The Dinner

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A/N: So, I tried to write 'The Girlfriend' but I just find that episode far too uncomfortable to do, I'm so sorry! But, instead I give you the first Friday Night Dinner Lizzie ever goes to.


Since I'm starting to write a new season, I'm thinking about splitting the episode's into two. This would mean that updates may be quicker but each chapter (based off an episode) would be around the length of this chapter - maybe longer. Would you guys like that or prefer longer updates and the whole episode in one chapter? Please let me know!

3 years ago -

"So," Jonny starts for the 3rd time tonight "Mum will ask super personal questions, Dad will talk about physics, Adam will try and embarrass me,"

"Jonny," I say softly, grabbing his hand in his car "You've explained this all to me, you don't have to worry about them. It's me and my mass swearing you have to worry about,"

"Nah," he says quickly, before leaning over to kiss me. I'm pretty sure he's just wasting time, but I'm not complaining.

"Are you two just going to have sex in the car or actually come inside?!" Adam taps on my window and me and Jonny jump apart.

"Piss off!" Jonny shouts

"Mum's been watching you two from the dining room for the last 10 minutes," Adam explains before walking back inside

"Come on," I give a tug on Jonny's hand and he sighs before letting me go. I get out the car and grab the flowers from the back before linking my left arm with Jonny as we walk forward and the door suddenly flies open before we can even ring the doorbell.

"Lizzie!" Jackie shouts happiliy, brining me in for a hug immediately "I'm so happy you could finally make it!"

"We got you some flowers," I smile passing them to her "Well, I got you some flowers whilst Jonny stood there clueless,"

"Sounds like him!" she laughs, taking them from me "Thank you sweetie," she kisses my cheek and shuts the door behind me and Jonny, who takes my leather jacket off for me and hangs it up. I look around the house and find candles and flowers everywhere and classical music is coming from somewhere.

"Mum..." he starts quietly, clearly also noticing the same things as me

"Have they stopped snogging in the car?!" Martin shouts as he enters the hallway

"Yes, we have," I confirm

"Looked like you two were really getting it on," he jokes before doing clawing motions "raw raw,"

"Dad!" Jonny shouts embarrassed

"Brilliant," I comment as Adam does the same from a doorway but with 'Amazing' instead.

"Right, Martin," Jackie starts, pushing him into the kitchen "Away you go," Adam follows his parents into the kitchen, giving me and Jonny a sarcastic smile.

"Babe, how about you sit in the living room. I'll be right back," he pushes me into said room, turning off the radio as he does so.

"Great," I comment, sitting down and looking around the room where family photos are lined on a wall by the sofa I'm not sat on. There are also small framed photos on the mantel piece and I catch sign of a photo album on top on a puff, oh she was more than prepared to embarrass Jonny.

It takes a good 3 minutes before Jonny enters the room again, his family following "Sorry babe," he kisses my cheek and sits next to me, Adam deliberately sitting on his left knee instead of the spare set "Get off me!" Jonny pushes him off as he laughs.

"So..." Martin starts, sitting next to his cheerful wife "How do you feel about Albert Einstein..." he goes to say my name but trails off, Jackie whispers it to him "Eliza?"




"Lizzie!" Jackie shouts "ignore him,"

"How long have Jonny and his female been courting?" Martin asks his wife, thinking he's quiet

"Well, why don't you ask them, not me,"

"Jonny, how long have you and your female been courting?"

"Female," I mumble

"Courting, "Adam also mumbles

"Around a month," Jonny lies and I smirk, he'd been adamant to not tell his mother that we'd been dating much longer since she'd freak out.

"You've been hiding her from us for a month?" Jackie says shocked

"I know right! You'd think he was embarrassed!" I laugh as Jonny's face reddens so I kiss his cheek affectionately and Jackie 'awes'.

"Where're you from then?" Jackie asks curiously

"Surrey," they look a bit clueless "You know, Guilford, The Surrey hills,"

"It's mainly full of posh people, but we just got unlucky enough to live near all the..." I try to think of a nicer word than 'absolute dickfaces,"

"All the...?" Adam prompts

"Cock monkeys," I accidently say. At least its no dickfaces "sorry," I quickly apologise as Jackie laughs

"Don't worry dear. It's a nice change from the regular 'shit on it' we hear,"

"So, do you have a siblings?" Adam asks, being sort of nice

"Four older brothers," I answer as Jackie gasps

"The only girl, and the youngest?"

