Chapter 70 | The Fallout

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A/N: This is going to be the last chapter of this story. As always with last chapters, I ask that you guys spam the fuck out of the comments. This will also be super long. For anyone who guessed the deaths right, I'll be giving you dedications on previous chapters!

I'm going to dedicate this one to dxvilsnight because they're both going to kill me and love me for shit going down in this chapter. I felt it was appropriate, considering what is going to happen. If you like the dark and gritty shit like this, you should go check out their fics, BTW.

Thank you all for your continuous support on this series, and all my other stories. I feel good putting this to bed finally. I may still write in the Extras book from time to time, but we'll see. If it weren't for all the love you guys give me, I wouldn't continue to write. I know some people will be sad to see this story go, buuuut there is another story replacing it. On Dec 20th I'll be releasing my first Sitkolson, titled Your Sweet Six Six Six. It'll be super cheesy, it's going to be great.

Again, thank you all so so fucking much. I hope you enjoy the final chapter of the Sanity series.


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Most people would walk away at this point, but I know my friends. I know my family. We are all survivors. Look at the shit we've been through so far. It's been torture up until this point, with brief breaks of happiness. The overall picture of our lives is Hell. We're still here. I refuse to believe that under all that rubble, not a single person is still breathing. Of course, I was right.

I could hear some distribution from under a pile of rocks, glass, and books. The scream that came from beneath it gave me some relief. Ricky let out a very frustrated, "Mother fucker!" He's alive. I knew that was his voice. My love, he was alive. I started to pull back pieces of wall until some sunlight broke through to him. Being in his office, he was able to get under his desk for cover when the place blew. I offered him a hand to pull him out of the hole he'd been stuck in.

Ricky wrapped his arms around me as I pulled him up. He was covered in dust and ash. When his lips touched mine, I still didn't object. To feel his love meant more to me than getting a little dirt in my mouth.

"I love you." He beamed as we parted, "Fuck, I love you, Dev. So fucking much much. I'm so happy you're okay."

"I love you, too, Ricky. I thought..." I took in a deep breath and squeezed him tighter, "I thought I lost you. Mike and I, we were outside when it happened. I sent him to get help. Wh-What... What happened?"

He took a look around at all the destruction, "I really don't know. I... I was just working on my computer when it suddenly seized up. Someone else had control of it, and made the screen switch to security footage of the hanger. I watched it blow up, then I heard beeping in the wall. I got under my desk just in time for the fucking thing to blow."

"Whoever hacked into your computer was trying to warn you." I replied, "Maybe they managed to warn the others."

"We can only hope." He pointed towards the right, "You take that side, I'll go over here."

We had to face the reality that we could be looking for dead bodies. Knowing that I at least have Ricky and Kuza makes me somewhat at ease. If it was just me, I don't know what the fuck I'd do with myself. I may be a killer but I don't want to be lonely. No one wants that. When I initially got the text that Nikki had passed, that was a thought that ran through my head. Wherever Chris ended up in the afterlife, at least he's not alone.

Quickly, sound became by best ally. I listened for any sort of movement that was misplaced among the shifting. Keep in mind, most this mess was very dark. So, you can't blame me for walking past a ball of blackness. As I did walk past, I heard a little yipe. That made me turn back and realized I'd just overlooked little Toronto. The poor thing had his back end stuck under a massive rock.

I knelt down in front of him, petting his head, "Oh, Baby. Don't cry. I'm here." I soothed him. Turning my head over my shoulder, I called, "Ricky! I found Toronto! He's stuck though."

When he didn't reply immediately, I turned back to check on him. He was preoccupied trying to move a huge chunk of metal. It looked like it came from the stove in the kitchen or something like that. He continued to push away a few things. Along all the rain and smog, I could see some red hair against the ground. Ricky leaned over Ashley, giving her CPR. After a few attempts, she finally started to choke and come around.

Gently, he picked her up and carried her off of the pile of rubble. He glanced over his shoulder, telling me, "Get him out and bring him over here."

I was scared to, honestly. Sometimes taking the pressure away can make it worse. His little butt was crushed. Toronto whined as I pulled the rock off of him. He was in a lot of pain. I tried to pick him up as delicately as I could but he still cried out in pain. Ricky laid Ashley down on the ground. I set Toronto beside her, where he could snuggle up to her arm. His back legs weren't working, it looked like. At least he survived though. If Ryan-Ashley and Josh are alive, they'd be devastated if they lost their babies.

