Mother Dearest

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"What on earth are you wearing?" I spin around at the familiar voice

"Mother dearest!" I walk towards her, taking the suitcase from her "how was the train?"

"Well, Harrison can't afford to pay his rent so has moved back in and was playing guitar all night so...Tiering,"

"Well," I start, opening the boot of Jonny's car "I'm sure judging my dress sense has already made you feel better,"

"What is that coat though?"

"I had to buy it for work. They want me too be more fashionable as head of marketing,"

"how's that going by the way?" I climb into the driver's seat and start the engine

"eh, first few weeks were hell, but I've intimidated everyone who works for me by now,"

"sounds like you," she laughs "you and Jonny doing okay?"

"I am driving his car so I'd assume so,"

"is he still basically living with you rent free?" she says casually

"Christ Mum!"


"that's my boyfriend you're talking about! You can't say that!"

"sorry," she says boredly "So this wedding..."

"Just turn the music on please," she obliges and 'Fuck you' by Lily Allen turns on "that's fitting," I mutter, having forgotten I'd put her album in this morning.


"This one?" I ask, spinning around in a red knee length dress and Mum raises her eyebrow 

"you've said no to every one!"

"they all..."

"Make me look 'on the larger side'! as you keep reminding me!"

"I'm sorry sweetheart," I groan and fall onto the bed where me and Jonny had laid comfortable earlier, oh to go back to 5 hours ago.

We finally reach an agreement on a dress and we're sat choosing jewellery "You're seriously wearing that necklace?"

"yes!" I pick up the lightbulb on the chain and look down "Lucas made it for me for my 15th birthday,"

"yes, but it's a bit ugly..."

"Earrings!" I shout "these?" I bring up a pair of gold stars

"what's the theme for the wedding again?"


"what is it actually?"

"red roses,"



We finally agree on something and the mood for the rest of the day is lightened. Now, we sit opposite each other in a cheap coffee place, both harbouring warm cups of English Breakfast tea.

"So, when am I going to meant Jonny's family?"

"never," I mumble into my mug

"Um, I don't know. I go around for dinner every..."

"oh! That reminds me!" she brings out her phone "I've decided we should monthly do dinner at the house! It has to be a day you and all your brothers are free. So far next Friday is it. I'm also thinking we all dress nicely. And no jeans allowed,"

"um, actually Mum. It's Jonny's brother's birthday next Friday,"


"I was going to go around,"

"But I haven't seen you all together in so long! None of the boy's partners will be there," I contemplate it, I missed my brother s so much. Sure, two live near me her in London. But Woking was only half an hour from Waterloo on train.



If any of you want to see what Lizzie wears to the wedding, here you go:

Tell me if you'd want to see parts of the wedding, I might put them in but I don't know.

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