Christmas Eve

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A/N: Sup, so I'm not dead just haven't updated in weeks. But, since it's the last episode of the season today I thought 'why not?'. Also, I heard Pearl Mackie is going to be in it and I'm so excited because I love her! 


"Have you wrapped the presents yet?!" I shout into the bedroom

"No!" Jonny quickly responds, panic evident in his voice

"I need to get ready!" I lean against the wall by the door where it's ever so slightly ajar

"Give me two minutes!"

"Fine," I grab my phone to send a quick message to my brothers and Lucy, telling them I'll be a bit later than the rest of them. We planned Christmas eve drinks since we'll all be in different places tomorrow. Jacob with his wife and 3-year-old, Harrison with his boyfriend, Noah with his wife, Lucas with his girlfriend's family, our parents away in Spain and Lucy with her family considering she isn't related to us at all. She's an old school friend and my 'best' friend if I liked that term. I'll be with The Goodman family tomorrow and Jonny tried to prepare me for the worst, both his grandmothers might be there and I've never met 'horrible' grandma before so I'm a bit worried even if Jonny assured me that she's ill.

"Done," Jonny announces, exiting the bedroom, a small blue box in his hand

"I thought we agreed no presents until tomorrow evening," I sigh as he grabs my hand

"I know, but this is special," Jonny drags me over to the sofa, letting me sit down before presenting the box to me. The box which looked suspiciously like a ring box, I take it and raise an eyebrow.

"Jonny..." I start, scared of what's inside "I thought we agreed - "

"Yeah I know! No proposing yet. But it's not what you think it is, well its kind of is but also isn't," he tries to explain and I smile, slowly taking apart the ribbon and then ripping through the paper to reveal a Pandora box. I look up again and Jonny nods for me to continue so I do so and as I open the box; I'm greeted by a small ring which resembles a tiara.

"Oh my god," I mutter

"It's the one you keep looking at in the shops, right?"

"Yeah," I nod, still in shock

"It's like a promise ring. Because if we're not getting engaged now, I promise we will be at some point," I look up at him and can tell he's nervous "Is that okay? Because I know that we're still - "

"It's more that okay," I promise, pressing a soft kiss to his lips "definitely more than okay," the moment is interrupted by my phone going off and I sigh "It's Noah, I'm really running late," Jonny checks his own phone

"Shit, so am I,"

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