"His spine is probably crushed." Ricky unhappily said. He set his hand on her leg, squeezing it, "Can you feel that?"

"Y-Yeah." She murmured.

"Good. I didn't need two of you paralyzed from the waist down. You two stay here. We're going to try to find the others."

"Stay here," She tiredly repeated him, "Yeah, I can do that."

Ash always managed to stay somewhat happy even in a shit storm. She had that Harley Quinn positivity in life. Ricky followed me back to where I found Toronto. His owners couldn't be far away. We started to move what we could, trying to find a sign of anyone. I pushed back a piece of steel, from a bed frame it looked like. Under it, I found a black ring that had been shattered. It was Ryan-Ashley's engagement ring. Even crushed, I could tell by the frame.

"Ricky." I grabbed his attention, showing it to him.

"They can't be far." He responded tiredly.

I can only hope. We started to dig around the area I found the ring, which wasn't too far from where I found the dog. Eventually, I finally saw a body. Brushing away the dirt, I recognized the tattoos as Ryan-Ashley's. I finally found her under a lot of shit. Pressing my hand to her jugular, I found a pulse. Oh, thank fuck. She's a tough bitch like me.

Ricky knelt down beside her. He watched her for a second, examining her unconscious body. Her skin was pale as fuck, even for her. He suddenly moved over her, saying, "I think her airway is blocked. She can't breathe." He opened her mouth, sweeping the back of her throat. Ricky turned her on her side as he did. She coughed out, spitting up a little blood.

"She's got internal bleeding." I said, "Vampire better get his ass here fast."

"Move her over by Ash. I want to get them away from all the smoke and shit." He instructed me.

Ryan-Ashley screamed as I picked her up. She definitely had internal bleeding, but there was nothing I could do for her right now. Hopefully it's a slow enough bleed that she can make it until help arrives. By the time I got her over to Ashley, Ricky had found Josh. He was much more awake than the girls were. Ricky helped walk him over. He couldn't put pressure on one of his legs at all, meaning it's most likely broken.

The fact that we have three people alive, four counting Ricky, is amazing. I told you, we can survive anything. I'm only afraid we'll run out of luck soon. I returned to searching through what felt like miles of shit, just hoping I'd hear something or find someone. It started to take longer. We got lucky at first, just like I was afraid we would.

"I found Jeremy." Ricky called over to me, "He's gone."

Goddamn it. That kid didn't deserve it. Him and Vinny are the youngest out of all of us. Arguably, Jeremy was the sweetest. The innocent always get fucked over the worst. That made me realize, Vinny was still missing. He's pretty small, meaning he could've been crushed easily. But yeah, if Toronto could make it, there's hope for him. At least that's what I wanted to tell myself. Even when I did find his body, I was in denial I could ever lose him. Like I'd guessed, he was pretty crushed. He had a pulse though. There's hope.

"Vin," I spoke to him as I pulled him into my arms, "Vinny. C'mon, you asshole. Wake up." He groaned some, so I continued to talk, "Listen, you can't leave me, okay? Stay with me, stay awake. Got it?"

His speech was slurred as he tried to make out some sort of sentence, "Ry... R-" He sighed when he realized he didn't have the energy to speak.

I should've been more concerned, but my attention was diverted when I heard a faint crying. Ricky walked over to check on me. I glanced up at him, telling him, "Take him to the others."

He nodded and scooped Vinny out of my arms. I remained on the ground as I tried to locate the noise. It was so quietly. I could barely hear it. It almost felt like my mind was playing tricks on me. Eventually, I took a guess as to where it was coming from. It got a little louder as I walked. I found a part of the building that had fallen in a way that there was a cave formed. That's where that crying was coming from. I found a small space where I could see in. Twiggy was under Manson, the dominant being unconscious. He was whimpering and sobbing to himself.

"Hey," I softly spoke to him, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

His brown eyes were glossed over as he looked up at me. He sniffled, squeezing his eyes shut and nodding. "M-Marilyn... H-He... He's not." He mumbled.

"We're going to get you out of there. I promise." I reassured him.

