clipboard from the side of the cabinet that Ryan was referring to. There weren't many left, considering he hasn't had much time for his experiments. I grabbed a silver tray to count out all the meds on. Using paper cups for each, I started to get each dose one by one.

It was a slow process. I had to find so many different medications, and his filing system didn't really help me. He only wrote down which meds each inmate needs, not what they're for. After awhile of doing this, just thinking to myself, I started to wonder what exactly he had in that needle. It's not like anyone will find out if I look. I crouched down in front of the waste bin, seeing the glass bottle he threw out.

Cocaine. It's actually pretty sad that he's so done with his relationship with her that he needs a hard drug to kiss her without puking. I know this is extremely hard on him, but it'll help us all in the long run. Ryan would never do drugs for any reason other than this. Although he did seem pretty fearless in taking it, but who am I to question his ways? As long as he gets the job done.

From the sounds I was starting to hear, he definitely was getting it done. I continued to do my job, taking about a fifteen minutes to get the meds to all the inmates. They're actually pretty nice to me, aside from the very vulgar comments they make. That's to be expected though if you consider the fact they probably haven't gotten ass in a long time. I'd pity them if I had the ability to sympathize.

As I came back into the lab, Chris was just starting to stir a little. Waking up from sedation can take a little while. I sat back down at Ryan's desk to continue my reading. Somehow the sex noises weren't bothering me, but holy fuck she was loud. I'm not sure if that's a result of not getting laid in three years or if there was a possibility that Ryan was actually that good in bed. Okay, sorry, but I can't not know.

Chris groaned as he sat up, "The fuck is that?"

"Ryan and Reese fucking." I responded while I got up, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm fine, but I'm pretty sure I woke up in a parellel dimension because there's no fucking way they're fucking. I don't even know if Ryan's capable of getting a hard on."

I laughed, "You're not dreaming and you're in the right dimension. He needed some information out of her and, well, this was the only way." I started to walk up the stairs, telling him, "I'll be right back."

Curiosity killed the cat, I know. It should be no surprise at this point that I can't help myself from being nosey. It's Ryan's fault he chose to have his room in the lab. There's no magical secret passageways to anyone else's room, just saying. I took off my shoes at the top of the stairs, as to not make any noise. Then I slipped into the passageway that wrapped around the majority of the lab. Carefully, I made my way to the grate that looked into his bedroom.

I don't know why I was so cautious. They were too damn busy to have heard or noticed me creeping. I only took a glance but I'll admit what I did see turned me on more than it should've. I've never thought of Ryan in a sexual way until tonight. It's a real shame that he's asexual because holy fuck he knows how to nail a girl. No wonder Reese was practically screaming. I guess it was well worth the wait for her.

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A/N: I'm going to start making chapters a little longer because there's still a lot more story left. I just don't want this to become a 100 parter like Love Is A Broken Window.

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