Favourite colour - Ikarishipping

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"Okay! My turn!" Dawn chirped. She and Paul were walking home together for the first time after becoming an official couple. Dawn decided to ask each other simple questions, to get to know their partner better.
"Hm, what's your favourite colour?" she asked, after thinking for a while.
"Take a guess."
"Yellow!" she said. Paul looked surprised. It didn't sound like she was guessing, but knew it for sure.
"Yeah, you're right" Paul answered with a soft smile.
"Your turn!"

The sun was setting. Paul was walking home as he just dropped Dawn of at her house. He passed a few shops and stopped when something caught his eye. He walked by this place daily, but he never saw the yellow vase in the corner of the display. He stared at it for a while, when a man walked outside of the shop.
"Are you going to enter? I was actually just planning to close" he said looking at Paul.
"Oh, no, I was just looking" Paul answered. The man nodded and Paul continued to walk home.

The small vase wasn't the only thing Paul noticed on his way home. He caught himself staring at the yellow t-shirt of a boy he passed. He also stood still for a while as he passed the flower shop, looking at the big sunflowers stalled outside.

Paul felt uneasy as he entered his house. The hall felt empty. As he continued to his living room, he grew more annoyed.
"What's wrong?" Reggie asked, looking at his younger brother's annoyed face.
"There's too little yellow in our house" he simply answered.
"What? Yellow?" Reggie asked confused. Paul and yellow?
"Yellow" Paul replied.
"I thought you always said you didn't have a favourite colour."
"Well now I do."
"Why yellow?"
"Is it because of your girlfriend?" Reggie asked with a sly smile.
"None of your business" Paul replied turning away. He didn't want his brother to see the slight pink tone that appeared on his cheeks.
"If you say so" Reggie said, knowing he was right.

"So, can we add more yellow details?" Paul asked picking up the previous conversation again.
"If that makes you happy, sure." It was only a small detail, a stranger wouldn't even have noticed it, but Reggie saw his brothers eye soften a bit, and smiling slightly.

"How cute" Reggie muttered.

Hello. I wrote something. Finally. I know it's nothing much, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Even though it sucks. Gaah, I really need to improve. I hate my stupid limited vocabulary.


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