Ricky came back to help me. We pulled everything back carefully, to make sure nothing fell on them. Once we got a clear path in, Ricky dropped down into the hole. He pushed Manson's body off of Twiggy. Feeling for a pulse, I saw a frown hit his face. For fuck's sake. I climbed down some, not all the way, and offered the trembling psycho my hand. Once he accepted, I pulled him in close and let him cling to me desperately. Alive or not, we still wanted to get the bodies out of there. Ricky picked up Manson's body and followed me as we carried them out to the others.

In the distance, I saw Kuza climbing back over the part of the gate that was busted down. He ran over to us, still out of breath. This place was in the middle of nowhere. He had to have ran his ass off to get to a payphone that was no doubt far away. As he stopped to catch his breath, he looked over the mess in front of him.

"Vampire's on his way." He informed me, "Are they all... Alive?"

"No. We already lost Jeremy and Manson. Take him," I said, referring to Twiggy, "Watch him and try to keep Vin awake."

Kuza managed to pry Twiggy off of me. He was hysterical, though he tried to hide it. I ran back over to the debris to try to find Angelo and Ryan. They were the only ones still missing. Being under all this shit this long, I was worried they would suffocate. The fact that Ryan's lab was made of steel could have either saved him or killed him. If anything in this place could remain stable after that blast, I'd hope that to be it. Oh... Yeah, I guess we should try to find Reese too. For Ricky's sake. I'd let her die if it were my choice.

"Dev!" Ricky yelled to me from halfway across the field.

I ran over to him, seeing he'd located Angelo. The hold is close to the lab, meaning Ryan should be close to here too. I knelt down beside the fallen angel, giving Ricky a sorrowful look. He moved away to start looking for his sister, I presume. I don't know if he understood what I was going to do. It was a thought in my head already, and this has solidified the idea. Ricky would understand. I'd want someone to do the same to me if I lost him.

Angelo weakly grabbed my wrist as I reached towards his face. His eyes had turned pure black. It made me ill to my stomach to look into them. His voice came out weaker than I've ever heard it, "Don't save me... Let me be with him..."

"I know, Ange. I know." I softly cooed, "I love you. Tell Chris and the others I love them too, and I miss them, and they better be wrecking havoc in the afterlife for me."

He managed the smallest of smiles. It seemed so painful for him to do. Angelo's pulse was so slow and he was completely buried. His blood was everywhere. It was even running out of his eyes, which looked terrifying when combined with the black substance he was crying out. Some kind of evil was purging out of him. It was horrifying to see. In his condition, even if I tried to save him, he wouldn't even make before help I arrived. It was best to put him out of his misery, not let him suffer, and return him to his love.

I've killed so many people. Yet, this felt godawful to do. It made me want to throw myself off of a bridge. To muster the strength to hurt someone you love so much is damn near impossible, even when it's for their own good. Angelo closed his eyes slowly. I figured that was my best option too. I placed my hands along his head and neck, then turned my own head away as I snapped his neck. He took in a sharp breath in the moment, which would be his last breath. I checked his pulse to make sure he was definitely gone. Fuck, can I please just wake up and have this all be a really fucked up nightmare now?

Angelo's cold body looked so peaceful. That peace, that's what I wanted to give him. Ricky was still looking for his sister while I carried Angelo's body over to the others. The looks on their faces were ones of emptiness. Seeing that the best of us was now gone destroyed any hope of this getting better.

"Even if this hadn't happened, I don't think he would've survived long without Chris." Kuza muttered to me as I set the body down beside him.

"He would've drove himself mad." I responded, "And that's the last thing I would've wanted for him. I'm going to go try to find Ryan."

"Good luck." He sighed, petting his hand over Twiggy's hair.

It wasn't doing much to calm him down. I doubt anything will. Kuza, despite sharing a body with the fucking Devil, can surprisingly be very comforting. He was helping Twiggy more than I thought he would. I returned to the dirt pile and hoped I was going to find a breathing Ryan. It was a far fetched fantasy, I know. After all he's sacrificed, I can at least hope good karma is as powerful as bad karma.

Ryan, of course being Ryan, did have a place to resort to when shit went down. I knew he would. Something was telling me he had something to do with what happened. After what felt like twenty minutes of digging through steel beams and shattered glass, I uncovered a hatch door. He'd mentioned before there were hatches around the lab. I'm hoping he was able to get to one.

