New Job

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a/n: this bits a bit short but I really didn't know what to write for this filler chapter. Do you guys still like having a short little domestic chapter between episodes?

Also, this chapter is in 3rd person, I started writing it like this and so thought I'd just publish it. I'm thinking of starting to write in 3rd person once season 4 starts as I prefer it. let me know what you think!

Also also (sorry!), I'm unsure what to do wedding wise. I find writing weddings really uncomfortable for some reason. I was thinking of just making them get married, then just use the episode 'Congratulations' to announce it. I know an author has already done this, but obviously I'd put my only spin on it. What would you guys think about that? Or would you prefer something else? I'm open to ideas. 


"You'd think it'd be easy to get a new job," Jonny sighs. It was Saturday and they were in the kitchen. Jonny's sat at the dining table on his laptop and Lizzie's leaning against the kitchen counter wearing some blue jeans and Jonny's green sweater from yesterday.

"If there's no jobs going, there's no jobs going," Lizzie shrugs and walks over to the dining table, taking a sip of her tea before placing it down.

She wraps her arms around Jonny and kisses his cheek "You've been looking all morning love,"

"I need to find one," he sighs, clearly determined "I've been looking the last two weeks,"

"There probably just aren't jobs going at the moment," Lizzie repeated "Don't stress about it,"

"But-" Lizzie has to kiss him to shut him up

"Look, I make enough money for the both of us at the moment, keep looking, but don't stress,"

"What, you want me to stay at home and be a housewife?" Jonny laughs

"Yeah," Lizzie grins "You can do the cooking and cleaning and I'll spend hours at work and never come home,"

"Oh yeah, that sounds great," The two laugh and Lizzie slowly shuts Jonny's laptop

"Come and watch Four in a Bed with me," she whispers

"Fine," Jonny groans and Lizzie grins, pulling him up, grabbing her Doctor Who mug and dragging him to the sofa.

"When are we going to tell my mum about y'know," he gestures to her left hand, where her engagement ring is

"Never?" Lizzie laughs "No, I don't know," she falls onto the sofa, putting her feet on Jonny's lap "She'll make a big deal and I don't know...I like us being in our own little world for a bit,"

"Remember how she got at Christmas about the promise ring?" Jonny laughs and Lizzie groans

"I can't deal with that," Lizzie teas a deep breath, thinking "I mean, she'd be expecting it right, we've been dating for 4 years,"

"God four years," Jonny portents to be grumpy "I've been stuck with you for that long?"

"Oi!" she kicks him gently "You love me!"

"I do," Jonny smiles slightly and Lizzie sits up to kiss him, it's slow and meaningful and Lizzie cups his face in her hands before stopping and whispering

"Give me a week,". 

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