Chapter 68 | Goodbye Agony

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Chapter dedicated to 

The air was warm as a breeze blew through the layers of my long dress. You could smell fresh flowers from the balconies adjacent, and baked goods from the bakery down on the stress bellow. It was gorgeous. I'd never picture paradise like this, until I came here; Paris. Now, I understand why it's the city of romance.

Ricky kept his hand around my waist securely. He leaned into me, kissing my neck slowly. "Mmh, you taste like Heaven, Baby, but," He smirked as he moved his hand down to my ass, "Look like you could give me Hell."

I snickered, "You know I can, Baby."

"Hey, lovebirds," Josh called for us from the balcony doors, "Get back in here. They're about to do the first dance."

"We're coming." Ricky responded.

"Hm, what'd you think they chose as their first song?" I wondered as we walked back in.

"Knowing Chris, probably something cheesy, but classic."

Couldn't have put it better myself. There weren't too many people here, obviously. It was a very small wedding but nonetheless, they deserved it. Even if we were all free, I doubt we'd have many more people than this here. We do all hate people, aside from each other.

Ricky and I sat down at our table to watch the newlyweds have their first dance. If anyone deserved this, it was Angelo and Chris. I don't know anyone who has a love as strong as theirs. It's survived bigoted parents, murder, prison, and the zombie apocalypse. How many other couples can say that? Most those situations, Ricky and I broke under the stress. They stayed strong and kept loving each other. I don't know how they did it.

I've never seen either of them smile as much as they were today. They were beaming with happiness. Chris kept Angelo as close to him as possible as they danced to The Cure's "Lovesong". Cheesy and classic, just like Ricky said. In a way, I guess you could describe their love that way. It's classic and unconditional. You know, when you take out the whole falling in love with a woman killer part, it's your textbook romance. The kind of love we all hope for but doubt it's really real. It couldn't be more real for them.

My ears were still fucking ringing. It started to get a little better as I opened my eyes. I feel like I got hit by a freight train. Oh, right, I pretty much did. Chris is a fucking monster when he goes after someone. I just never thought I'd be that someone. He was a beast, in the way Kuza used to be. Speaking of, that sweet face was the first I saw when I woke up.

I sat up slowly, taking a look around. They put me in the fucking hospital. That's just great. Kuza was the only one in the room. He got up from his chair in the corner and approached the side of my bed.

"Hey," He softly spoke, "How're you feeling?" Kuza reached out to my face. I flinched back a little and he soothed, "It's okay." He gently readjusted one of my dreads to be out of my eyes.

"Y-Your hands," I stammered out, feeling my throat burn like fucking Hell, "They're not shaking."

Not only were they not shaking, but they were steady as they possibly could be. He wasn't talking slowly either. Well, he was, to comfort me. It wasn't that weak slowness though that he had before. He was completely back to himself. All the damage from his aneurysm was nonexistent. I'm starting to think I woke up in a dream.

"Yeah... It just... It all came back to me, all at once. All the sudden I got this rush, and I got all my memories back. I can remember the bad things, now, but it's okay. I remember why I did them not too. And when it happened, it's like my body reset. My headaches are gone, I can keep a thought for more than five seconds, I can speak normally, and my tremors are gone."

"What about the rage?" I asked, "Did it come back?"

"Yeah," He tightened his hand around the rail of the bed, "I got a few things back that I didn't want to. The price to pay, though."

"What about Chris? Is he okay?"

He sighed, "I wish I knew. No one would tell me. They just told me to watch you, and that's what I decided to do. No one seemed like they wanted to talk about it though. Which tells me whatever happened, it didn't end well."

I pushed the blankets off of myself, swinging my legs off the bed. Kuza instantly looked at my long legs with lust in his eyes. I've missed that look so much. It was then, though, that I realized I was in a different outfit than when I passed out. Previously I had jeans on, but now I was in a dress. One of Kuza's favorites on me, too.

"Did you change my clothes?" I asked.

"Yeah. The ones you were in were covered in blood. I hope you don't mind." He replied.

I stood up, wrapping my arms around his neck as I did, "It's fine. Nothing you haven't seen before. I'm glad I have you back. The real you." I ran my hand down his arm, intertwining our fingers, "Did they at least tell you what happened to you?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Um, I don't know... Is there something I should know happened to me?"

"Yes. I should've told you a long time ago. They don't know when, or for how long, for all we know you could've been born this way, but you're possessed by the Devil. When you had your aneurysm, it made your body to weak of a host, and He jumped into Chris. That's why you lost all your memories of your crimes. They went with him. Chris got pretty much fried, so the Devil left. I guess he decided to return to you. I know all of this sounds crazy, but it's the truth."

"Not as crazy as you think." Kuza replied, "I've always known there was something different about me. You're a killer, but I'm actually evil. I can feel it inside of me. After my aneurysm, I felt like half of a person. I felt like there was a part of me missing." His hand traveled down to my ass, giving it a squeeze, "And the evil inside of me sure does love you."

I tangled my hand into his hair, pulling him down to my lips. It felt amazing. Finally, I felt like I was kissing him. Not just a hollow shell. As we parted, I mused, "If we had the time, I'd let you fuck me right here, Baby. We need to find out what happened, though. I'm afraid to know."

He gently traced his fingertips over my neck, "How'd this happen?"

There was a mirror over the sink in the corner of the room. I broke away from him to go look in it. My smeared makeup certainly made me look like a hot mess. There was a massive bruise across my throat. I still couldn't talk very loud either but I'll get over it. There's more important things to worry about.