After I pulled it open, I called down into the crawl space sized passage, "Ryaaaan! Please tell me you're fucking alive."

There was a pause. Just as I began to lose up, I heard his oh so familiar groan, "Unfortunately."

"Follow the sound of my voice so we can get you out of there." I told him.

"Oh, gee, an excuse for you to talk." He sassed me.

I sighed, "Now you develop a sense of humor. Are you hurt at all?"

Ryan found his way to me faster than I thought. There was blood covering half his face, yet he only replied, "Just banged up a little."

"Riiight." I doubtfully teased him.

Offering him my hand, I pulled him up to the surface. He wasn't standing too well on his own. His back was already fucked up. I'm sure the pressure alone from the blast would make it much worse. I helped him wobble over to a concrete slab for him to sit on and catch his breath. He was in the best shape of anyone we'd found thus far. The rain turned heavy and began to wash some of the blood from his face and my hands.

"I figured it out." He told me, gripping his side tightly. From the looks of it, he had a few broken ribs.

"Figured what out?" I asked.

"Why they said Twiggy and Ange were the worst... I, uh, I figured it out and I didn't even need to sleep with that bitch to do it." He still was struggling with his breathing as he continued, "Dev... I never got it before. Us, we were more evil than them... I always thought... But that's the thing... We got evil for ourselves. They turned evil 'cause they fell in love with evil. They're the most dangerous because the one thing worse than evil born from hatred is evil born from love."

I was going to response, but how do you response to that? He was... He was right. That's why Angelo turned into that monster as soon as his love was taken away. As long as we keep Twiggy close, I think he'll be okay. I don't want him to become unrecognizable like Ange did.

"You're a smart man, Devin." I heard Reese's trill voice speak to me, "So listen to me when I tell you to step away from Ryan."

Cautiously, I stood up straight. Turning to her, I found my face met with a pistol. Should've known that stupid bitch would fuck us over. Ricky was no where in sight. I'm assuming she knocked him out somewhere. That better be all she did to him. I doubt she'd kill her own brother. If she did, oh you know I'm going to skin her alive. I might do that anyways.

Ryan started to laugh, leaning his head against the rock behind him, "Do your worst, bitch. You really think it's going to change a goddamn thing?"

I glared at her, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Me?!" She yelled, "He's the one that blew up the entire facility! Hundreds of people dead, millions of dollars just flushed down the drain! And I don't even know how the fuck he did it."

"And that's exactly why you won't kill me." He smirked, "That, and you still love me. I don't need you anymore, though. So I get to finally tell you something I've desperately wanted to for a very long time. I don't love you anymore."

I snit, "Did you ever?"

"At some point, but she got too caught up in making me something I'm not. See, no matter how many books I've read, how many degrees I've had, all the papers I've wrote, at the end of the day I'm still a piece of shit criminal from the fucking gutters of Scranton." He stood up slowly, putting his hand on my shoulder for support. "Your patriotic pride bullshit has always blinded you from seeing what you lack. Something us degenerates have, that you never will, is loyalty."

"If you're so fucking loyal to each other, I'm sure you'll have no problem dying together. I should've never let you out of prison in the first place."

Ryan shook his head, "You still don't get it. You never will. Trust will be our tomb."

She flipped the safety off of the gun, prepared to blow us both away. Her own brother in law and the love of her life, she was going to shoot dead. All the death I've seen in my own eyes in the past few days, it doesn't seem so bad anymore. Today wasn't my day to die. The sharpest shot I've ever heard rang through the rain. Ryan didn't even flinch when he watched her body fall to the ground. Her brain matter was splattered onto the rock beside her as he blood began to poor out of her head.

I couldn't imagine losing that much emotion for someone I once cared about. He didn't give her a second glance. Ryan turned his attention to the sky and I followed his stare. In the noise of the storm, I didn't hear the helicopter overhead. Michael smiled as he saw me. One of his hands held onto the side of the aircraft as the other gripped a sniper riffle. Who would've thought the pretty boy was such a good shot.

Ricky emerged from the distance. His face was bloody, telling me his dearest sister had swung at him. He looked over to her dead body as he wiped his mouth, "Damn."

