The Meeting

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A/N: Thanks so much @FANGIRLGRYFFINDOR who inspired me for what happens in this chapter when I asked for ideas, for when Lizzie first goes to Dinner. I am still looking for ideas if any of you have some since the actual dinner will be after 'The Girlfriend'.

3 years ago -

Me and Lucy are lounging on the sofa of our shared flat in our pyjamas. Lucy's painting my toe nails in a bright yellow and I'm eating out of a chocolate fudge brownie ice cream tub.

"How're you and Jonny?" Lucy asks, fully concentrated on the nail polish.

"Good," I try to respond through a mouthful

"Have you met his family yet?"


"Lizzie," she laughs "you've been together for 6 months and you haven't met his parents. Isn't that a sign?"

"Not really. I've met his brother - Who doesn't actually know we're dating - and he's met my mum,"

"That's only because she turned up here saying she was staying the night randomly whilst he was here,"

"Yeah..." I mutter, remembering the exact situation before I'm interrupted by my phone ringing "Hello?" I answer.

"Have you got the script for Romeo and Juliet?"

"How about, 'Hi Lizzie, I know it's your girl's night with Lucy and I'm meant to be at my parents...'"

"Sorry!" he quickly apologises "It's really important,"

"Luce," I start and she looks up at me "Have you still got the Romeo and Juliet script from that play you did?"

"Um yeah. Why?"

"Why?" I ask my boyfriend

"Is that her?!" A woman's voice rings out and I assume it's his mother

"Yes mum!"

"Oh, let me speak to her!"

"No!" I hear some form of fighting and shouting "Do you want to prove Adam wrong or not?!"

"Fine!" she grumbles

"Lucy has one but you're gonna have to come get it,"

"Great! Love you!"


We've finally settled back into the sofa comfortably after searching for Lucy's script and then giving it to Jonny, when my phone rings again.

"I'm going to kill him," I mumble as I answer again "Hello?"

"Do you have toilet roll,"

"Of course I have toilet roll you moron,"

Throughout the night Jonny keeps calling me, asking for random things
"Do you have a collinear?"
"An Umbrella?"
"A fake house plant?"
"A hair crimper?"
"Do you have a rake?"

"No!" I shout, now comfortably under a blanket

"She doesn't have a rake," Jonny tells someone

"Why doesn't she have a bleedin' rake?!" A man asks

"My father is inquiring why you don't own a rake,"

"Um, maybe because I live in a flat and have no need for one,"

"She does live in a flat dad," Jonny explains and I can hear his father groan

"Does she have a fork then?"

"We have forks!"

"They won't do. I need one your mother won't notice is missing,"

"I don't think she's going to notice one missing fork," Adam says

"You don't know the woman like I do!"

"Can you bring us a fork please?" Jonny asks exasperated

"Bring you it?"

"My mum can't know we're leaving,"

"What do I get out of it?"

"Things I can't say in front of my father," he whispers and I laugh

"Fine. Send me the address and I'll ask Lucy to drive me,"

"Love you!"

"Love you too," I hang up and look over to Lucy who groans

"Where am I taking you?"


I stand outside the Goodman house, now in some leggings with a black hoodie chucked over my t-shirt. I ring the doorbell and it takes a while for someone to answer, I turn around and sarcastically wave and Lucy who's waiting in the car, she smirks and waves back.

"Jonny has erectile dysfunction!" A voice shouts and I turn back around to be greeted by Adam

"Does he?! How on earth has he developed that it less than 24 hours?" I ask in fake shock as I hear Jonna arguing with someone in what I assume is the bathroom

"Lizzie? You're Lizzie?" Adam stares in shock

"Yes Adam, we have met,"

"I know! How'd he manage that?!"

"I can't really remember, I was drunk when we first met,"

"Ugh, Dad!" Jonny comes out of the loo and I hear the toilet flush "oh, Lizzie," he says in shock when he sees me, quickly coming to the door "What's pussface been saying to you?"

"Nothing!" Adam defends before a man comes out of the loo shirtless.

"Is that her?!" he points

"Um, yes,"

"Good," he comes forward "Martin Goodman, the father" he says in a posh voice

"Rather formal for a man without a shirt. Lizzie Anderson, Jonny's girlfriend," I mock

"Do you have it?" he whispers


"The fork, do you have it?"

"Yeah," I reach into the pocket in my hoodie and bring out the silver fork, passing it to him

"Thanks," and then he's off, hurrying away into a different room.

"Is that her?!" The woman from the phone shouts, running into the hallway "oh my!" she says when she sees me

"Hi," I wave and she rushes forward, pushing in front of Jonny and brining me in for a hug, I respond and give Jonny a look over her shoulder he mouths a 'sorry'.

"I'm Jackie!" she introduces "You must be Lizzie!"


"Oh, I couldn't believe it when he phoned you. Adam said you weren't real,"

"Yeah well -" I start but Lucy honks her horn "...So sorry to cut this sort, but I have another tub of chocolate ice cream waiting for me,"

"Oh, of course!" Jackie coos "We have to have you for dinner at some point. Now we know you actually exist, you're not escaping!" she laughs and I smile, looking up at Jonny for help.

"Mum, would you mind if I say bye to Lizzie,"

"Oh of course! She walks away happily, Adam following "Oh, my youngest son has a girlfriend!"

"Sorry about that,"

"She seems nice, I don't know why you were hiding me from them," Jonny wraps his arms around me

"They're a bit...Insane,"

"Aren't all families?"

"True," he gives me a peck on the lips which turns heated as I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands wander down

"I want to go home!" Lucy shouts through the window suddenly

"I got to go," I tell Jonny

"Love you,"

"Love you too," I walk back over to Lucy's car and get in.

"So?" She asks when I sit back in the passenger seat

"I met his parents,"

"And?" I turn away from her, looking to the front door where Jackie is waving happily, Jonny and Adam are fighting and Martin is squirting Ketchup into his mouth, I smile,

"I think I might just fit in,"

"Yeah, you're fucking insane,"

"Thanks for ruining the moment," I mutter as she laughs whilst she drives off.

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