"Chris did it." I painfully admitted, "It wasn't him, though. That demon that possessed Ricky, it got to Chris. It made him do this." Turning back around, I grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out of there.

I had two options. Either go to the lab to find Ryan, or go to the living quarters to talk to the others. Ricky is probably my best bet to get information out of. Besides, I should go let him know I'm okay. The walk there is long. Being that I was pretty much running, I got there a lot quicker than it usually takes.

Ricky and Reese were in front of the door that led to the living quarters. They were arguing back and forth so loudly I couldn't make out one word. There's one thing that'll always shut Ricky up though. I grabbed him by his shoulders and slammed him against the wall behind him. My lips collided with his briefly, smiling as I pulled back.

"Hey." I teased him.

He pulled me into a tight hug, "You're okay. I was so scared you weren't going to wake up."

"I've been through much worse." I replied, "Besides, I just passed out. That's all."

"You went without oxygen for a few minutes. Anyone else, that would fry their brains. Not you, though." He chuckled, "You could get hit by a semi truck and get right back up." His hands came to the side of my face and cupped my cheeks. Ricky gave me a very passionate kiss followed by a desperate, "I love you, so much."

"I love you, too, Baby." I wrapped my fingers around his hand, looking into his blue eyes with concern. "What happened? Why are you do shaken?"

He glanced over at his sister, then back to me. Ricky opened his mouth to speak but his hesitance frustrated her enough. She coldly blurted out, "Chris is dead."

His jaw tightened as he glared at her, "Reese! For fuck's sake!"

"Oh, c'mon! They're murderers, not kindergartners. You don't have to hold their hand through it." She snapped.

"That's enough. Go make yourself busy somewhere else. Just not here, and not in the lab. Give everyone some time to mourn." He told her.

"Please, please tell me she's lying." My eyes began to sting with tears.

"I wish she was. I really, really fucking wish she was. I'm so sorry. There was nothing we could do to save him. Once the Walrider had him, there was only one way to get rid of it. Ryan said he thinks this killed the Walrider too, but we don't know for sure."

"It doesn't matter." I sobbed into his shoulder, "I'd rather have it alive if it meant having Chris alive!"

Ricky tightened his arms around me. He gently kissed the side of my head, "I know, Baby. I know."

Kuza's voice dropped to a raspy whisper as he asked, "Where's Ange?"

He sighed, "I was hoping you wouldn't ask. Nikki, he saw something, he said. It fucked him up badly and whatever he saw, he made him take the shot. When Angelo found out it was Nikki that killed Chris, he lost his fucking mind. He attacked Nikki and fucked him up bad enough that we had to put him in the hospital. They locked Angelo in a padded cell in solitary. You can go see him, if you want, but I'm going to warn you... He's not the Angelo that you know. He's... He doesn't even seem human anymore."

"He..." I pulled away from Ricky to wipe my eyes, "He might not be... I... I have to..." I stumbled on my words, trying to make them seem sensible in my emotional agony, "Where's Ryan?"

"His lab." Ricky responded.

"I need to go see him." I started to turn to walk away but I felt a rush of vertigo.

Stumbling back a bit, I felt Ricky's hand on my back. "I'll get him to come see you, but we need to get you laying down again. You did almost die today. You're not well. Let me take care of you, okay?"

I glanced up at Kuza and hoped he'd protest for me. He cared about me just as much as Ricky, though. My vision was blurred but I didn't know if that was tears or my oncoming headache. Kuza came closer to me. He hooked his arms under my legs and picked me up bridal style.

"He's right, Sweetheart. You need sleep." He said.

"You can take him to your room, if he'd prefer that. Just so long as you stay with him. I have a lot of shit I need to take care of now." Ricky placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, "I love you. Understand we both have your best interest at heart, so please trust us to take care of you. I know I can trust your well being with Mike."

"I love you, too, but I'm mad at you for making me lay down." I grumbled.

He chuckled, "That's my girl."

Ricky opened the door for Kuza. It was so fucking quiet in here. Everyone must've been in their rooms, mourning in their own way. Kuza took my to his bedroom, pushing the door open with his hip. I missed it in here. There's something really comforting about the dark shades on the wall and the subtle smell of his cologne. He laid me against his silk sheets and draped a fluffy blanket over me.

"I'll be right here if you need anything." He whispered to me.

I grabbed his wrist as he started to pull back, "Lay with me?"

A smile crept across his face, "Of course."

Kuza pulled off his shirt and tossed it on the ground. He kicked off his shoes and got rid of his belt buckle. Fuck, he looked so sexy in nothing but jeans and a necklace. If I didn't feel so sick every time I tried to move, I'd let him fuck me. That's how I usually deal with my negative emotions. Just fuck them away. Cuddling works too, I suppose.

He laid down behind me and pulled me against his body. This was a place I've longed to be for awhile now. As much as I love Ricky, I've missed this too. Kuza rested his head against my back. He waited about ten minutes, assuming I fell asleep in that time, I guess. In the utter silence, I heard him start to quietly cry. My poor baby.

Chris was his best friend from the time he was little. He's never known life without him. Their friendship was the one constant he'd had in his life. Losing that, losing someone that's always been there for you, is one of the worst pains you can ever feel. Your life becomes empty without them. We're all going to take it hard, but nothing will compare to how him and Angelo are taking this.

I turned around in his arms and pulled his face into my chest. He began to sob, tears rushing down his face and staining my dress. I petted his hair and let him cry out all his pain. I'd rather he cried to me than in the bottom of a bottle. Hearing his pain, feeling it sink it, brought tears to my own eyes. We all knew we'd never grow old but we never thought we'd ever lose one another either.

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