"She was going to kill us." I informed him.

"Oh, I don't really care that she's dead. I knew her mouth would kill her one of these days. I'm just thinking about how my mother is going to kill me when I have to tell her." He replied.

"You won't." Ryan stated, "As far as the rest of the world is concerned now, we're all dead. Any evidence of who we once were," He gestured to the ground, "Gone. Isn't that right, Vampire?"

Michael jumped down from the ladder extending off of the helicopter as he was talking. "If that's what you want." He responded.

"I wanna disappear. All of us." He glanced over at Ricky, "It's your choice to join us."

"I already faked me death once. What's one more time?" He shrugged, "I think it's time I turn in my badge."

"You can't stay here. There's no where I could hide you in the states. There's plenty of other countries where they don't know you, though. Just pick one. I'll get you a place to live, new identities."

"And a proper burial for who we lost." Ryan added.

Michael nodded, "Whatever you need. After all you've done for me, and all you've been through, you deserve it."

Ryan took his hand off of me. He and Michael began to walk back to the others to help them. We've lost a lot today, but we're still standing. Some-fucking-how, we're alive. Ricky came closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You always wanted me to take you back to Paris." He said.

I rested my head on his shoulder, replying, "It reminds me too much of Ange and Chris now. That was there place more than it was ours."

"So, what'd you have in mind, then?" He asked.

Glancing up at him, I smiled softly. I could think of a few places, but I think I'd rather go back to my roots.

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1 Year Later - Seville, Spain

Ricky gently nipped at my neck as he pulled my leg over his hip. I giggled, mostly because it tickled. He smirked across my skin and snickered. Oh, he just loves to get a rise out of me. It's hard to look back to where we were a year ago and think we'd ever be able to truly smile again. We walked away from everything. I was secretly scared to just... Start over, to act like I never was a crazed murderer turned US Government weapon. I didn't know how that worked out, but it's been amazing so far.

"Dinner's ready!" Ryan-Ashley called from the kitchen.

"Get off of me!" I laughed, "I wanna go eat!"

"I can fill you up, Baby." He whispered in my ear.

I sat up, pecking his lips, "Later."

Though we moved on from our lifestyle, we couldn't move on from each other. We live in a very spacious penthouse in Spain. It looks over one of the streets of downtown. I absolutely love it here. When I suggested Seville as our new home, everyone else was pretty on board. They didn't care where we went as long as it was somewhere nice and somewhere memories couldn't haunt us.

Michael visits every once and awhile to check in. Ricky can't help himself from asking about cases that he's working on. I know he misses the serious work. You know, the top secret shit. He has a job as a detective here. Being under a different name, in a country that doesn't speak much English or cares about the US, no one recognizes him. Even if they did, according to record, his real identity is dead.

Most of us do have normal jobs now. Ashley works at a hair salon as a color tech. Ryan-Ashley found work at a tattoo parlor, which was no surprise with her artistic skills. Josh works in the store front of a taxidermy shop. Again, no real surprise there, since he's so damn bizarre. We all mutually agreed that letting Ryan back into medicine may not be a good idea. At least, not with living humans. He found work as a coroner. It works well for him. He gets to dissect things, which feeds his natural curiosities, and he does't have to walk much. His back still gives him trouble.

As for me, I tried a few different things at first. Everyone else found their niche fast but I struggled to settle on a job I enjoyed. Then I realized the amount of time I've spent obsessing over dresses and clothes over the years. Next to sex and murder, shopping is a major addiction for me. I work in a small Gothic boutique and I couldn't be happier. All my rage is strangely... Gone. It's like, as soon as I left America, I left behind who I used to be.

Kuza, though the poor thing does want a job, stays home during the day. He takes care of Vinny and Twiggy, in very different ways. Getting crushed by debris in the explosion left Vinny paralyzed from the waist down. Out of all of us, he's the one that could manage to make the best of it. He's still rather happy, despite being in a wheelchair the rest of his life.

I offered to be the one to stay home but there was a problem with that. Twiggy's scares are much more emotional and following Manson's death, he became extremely attached to Kuza. His mental issues cause him to always be dependent on someone. When Manson died, Kuza was the first to comfort him. His brain quickly recognized that and made him latch onto him. Kuza doesn't mind though. If my time with him didn't make it evident enough, he's always wanted someone to baby and take care of.

