The Loft

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A/N: Votes and comments mean a lot! I know how annoying these notices get and I'm sorry, but just little comments on paragraphs or certain lines said fill me with so much happiness, it doesn't have o be a long detailed comment.

My phone beeps again with yet another notification from Jonny. I stayed to what I said last week and didn't go over for dinner with his family, I'm sure Jackie knows that something's wrong at this point. He hasn't improved, he keeps going out and i'm stuck in the flat or at work, wondering what he's doing and doubting our relationship; whenever I bring it up calmly, it turns into an explosive argument. I just want my boyfriend back.

I decide I won't ignore this text like the others and pick my phone up before spinning in my chair to look out over London. I've been working in the main offices  for the last couple of weeks since the PR team is in desperate need of help and the Marketing department has greatly improved since I was put in charge, so they've been working perfectly fine whilst I've been gone.

I ignore all the other messages and my eyes are drawn to the most recent one

Twat - They're taking me to the Walk-in centre


Me - I'm coming you fucking moron


"Okay, so first I'm going to have to give it an x-ray," the doctor tells Jonny and I stand by his other 'dislocated' arm, he'd told me about  his plan of get out of clearing the loft yesterday "and while we're there, we'll take a look at the other one,"

"Sorry, the other one?" 

"Yes, the other one," Adam says smugly as I smirk 

"Well, the thing is. It's actually starting to feel a lot better," He starts taking his arm out, doing it slowly and showing the doctor it can move properly

"Really? It's a miracle," I say sarcastically

"Yeah, it feels a lot better actually. I think I'm eh, cured doctor," he moves his hand around "yeah really yeah, thanks. Thank you,"

The doctor gets paged and leaves "One moment please,"

"Great isn't it," Jonny says nervously to his parents

"Oh, how hospitals do cure you," I joke

"Okay, what's going on?" Jackie asks

"With what?" I ask "Jonny's suddenly cured arm or..." I trail off, 

"Jonny was pretending to have a bad shoulder all night to get out if doing the loft," Adam tells them before Jackie can answer me

"I can't believe you Jonny. You bloody little liar! First you tell us Lizzie's got the flu and that's why she can't come, then she turns up perfectly fine and in work clothes,"

"What?!" I turn to him "why'd you say that?"

Well, well y'know,"

"What? You didn't want to tell her you fucked up by sucking up to your boss and forgetting about your girlfriend and have forced our relationship to be on the rocks, so instead you told your mother I had the fucking flu?!"

"Well, Adam didn't call Val's niece back after he slept with her..."

Martin stands up and slaps Adam "You're not to sleep with mum's friends!"

"Not Val! Val's niece!"

"Oh, in that case well done," he shakes his hand

"One minute," Jackie stands "you slept with Val's niece?"

"Only a bit,"

"A bit?!"

"Yeah, and he didn't call her back because she smelt like you mum," Jonny 

"You didn't call her back because she smelt like me?"


"What's wrong with my smell?"

"Nothing, when it's on you,"

"What was the problem?" Martin asks

"She smells like Jackie," I tell him 

"Ugh, smells like Jackie," 

The conversation develops onto Jackie and Martin's argument, I haven't read the texts so don't know what's going on.

"Lady Di," He tells us who whatever sexual thing he did was with

"What?" The three of us asked at once

"Lady Di," he repats

"Lady Di?"

"Lady Di as in, the Lady Di?"

"Lady Diana?  Lady Diana Spencer?" I double check

"Yes! Lady bleedin' Diana Spencer! Lady Di,"

"You see?!" Jackie turns to us

"I dreamt I was in a bath of milk with Lady Di,"

"Sorry, what?" 

"I dreamt I was having a milk bath - "

"A milk Bath?" Jonny asks in disgust


"Did he say dreamt?" I turn to Adam and Jonny

"Yes! With Lady DI!"

"It was a dream?!"

"All about your Dad, and Lady Diana Spencer, Naked, Naked!" Jackie repeats, wagging her finger "In a bath, of milk,"

"But in a dream?"

"You see, it was nothing!"

"It was not nothing, it was you and Lady DI!"

"In my head!" he stands up "In my fast asleep head, It's completely different from real life!"

"In your head, In a bath? It's the same thing!"

"It's really not the same thing," I tell her

"Sorry, but that's what you've been arguing about the whole night, Dad's stupid dream?"

"Well, you've messed up your relationship with Lizzie and destroyed my only chance of grandchildren! It's not like Adam's going to give me any!"

"That's what your focusing on now?!" 

"Incredible," Adam mutters


"Incredible," I finish and Jackie and Martin stare at each other, Martin puts his hand on Jackie's crossed arms and it seems that's his version of an apology.

"Actually, it really was incredible," he mentions the dream again and Jackie rolls her eyes.

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