How we met

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"If I hear that bloody Jingle one more time!" I scream after turning off the radio

"What are you screaming about?" Jonny asks, coming out of my bedroom with wet hair and a towel. I just point to the radio and he smiles before dropping his towel into the washing basket.

"Can't you just ask your brother to get a less annoying job?" I jump up onto the counter by the kettle and Jonny reaches past me to turn it on, I grab his hands so they're resting on my waist and he rolls his eyes before kissing me on the forehead "like, I'm gonna have those 3 notes stuck in my head for the next 5 hours now,"

"Sorry babe," Jonny gets 2 mugs out and  I jump off the counter, walking over to the sofa where 3 blankets were still screwed up in the corner from last night's cuddling session "although," Jonny suddenly starts, still making tea and probably toast "without his crappy job where he gets paid in potatoes. We'd never have met,"

"Shit, I forgot about that!" I laugh remembering the awkward situation in a pub a few years ago "you had such a crush on me!"

"I did not!" he tries to protest and I roll my eyes.


2 years ago - 

I laugh fakely at a shit joke my boss made and search around for all immediate exits so I can make a quick escape.

"Well done Lizzie for finding us a cheap arse to write us our new jingle!" one of my co-workers shouts and I laugh before looking back at the entrance "I mean, we just had to give him a tenner and he gets free haircuts!" She keeps making fun of Adam and I just smile before I notice two people in the corner, one being Adam glaring at us.

"Well fuck," I mutter before grabbing my purse and walking over to the bar "vodka and coke please," I smile politely and hand over the money. I can feel eyes on me so look back over to Adam and his rather good-looking mate next to him.

They seem to be arguing over something and then Adam stands up, dragging the dude with him towards me "See! She's the one who hired me! Lizzie, I'm so sorry but please tell my dickhead of a brother that you hired me and I actually got paid,"

Oh, so it's his brother

"Um yeah, paid in free haircuts and 10 quid," I smirk and His brother starts laughing, my smirk turns into a smile when I hear it.

"Hang on, so she hired you!" Jonny points between us "you got played!"

"What! No, I didn't!"

"You did hear what they were saying earlier right?" I ask

"No," Adam tries to deny

"Oh, there he is!" my co-worker from earlier screams, pointing to him "the bloke Lizzie tricked! You're why she's now head of marketing for us!" I down my drink and Adam's brother watches in awe when I slam it on the counter. Adam storms over to the table.

"I'm um..." he starts to introduce himself "Jonny," he puts his hand out and I shake it

"Any reason you were staring at me earlier?" he seems called out and stutters for a moment

"I mean um... you're very attractive and err," he pauses and I smirk "it's always a pleasure to meet someone who actually wants to hire my older brother,"

"Oh, so what do you do then?" I ask casually

"Estate agent,"


"What?" before I can answer, we hear Adam scream and we run over to stop my boss from literally beating the shit out of him. Although, it was mainly Jonny egging my boss on and me physically dragging Adam out by his collar.

After I fixed Adam's nose bleed. Jonny offered to walk me back home since I was 2 drinks away from being pissed as a fart.

"What did you mean being an Estate Agent is boring," I laugh

"It's just a bit of a job for a twat,"

"I'm not a twat!" I raise an eyebrow and smirk "I can prove it,"

"Oh yeah?" we stop at my apartment block "how?"

"I'll take you on a date,"

"Yeah, and?"

"wait, you're not disagreeing to this?"

"Well done. What else are you going to do?" we start at each other for a moment before I start to lean in

"and, " Jonny starts "I'm not going to kiss you until we've been on at least one date," he then grabs my phone and I assume he's putting his phone number whilst sulk about not getting my kiss "goodnight Lizzie," He kisses my cheek and strolls off both cockily and nervously.


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