Their relationship isn't completely romantic. They haven't slept together, that I know of, but they do kiss one another. Never full on make outs or anything like that. Just little loving pecks. I'd bargain to guess that Twiggy isn't ready to love anyone yet. He was with Manson for nearly three decades. I wouldn't be able to move on from Ricky even now, and we haven't made it to one decade yet.

As I walked into the kitchen, Ryan was just getting home from work. He's usually the last one home because he likes to work late. Half the time we're lucky if he gets here while food is still warm. Ryan-Ashley can run late at her shop too, when she gets caught up doing one tattoo or something. Today we all agreed it was best to go out of our way to have a dinner together. It was the one year anniversary of the explosion at Graceland.

I pulled back Ryan's chair for him, teasing him, "Here, old man."

He offered me his walking cane to put aside while he sat down, "You're older than me."

"Do you feel younger than me, though?" I replied.

He sighed and picked up a piece of turkey off of one of the platters, throwing it at me. I tried to dodge it, getting it stuck in my hair. You try to be nice to the guy. Ryan laughed it off though. He's somehow gotten some emotion back recently. The deaths in the explosion, Reese's death, even Bambi's he didn't really blame himself for. It was Chris' death that fucked him up the worst. He had a hard time getting over it. Even if it was Nikki who fired the gun, Ryan made the call for it to happen. He's finally got some acceptance in his life, and dare I say, he's happy.

"Now, now, kids. Settle down." Ashley said as she brought the last dish over to the table. She set it down in the center, then found her seat.

As Ryan-Ashley sat down, Toronto followed. He has these cute little wheels on his back half now, since his back legs don't work. He's somehow just as happy in life as Vinny is being paralyzed. It was hard on him when it first happened but now, he doesn't even think about it much. He started to pick at the food at the table and Ryan slapped his hand. Those two still can act like a married couple sometimes. Brings back old memories of the cabin, when they used to argue over attack plans and murder strategies.

Ricky sat at one head of the table, Josh taking the other. They seemed to run the house the most when it comes to leadership. We could all use someone to keep us in line. Even without the Suicide Squad, that person still seems to be Ricky. When he exerts his power, though, it turns me on. Everything he does makes me horny, to be completely honest. He put his hand on my knee under the table, bunching up the fabric of my long dress in his fist.

I swatted his shoulder, "Behave. Just this one night, let's be respectful."

"Hasn't stopped you two before." Ryan muttered.

Ricky shook his head, "I'm sorry. You're right. Tonight is an important night." Kuza and Twiggy were the last to the table. He carried Twiggy like a baby, on his hip, a lot of the time. Kuza helped him into his seat as Ricky continued, "A year ago today we lost nearly everything. Our home, our belongings, but most importantly, most of our family. It was hard for all of us to adjust to life without Manson's crudeness, or Nikki's bluntness, or Chris' strength. For me, it was even harder to life without the kindness and innocence of people like Angelo and Jeremy, but we didn't lose their light in our lives. Their legacy, their story, and their morals continue to guide us every single day."

"Amen to that." Josh responded, raising his glass.

There wasn't any alcohol in it, obviously, but Chris would've preferred an alcoholic free toast in his name. We clinked our glasses together in honor of our fallen. People may never see them as heroes, but I do. They sacrificed more in their life than anyone could ever imagine. No one will know their stories, unfortunately, except us. I once wrote in my journal that if anyone ever took one thing away from my story, it would be this; Fight.

Fight like Hell. Don't ever let doubt tear you down. I have been to Hell and back. I may not be the Devil, but I did fuck him. I've laid in the bed of pure evil, looked it in the eyes, and I survived. You can get through anything as long as you fight. Never let yourself run out of steam. Even when all is hopeless, when you lose everything, when you're all alone, keep running on fumes. It's worth it, trust me. I've said it before, but I will say it again.

Nothing in life is easy. Nothing in life that is free is worth having. You have to work to put a smile on. Don't ever except anything to be handed to you and maintain your loyalties. Life is an uphill battle and if you don't have someone to catch you when you fall, you'll never reach the top. As someone who has reached the top and found their peak, it's definitely worth it.

Fight. Fight like Hell.

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