"Yep, that's what having four older brothers means," I mutter, putting emphasis on the 'older brothers' part as Jonny laughs.

"Your poor mother," Jackie says sympathetically "you know, we -"

"Wish you had girls?" the two brother's chorus and I laugh


The five of us are sat around the dinner table, me next to Martin and Jonny opposite me. Bit weird seating...

"Lovely bit of squirrel," Martin compliments and I look up to Jonny in confusion, hoping to god it was a joke. 'It's fine' he mouths and I continue shoving my face full. Jackie Goodman certainly knew how to cook.

"Oh! I forgot to ask how you two met," Jackie realises

"Oh, we don't need to hear that," Adam quickly tries to stop either me or Jonny telling her. I suppose it would be quite embarrassing to hear how you got in a bar fight and that's how your brother met his girlfriend

"Don't be silly bobble, I want to hear!" Jackie turns to face me

"You know Jonny hasn't got a real job?!" Adam tries to change the subject

"Yeah actually," I nod "but an estate agent is better than writing jingles and being paid in 10 quid and free haircuts,"

"What?" Jackie asks me and Jonnie smirks

"Lizzie hired Adam, that's how we met,"

"Oh yeah, that leads us on to when Adam got in a fight with my boss," I smile as me and Jonny tell the story, equal amounts of sarcasm

"What?!" Jackie asks her oldest son

"It wasn't my fault!"

"It so was," I laugh into my wine glass "Anyway, me and Jonny had to make sure Adam wasn't killed and things developed from there,"

"Adam," Jackie says in shock "I can't believe you!"

"Mum," he groans "I'm supposed to be embarrassing Pissface in front of his girlfriend, not her embarrassing me!"

"Sorry," I fake apologise as Adam takes a sip of his water then spits it out

"You knob!" Jonny laughs as Adam salts his drink whilst he's distracted. Jonny takes a sip then spits it out

"You Bastard"


I'm helping Jackie make tea for everyone whilst Jonny goes off to do something to Adam.

"So, what is your job?" Jackie asks as I lean against a counter

"Oh, I'm in charge of marketing for a small hairdressers. All I do now is cut hair though - I'm hoping to find a new job so I can actually work properly and understand business better,"

"Marketing sounds so interesting,"

"It is! That's why I want to end up working in central London at some point since that's where you really start to compete with other companies,"

"Well, I'm sure you'll get there. You seem incredibly smart sweetie,"

"Aw, thank you," The doorbell goes and I hear Jonny go to answer it.

"Would you mind telling Jonny to hurry up? I don't want you getting lonely,"

"You're good company," I promise "but sure," I go into the hallway where Jonny is talking to a man with a dog and large glasses.

"That's. That's a guest," the man points to me and I link arms with Jonny

"Uh, yeah Jim, this is my girlfriend -Lizzie,"

"Lizzie," The man draws out

"That's me,"

"Jim's our neighbour,"



I look up at Jonny  "Your mum wanted me to tell you to hurry up, I don't think she wasn't to risk your dad saying something that might drive me away,"

"Cool," he mutters before turning to Jim "Sorry Jim, but I really do have to go,"

"What about -"

"Bye!" Jonny shuts the door in his face

"What was that about?"

"He wants my mum to scratch his back,"


"Long story," he wraps his arms around my side and I lean on his chest "So, has my family driven you to break up with me?"

"Na," I look up at him "they seem like really nice people,"

"Hm," he leans down and kisses me

"Ew Pissface is snogging his girlfriend in the hallway!" Adam shouts

"Aw Adam, leave them alone!" Jackie shouts out, clearly thinking we can't hear them "I want grandchildren! And they'd better be Lizzie's children!"

"Oh great. She's already past the wedding planning stage," Jonny grumbles and I laugh, giving him one more peck on the lips.


A/N- Sorry nothing huge happens, but I did what I could with my imagination and how the show works (along with the comments left on 'The Mouse'. Thank you so much for reading!

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